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Author Topic: [Closed] BETA 6 of DeltaGliderIV  (Read 37229 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #75 - 07 April 2007, 03:35:40
hfbldprince a écrit:
did not reproduce... maybe i was too low for the parachute to slow down enough...

Wasn't a bug then but an accident... some people even die
when they fall on floor so ejecting at 50 m/s 8o


Offline picto

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Reply #76 - 07 April 2007, 03:47:23
Des mille et unes façons de mourir, je me suis beaucoup amusé à les tuer tous dans des
situations invraisemblables ... et c'était très étonnant de voir les différences de résultat
sur qui des cinq présents à bord y laissait sa peau ou survivait. vitesse altitude attitude
... etc ... autant de facteurs qui font que le résultat n'est jamais le même.


Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #77 - 07 April 2007, 06:05:15
CTD: In free space, depressurise cabin, and then unlock & open canopy. eject.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #78 - 07 April 2007, 06:21:08
Guess what ?, it work on mine...

reproduce, details precise  blabla...

again to be clear: if I can't reproduce it's impossible for me to clear it.


Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 06:22 )

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #79 - 07 April 2007, 06:27:01
o.O Okay, those are the conditions I tested. I'm going back to testing again, maybe there's a factor I missed.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #80 - 07 April 2007, 06:40:43
First things to do is to reproduce it, if you can't please don't
even post, it's a waste of time that serve no purpose and it stress me...
If you can reproduce please give *precise* procedure how I can do that.

Maybe you can print my post in 500px arial and stick it on the wall ? ;)

from your IP you seem from west coast US, there is probably 12'000 km beetween
you and me, I really can't guess what happen in the 32'000 lines of code of DGIV
that run at 12'000 km from me with poor informations.

This site's not called "Dan's divination page" :)

Much Thanks !


Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #81 - 07 April 2007, 06:44:36
West coast US? South of the UK, you're off by a few megameters!

But I get you're point about me not being the best beta tester. I am trying! (to be better)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #82 - 07 April 2007, 06:51:36
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
West coast US? South of the UK, you're off by a few megameters!

Ooops my error, checked only and the connexion passed by sunnywale west coast,
I missed the yellow're near Brighton (50.833N,   0.150W) right ?

that's still make about 1000km ;)

Best & Thanks !


Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 06:53 )

Offline Travis Reed

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Reply #83 - 07 April 2007, 07:56:37
What tool are you using to trace IPs Dan?

And, I've been quiet on the beta testing (posting) front because I haven't encountered any bugs yet, although, by far, I've
not yet put the craft through her paces...

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #84 - 07 April 2007, 08:56:02
neotrace it


Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #85 - 07 April 2007, 12:04:00
Here's one I can and have replicated: On any celestial body without an atmosphere, eject whilst sub orbital or landed. Whiles
crew can grab trubopacks & each other to save themselves, pilot is screwed. flies straight up, and comes straight back down
again with nothing to protect him.

Maybe some kind of airbag is in order?

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Offline dudrea

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Reply #86 - 07 April 2007, 14:03:53

Personnal scenario : un journey to Mars with two vessels : DGIV (loaded wit a B38 -fife support- payload)  and simultanous a
SH cargo full loaded to give resupply possibility on Mars.

due to a little mistake, DGIV arrived in a low Mars Orbit 30 days before the SH. unfortunately O2 reserve on DGIV was only 20

I tried a last chance manoeuvre : release the B38 Paylod, dock on it and was so able to resupply O2 tank.

Miracle !!  O2 reserve on the B38 appear to be unlimited (6 month minimum....)
Second miracle the same occurs for fuel : B38 (-so named "life supposrt payload" contains also an unlimited supply of fuel !

i'll put the B38 in the cargo bay again and can then dispose of infinite reserve  ;-)

Another remark : N2 consumption is negligible, even after 6 month. Of course, I know that N2 is'nt usedby vital function and
can be recycled, by I suppose it could exist any losses. And if not what is the utility for two N2 tanks of such a capacity ?

Have a good day


Offline Mok

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Reply #87 - 07 April 2007, 15:00:55
Sry for bad english.

For unlimited fuel and O² when docked. It's know. It's not only for cargo. It's the same with another ship or station.

For N², it is used for airlock (refill) and cabin pressure.
Test with an edited scenario. Open canopy, in scena file and launch mission. When you close canopy, the cabin refill herself
and take some N² in tank.


Dan ya un truc qui me chiffone. Je possède une des premières béta du DGIV (avant que tu ferme la béta).
Quand on dépressurise la cabine avec les boutons de réglage, bon l'air se vide ok.
Mais la T°c reste la même (+24° environ)... normalement dans le vide, la T°c est très basse, non ?

