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hfbldprince wrote:for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, andif the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...Maybe u should fix those parameters.Also, this would be nice: the ability to use rcs thrusters and elevons at the same time.
picto a écrit:Pas un bug, mais un truc chiant je trouve, les touches 2 et 8 attribuéespour l'autopilot Hold speed landing, c'est ingérable pour piloter !
Gat3rZ a écrit:un petit bug: quand on fait une eva avec le turbo pack et que l'on quite le niveau de carburan du jetpack n'est pas sauvegarder.
willy88 a écrit:As you can see, when two DGIVs are docked together, their nosecones overlap.
DanSteph a écrit:QuoteGat3rZ a écrit:un petit bug: quand on fait une eva avec le turbo pack et que l'on quite le niveau de carburan du jetpack n'est pas sauvegarder.Si mais comme tu est sur un pad ou base il est rempli auto, essaie ailleur tu verra.Dan
Gat3rZ a écrit:mais j'etai dans l'espace en eva lol
hfbldprince wrote:for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, andif the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...Maybe u should fix those parameters.
hfbldprince a écrit:for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, andif the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...
dmc14 wrote:QuoteQuick_Nick wrote:BTW, link works for me.It's www.orbiter.dansteph.com/public/DGIVBETA/DGIVBETA6.zip for anyone not on the team.Lol, just kidding, not real link. HAHA!! I thought u actually posted it for a second, that would have been the BEST April fools joke!BTW Dan, im having no problems yet. Looks great too.
Quick_Nick wrote:BTW, link works for me.It's www.orbiter.dansteph.com/public/DGIVBETA/DGIVBETA6.zip for anyone not on the team.Lol, just kidding, not real link.
DanSteph wrote:Quotehfbldprince a écrit:for beta 7, i think you should make the crew stay alive after ejection and not turn into a rock, andif the airspeed is not to high, they wouldnt die- i was goin about 150m/s and they died...cicurmstance ? reproduce bug ? I'm working already on 3-4 things in same time 17h per day, sorry no time to spendfor playing just to try to understand where you had the bug exactly.Be precis please ! Dan
hfbldprince a écrit:this wasnt really a bug, but when i am going about 50 m/s i die after ejecting--- im justsaying instead of dying, u should make a parameter where you only die if ur going a certain speed(such as faster than mach 1.5) at a certain height
n122vu a écrit:I don't know how much rework would be involved, but would it be feasible to add the ability to adjust heading in ascent autopilot? This would give the ability to refine plane alignment with orbiting object on ascent reducing the amount of fuel/energy that need to be expended once in orbit. Perhaps Numpad 1&3 are incremental change (1 degree each direction) and Numpad 4&6 are, say, 5 degree change?