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Artlav a écrit:The "self-destruct bug": Clean Orbiter install, DGIV beta 6. Load http://www.rumaxclub.ru/etc/bbb.scn.zip , go to lowerpanel, start main fuel dump, start, then stop rcs fuel dump, go to main panel, press d 6 5. BANG. The ship self-destructs.This isn't a feature, is it?
picto a écrit:Pas un bug, mais un truc chiant je trouve, les touches 2 et 8 attribuéespour l'autopilot Hold speed landing, c'est ingérable pour piloter !
jer11 a écrit:8o the thrust is operating with no pilot.
picto a écrit:T'aurais pu aussi fournir les joysticks avec le DGIV
DanSteph a écrit:Quotepicto a écrit:T'aurais pu aussi fournir les joysticks avec le DGIV Tu l'a pas trouvé ? un super G-E-TECK 4000 a enrubannage de force integré !Je vais engueuler la salope du service expédition Dan
Je vais engueuler la salope du service expédition
picto a écrit:QuoteJe vais engueuler la salope du service expédition Ben, j'ai déjà appellé la conasse du service réclamations !Elle a rien voulu entendre !
picto a écrit:Ben, j'ai déjà appellé la conasse du service réclamations !Elle a rien voulu entendre !
Delta Glider3 lover a écrit:I noticed this is starting to get , and that the two posts before DanSteph's had the "b word" in French, findingthat out by using a translator to be able to read the French on this site.PS: I only wrote that the posts had the "b word" because I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time Isee it written or hear it and would not use that language, ever.
jer11 wrote:QuoteDelta Glider3 lover a écrit:I noticed this is starting to get , and that the two posts before DanSteph's had the "b word" in French, findingthat out by using a translator to be able to read the French on this site.PS: I only wrote that the posts had the "b word" because I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time Isee it written or hear it and would not use that language, ever.Sa poste a eu un « le mot de b » ? n'a pas vu cela. c'est de Pagir.
Delta Glider3 lover a écrit:I noticed this is starting to get , and that the two posts before DanSteph's had the "b word" in French, findingthat out by using a translator to be able to read the French on this site.PS: I only wrote that the posts had the "b word" because I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time Isee it written or hear it and would not use that language, ever.
Delta Glider3 lover wrote:I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time I see it written or hear it...
reekchaa wrote:QuoteDelta Glider3 lover wrote:I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time I see it written or hear it...I gotta admit, "Delta Glider3 Lover" gives me some fairly disturbing imagery of my own. I clench my buttocks and try not to think of mechanical bestiality or robotic pleasure toys each time I read it, persisting to turn my other cheek and mellow my disdainful response to that of a humble naive..
Quick_Nick a écrit:Quotereekchaa wrote:QuoteDelta Glider3 lover wrote:I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time I see it written or hear it...I gotta admit, "Delta Glider3 Lover" gives me some fairly disturbing imagery of my own. I clench my buttocks and try not to think of mechanical bestiality or robotic pleasure toys each time I read it, persisting to turn my other cheek and mellow my disdainful response to that of a humble naive.. Stay away from the airlock!
reekchaa wrote:QuoteDelta Glider3 lover wrote:I hate swearing A LOT and get mad every time I see it written or hear it...I gotta admit, "Delta Glider3 Lover" gives me some fairly disturbing imagery of my own. I clench my buttocks and try not to think of mechanical bestiality or robotic pleasure toys each time I read it, persisting to turn my other cheek and mellow my disdainful response to that of a humble naive..