De même dans l'espace, on dépressurise la cabine. Un fois cela fait, on devrait pouvoir ouvrir le cockpit sans qu'il casse,
non ? (ben oui vu qu'il n'y a plus de différence de pression entre extérieur et intérieur)
Or ce n'est pas le cas..... Le cockpit explose quand même...

Et quand quand on est dépressurisé / cockpit ouvert (seat belt on bien sur pour pas mourrir), ne pourrait-on pas ouvrir les 2
portes du sas ? Il n'y a aucun risque a ouvrir si extérieur et intérieur sont à la même pression. (cf sur Terre docké sur

Offline dudrea

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Reply #88 - 07 April 2007, 16:35:31

In EVA, I have grasped a payload to push it back in the cargo bay.
The pay load is transparent in EVA view !!! (More easy to pilot it !)


Offline dudrea

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Reply #89 - 07 April 2007, 17:29:08
Dan ya un truc qui me chiffone. Je possède une des premières béta du DGIV (avant que tu ferme la béta).
Quand on dépressurise la cabine avec les boutons de réglage, bon l'air se vide ok.
Mais la T°c reste la même (+24° environ)... normalement dans le vide, la T°c est très basse, non ?



Cel ne me paraît pas si aberrant. La température c'est d'une certaine façon la vitesse moyenne d'agitation des molécules.
Dans le vide par définition plus de molécule et la notion de vitesse moyenne, donc de température, n'a plus de sens. Ce qui
peut causer ce "malentendu" c'est qu'en effet un corps exposé au vide va perdre de la température par rayonnement et ne sera
plus réchauffé par la conduction ambiante.   Maintenant si le thermomètre est par exemple un thermouple, à mon avis il risque
d'afficher un peu n'importe quoi, donc pourquoi pas rester sur la dernière valeur enregistrée.

En revanche j'ai remarqué aussi que si on baisse la pression dans la cabine, (ou plus exactement le produit pression*taux
d'O2), la consommation d'O2 ne semble pas en être affectée (j'avais tenté ce coup là pour économiser un peu tout en restant
dans des limites admissibles pour des personnes au repos, mais cela ne marche pas ;-)


Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #90 - 07 April 2007, 17:43:29
dudrea wrote:

In EVA, I have grasped a payload to push it back in the cargo bay.
The pay load is transparent in EVA view !!! (More easy to pilot it !)

It's called a z-buffer. anything closer than 2.5 metres is clipped from view. I wish I could turn this off, it gets annoying.

EDIT: bug! In addition to the burning up on ejection bug, the pilot (when ejection works) drops below the DGIV, instead of coming out the top at low altitudes.

Post Edited ( 04-07-07 18:30 )

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Offline Voyager

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Reply #91 - 07 April 2007, 20:42:35
Hey everyone,

I may have found a bug, although it might also be my computer acting up..

anyway, i go into space with the DGIV, prepare for EVA and leave the ship. I notice i'm moving away from the ship, so i
correct my speed difference to the DGIV and go back to external view (i like role playing in external view cause of the
Z-buffer mayhem :( ) but then i go back to F1 view i notice i'm again moving away from the ship on the same axis as
before....i correct my speed again, go F1, go back F1 and i'm flying away again!

Here are some screenshots, first i correct my speed, and the second shot shows the situation after i pressed F1 twice.


I've been able to reproduce this every time i try it, i even tried a fresh install with nothing but the orbiter base zip and
the DGIV beta. Still the same problem. The speed differs each scenario i run, but the speed increase is the same as the
initial launch speed every time.

Could someone confirm this for me? If i'm the only one with the problem i'll go download orbiter version again ;)

Post Edited ( 04-07-07 20:43 )

Offline Artlav

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Reply #92 - 07 April 2007, 21:28:22
Are the bugs still accepted?

Got a big, but subtle one.

The "self-destruct bug": Clean Orbiter install, DGIV beta 6. Load , go to lower
panel, start main fuel dump, start, then stop rcs fuel dump, go to main panel, press d 6 5. BANG. The ship self-destructs.

This isn't a feature, is it?

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #93 - 07 April 2007, 23:01:51
Voyager: Not a bug, your orbital trajectory is very slightly different to the mothership, due to being in a different location.

You'll get used to it after a while. Although a 'null relative speed' for the UMmu that uses linear RCS would be nice, Dan.
(Yeah, I know, it probably won't be practical to implement, but it was worth suggesting)

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Offline picto

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Reply #94 - 07 April 2007, 23:32:15
Artlav, got the same with your scenario. A self destruction of the DGIV, but also a Crash to desk !
It seems very strange. But your panel's config is very very particular :)

J'ai déjà essayé cette manip sur docked to ISS, et je viens de le refaire ... pas de problèmes.
Mais sur bbb.scn, c'est systématique.

Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 23:40 )


Offline Runibl

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Reply #95 - 07 April 2007, 23:37:47
Hi everyone.
Just did two test flight on this baby and i must say Dan, you know how to do your stuff.

