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Author Topic: [Closed] BETA 6 of DeltaGliderIV  (Read 35422 times)

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Offline captain_obvious

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Reply #50 - 05 April 2007, 15:58:35
Hey, great work, as usual, Dan - being an engineering student means no time to sleep or anything else, so i haven't had time
to play with it much - one thing that might be neat though would be if the space suited guys deployed chutes when they
reached the correct altitude (for high altitude ejections).

Maybe I just need more sleep, but just a thought, anywho.

Offline Murdock

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Reply #51 - 05 April 2007, 17:49:37
I wanted to thank Dan for admitting me to the beta tester team.
Sorry for the delay in the answer, I got a pretty busy period but I got some holidays also.
I will start testing right away and I hope it will be useful
Virgilio :)

Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #52 - 05 April 2007, 21:29:01
hfbldprince wrote:
for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, and
if the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...

Maybe u should fix those parameters.

Also, this would be nice: the ability to use rcs thrusters and elevons at the same time.

Offline Pagir

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Reply #53 - 05 April 2007, 22:38:00
With the Null speed autopilot, I can't see the RCS thruster braking the sphip. How is this thing working? I didn't see
the trick? :badsmile:


Offline Gat3rZ

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Reply #54 - 05 April 2007, 22:41:51
un petit bug: quand on fait une eva avec le turbo pack et que l'on quite le niveau de carburan du jetpack n'est pas

et sinon quand on quite avec l'antenne sortie mais sans objectif et que l'ont recharge le modelle est "plier" vers le
bas mais quand on la rentre le modelle se mes d'un coup droit et rentre normalement.

Offline Pagir

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Reply #55 - 05 April 2007, 22:52:12
BTW: one of the oldest bug I've been aware of (on DGIII too): when I use ALT-TAB to switch from Orbiter to another
program, the O2 level drop at light speed. It's not that bad, but I'm sure it's not a feature!!!



Offline picto

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Reply #56 - 05 April 2007, 23:50:12
Pas un bug, mais un truc chiant je trouve, les touches 2 et 8 attribuées
pour l'autopilot Hold speed landing, c'est ingérable pour piloter !

A force de chercher, on les trouve les petites bêtes.  :badsmile:
Alt 5 pour vol atmo ... touche B pour l'aérofrein juste pour emm.. l'autopilot.
On a bien le message SPEEDBRAKE ON sur le HUD mais pas l'anim en vue extérieure.

Message modifié ( 05-04-2007 23:58 )


Offline Pagir

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Reply #57 - 05 April 2007, 23:58:41
picto a écrit:
Pas un bug, mais un truc chiant je trouve, les touches 2 et 8 attribuées
pour l'autopilot Hold speed landing, c'est ingérable pour piloter !

I really concur! Dur dur!

Dans la même veine, seems strange that  4 et 6 are setting speed and 1 and 3 are for banking (heading change)...
It's disturbing:  why not 4-6 for banking and 1 and 3 for speed?



Offline picto

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Reply #58 - 06 April 2007, 00:09:22
Erreur de test ... désolé :sad:

Message modifié ( 06-04-2007 00:23 )


Offline willy88

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Reply #59 - 06 April 2007, 00:27:26
Not really a bug, but;

As you can see, when two DGIVs are docked together, their nosecones overlap.


Offline picto

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Reply #60 - 06 April 2007, 00:45:48
On coupe les systèmes de contrôle atmo de la cabine, on casse la canopy, ...
on monte à cinq mille mètres et au bout d'un moment on obtiens ....

WARNING : Cabin temp to high !!! :badsmile:

C'est l'ordre des actions qui amène à cette erreur.
Si on casse la canopy en premier le thermomètre baisse bien au fur et à mesure de la montée.
Jusqu'à obtenir

Cabin temp to low !

Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 01:02 )


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #61 - 06 April 2007, 00:50:28
Gat3rZ a écrit:
un petit bug: quand on fait une eva avec le turbo pack et que l'on quite le niveau de carburan du jetpack n'est pas

Si mais comme tu est sur un pad ou base il est rempli auto, essaie ailleur tu verra.

willy88 a écrit:
As you can see, when two DGIVs are docked together, their nosecones overlap.

Will stay like that for version 4, appart reworking completely the nose I don't see a fast solution.


Message modifié ( 06-04-2007 00:51 )

Offline Gat3rZ

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Reply #62 - 06 April 2007, 00:53:51
DanSteph a écrit:
Gat3rZ a écrit:
un petit bug: quand on fait une eva avec le turbo pack et que l'on quite le niveau de carburan du jetpack n'est pas

Si mais comme tu est sur un pad ou base il est rempli auto, essaie ailleur tu verra.


mais j'etai dans l'espace en eva lol :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #63 - 06 April 2007, 00:55:58
Gat3rZ a écrit:
mais j'etai dans l'espace en eva lol :)

Mais non... !

Ah possible :badsmile: Je pensait a autre chose: quand tu le relache et le reprend...
Toi c'est quit/relance ? moui.... mhhh ah ? :wonder:

Vais zieuter...


Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #64 - 06 April 2007, 20:50:18
bump... AHEM!!!! *cough cough* :???:

hfbldprince wrote:
for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, and
if the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...