Both flights was takeoff, and dock to ISS. And both tried to land on cape. First reentry went way to short so i used almost
all my remaining fuel and landed in Edwards.
2nd flight i went way to far, overheated and died :) Need some more practice with reentry, but getting closer.

Didn't see any bugs so far though i got one CTD, but could not reproduce it at all, so propably just my pc.

I did notice some minor things, that if i remember correctly was in DGIII as well. Not really bugs just some discrepancies
between checklist and vessal state  check:
On the ground after following the "1- Ground cockpit startup" checklist:
Using Check vessel state "1- Before takeoff check" it says "EPU or Batt not off" & "Ship control not on ATM Auto".

The checklist never mentions turning off "Batt" and set ship control to "ATM Auto".
When in orbit after takeoff and  finishing off the "3- Ground Take-off" checklist under "When in orbit":
Using Check vessal state "2- Orbiting check" it says "O2 N2 tank not on auto".
The checklist clearly told me to turn off O2/N2 B Systems.

Check vessel state, also mentions "Radiator not open" & "Passenger belt sign not off" which is not mentioned in the checklist.
Before Docking:
Check Vessel state "3- Before docking check" says: "Main/Backup life support not on" & "passenger belt sign not on".
This is not mentioned in the "4- Docking" checklist.
Before Undock, and after doing "9- safe mode/Unload crew" checklist & "2- Docked cockpit startup" Checklist:
Check Vessel state "4- before undocking check" says: EPU or Batt not off".
Checklist does not mention turning off "Batt". (Same as before takeoff).

This is propably all minor stuff, but i though i should mention it.
And thanks again for letting me on the team.

Post Edited ( 04-07-07 23:39 )


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Reply #96 - 08 April 2007, 00:20:41
Quantum Burrito Meal:

I know what you're getting at, a slight change in orbital parameters between the ship and the guy in the spacesuit will
result in me flying away from the ship. However what i am reporting is something completely different.

I was trying to point out that if you go to external view and then back to internal view while 'piloting' a MMU the MMU will
suddenly get a speed boost in a specific direction (increase in relative speed between MMU and DGIV). Without me touching any
key other then F1, no thrusters active on eighter the MMU or the DGIV.

The effect is clearly visible from external view, as i am first holding position next to the ship, press F1 twice for a quick
internal and then back to external view, and i'm now moving away from the ship. Pressing F1 twice again will increase its
speed again, and so forth. Like i said, i have no thrusters active on eighter the MMU or the DGIV, and neighter are skimming
the admosphere, i made sure of that.

Do you understand what i'm trying to report now?

Its hard to show movement bugs in screenshots, so my shot above is the best i could do. All it shows is what happens if i
press F1 twice.

Like i said above, if noone else can reproduce this problem i'll just accept that my computer or my version of orbiter is
acting up, but as i dont have any more computers to test it on at the moment, i cant verify if my computer is to blame or if
i have a corrupt orbiter install zip file. (Nor do i have the internet connection speed at the moment to download orbiter
again on a moments notice)

Hope this clears things up a little :)


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Reply #97 - 08 April 2007, 01:17:17
Tried it too.

I have encountered a little relative speed increasing.
But not as important as yours. Even using the Null relative speed autopilote.

Here, it seems that F1 is not the reason.
No jumps as those you encountered.


Offline MattNW

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Reply #98 - 08 April 2007, 02:27:42
Found this. Not sure if it's been reported. I searched for it on this thread but the only reference to the HUD was in French.
Don't know enough French to get anything but the general idea of what's being discussed so I'll assume this hasn't been
reported yet.

System specs: Pentium IV 2.8Ghz processor, Asus P4P8X SE Mobo, 1 Gb PC 133 DDR RAM, Radeon 9600 Pro 256Mb video

1. Secondary HUD doesn't show in window mode. Switch to full screen and HUD shows but outside view is cut off at top of HUD.
(See Screenshots). Video settings in Orbiter launch pad don't fix the problem. Turning off AA in the video card settings
doesn't work either.

Screen Shot 1 Orbiter in Window Mode:

Screen Shot 2 Orbiter in Full Screen Mode:

Same thing on a fresh install of Orbiter and Orbiter Sound only. I've tried some of the settings in my video card with no
effect. Has anyone with an ATI Vidcard experiences this?

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Reply #99 - 08 April 2007, 02:28:11
Quantum Burrito Meal wrote:
Here's one I can and have replicated: On any celestial body without an atmosphere, eject whilst sub orbital or
landed. Whiles
crew can grab trubopacks & each other to save themselves, pilot is screwed. flies straight up, and comes
straight back down
again with nothing to protect him.

Maybe some kind of airbag is in order?

I swear Dan mentioned something about extra ejection fuel when landed for next version.