Maybe u should fix those parameters.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #65 - 06 April 2007, 22:52:49
hfbldprince a écrit:
for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, and
if the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...

cicurmstance ? reproduce bug ?

I'm working already on 3-4 things in same time 17h per day, sorry no time to spend
for playing just to try to understand where you had the bug exactly.

Be precis please !


Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 02:19 )

Offline picto

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Reply #66 - 07 April 2007, 01:36:02
Cette photo n'est pas là pour montrer un bug mais
pour montrer le beau travail de l'autopilot vol atmo
dans des conditions extrêmes.
Vol atmo 25 Km 700 m/s sur un seul moteur.
Le moteur se coupe quand le tangage est trop fort !
Le DGIV reprend son assiette et c'est reparti pour un tour !
Le DG vole en crabe mais grâce à ces manoeuvres garde
 le cap indiqué.


Par contre, là, même si ce n'est pas un bug, je ne trouve pas ça très joli.
Je monte à 25 Km et 800 m/s
Je casse tout ce qui peut l'être y compris la canopy ...
Puis Eject eject eject ... et j'ai la seconde photo.
Ca manque un chouia de cohérence quoi.

Message modifié ( 07-04-2007 03:01 )


Offline 4weeksholiday

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Reply #67 - 07 April 2007, 02:21:29
dmc14 wrote:
Quick_Nick wrote:
BTW, link works for me.
It's for anyone not on the team.
Lol, just kidding, not real link. ;)

HAHA!! I thought u actually posted it for a second, that would have been the BEST April fools joke!
BTW Dan, im having no problems yet. Looks great too.
sorry, link does  not work for me.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #68 - 07 April 2007, 02:23:04
L'est chouette hein le pilote atmo ?... en plus le code est d'une beauté... :love:

16 lignes ! juré craché !

Dingue ! m'a pris du temps mais c'est celui dont je suis le plus fière.


Offline picto

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Reply #69 - 07 April 2007, 02:43:47
Il hibou comme tout !
Pour l'instant, c'est l'autopilote que je préfère avec le Pro200Spec7.
Il donne vraiment une impression de souplesse dans le vol.

J'ai quand même réussi à foutre le DGIV en l'air sous cet autopilot. :)
Mais il a fallu y aller.
Tout pété comme d'hab, un seul moteur, air intake fermée,
portes retro et hover ouvertes, landing gear bloqué par manque
de pression hydraulique à mi course.
Autopilot règlé sur la plus petite vitesse possible, et en le forçant à
monter, avec un cap l'obligeant à pencher au max ...

YES !!! Il s'est mis en vrille et CRASH !!!

Sinon, j'ai encore trouvé un bug :badsmile:

Quand on fait une rentrée en PRO104S40, en ayant bien fait la
checklist de réentée auparavant evidoeutly. Nose cone open
warning évidemment ... donc ... ça donne ça !
Mais pas pour de bonnes raisons ! Je vois pas comment le nez peut
chauffer avec un bouclier tel que celui là devant lui :rant:


Offline n122vu

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Reply #70 - 07 April 2007, 02:56:28

Not really a bug to report as much as a feature request.  

I don't know how much rework would be involved, but would it be feasible to add the ability to adjust heading in
ascent autopilot?  This would give the ability to refine plane alignment with orbiting object on ascent reducing the
amount of fuel/energy that need to be expended once in orbit.  Perhaps Numpad 1&3 are incremental change (1
degree each direction) and Numpad 4&6 are, say, 5 degree change?

It only makes sense to me since the descent/reentry autopilot gives the option to change bank angle.



Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #71 - 07 April 2007, 03:07:14
DanSteph wrote:
hfbldprince a écrit:
for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, and
if the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...

cicurmstance ? reproduce bug ?

I'm working already on 3-4 things in same time 17h per day, sorry no time to spend
for playing just to try to understand where you had the bug exactly.

Be precis please !


this wasnt really a bug, but when i am going about 50 m/s i die after ejecting--- im just
saying instead of dying, u should make a parameter where you only die if ur going a certain
speed(such as faster than mach 1.5) at a certain height

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #72 - 07 April 2007, 03:12:18
hfbldprince a écrit:
this wasnt really a bug, but when i am going about 50 m/s i die after ejecting--- im just
saying instead of dying, u should make a parameter where you only die if ur going a certain
speed(such as faster than mach 1.5) at a certain height

Still don't get it ??? :wonder:
I eject at 250 m/s zero alt and 3 on 4 members survived.... (about 900km/h !!!!)

4 posts for this 8o

Again BE precise ! exact circumstances how can I reproduce EXACTLY this situation where you die at 50 m/s



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #73 - 07 April 2007, 03:15:34
n122vu a écrit:
I don't know how much rework would be involved, but would it be feasible to add the ability to adjust heading in
ascent autopilot?  This would give the ability to refine plane alignment with orbiting object on ascent reducing the
amount of fuel/energy that need to be expended once in orbit.  Perhaps Numpad 1&3 are incremental change (1
degree each direction) and Numpad 4&6 are, say, 5 degree change?

I balance on this... the final orbit build slowly, inexperimented people may try to adjust
situation that don't need it leading to completely mess the ascent...

Not a bad idea anyway,


Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #74 - 07 April 2007, 03:34:09
did not reproduce... maybe i was too low for the parachute to slow down enough...