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Important News may 2020    ...
I'm redoing ALL my addons for Orbiter 2016. See here:
[News] Update of OrbiterSound - UMmu - UCGO for Orbiter 2016

My addons for Orbiter 2016
(updated in 2020)

OrbiterSound 5.0 for Orbiter 2016

...Complete and fully integrated sound environment, includes sounds for thrust, GPWS, launch countdown, docking, aircond, wind, atc, ambience and few more others (326 WAV files!).
Included an MP3 player, a MFD and the SDK for add-on developers.

Important Note: This 2020 version work on Orbiter 2016 and Orbiter 2016 BETA. See the doc on-line (link below) to have a preview of all changes!

Really simple to use: run the setup and you have sound in Orbiter 2016. (Standalone! The setup doesn't write anything in registry so you can have multi Orbiter installations).

Preview doc online ... Downloads: 15562  Released: 11 august 2020  For: Orbiter 2016+beta  Size: 96MB      
... ...

My addons for Orbiter 2010+P1
(All updated in november 2012)

OrbiterSound 4.0 (With 3D sounds!)

...Complete and fully integrated sound environment, includes sounds for thrust, GPWS, launch countdown, docking, aircond, wind, atc, ambience and few more others (278 WAV files!).
Included an MP3 player, a MFD and the SDK for add-on developers.

Important Note: This 2012 version is a major update with 3D sounds, almost all sounds redone and the possibility for authors to define custom vessel sounds without any C++ programming. See the doc on-line (link below) to have a preview of all changes!

Really simple to use: run the setup and you have sound in Orbiter 2010. (Standalone! The setup doesn't write anything in registry so you can have multi Orbiter installations).

Preview doc online ... Downloads: 342380  Released: 20 Nov 2012  For: Orbiter 2010+P1  Size: 51MB      
... ...

DeltaGliderIV-3 + UMmu 3.0 - 2014 édition

...The DeltaGliderIV-3 is a well know addon of the community regularly voted as a "Must have". It contain a lot of advanced systems but remain simple to learn and use. To see what's new in this version click on the "Preview doc online" link below.

Include UMmu 3.0 and PreludeIII addons that can animate bases as the famous Orcus Patera.

Really simple to use: run the setup. (Standalone! The setup doesn't write anything in registry so you can have multi Orbiter installations).

For best result you MUST use DX9 or DX11 graphic client !

    Addon's Gallery    
 (click on images)

Preview doc online ... Downloads: 51229  Released: 9 Jan 2014  For: Orbiter 2010+P1  Size: 86MB      
... ...

UCGO 3.0 + UMmu 3.0 - 2014 edition

The Universal Cars and CarGos for Orbiter 3.0 contain:
  • Stunning mother ship Arrow Freighter with virtual Cockpit and a lot of features.
  • Modified ShuttleA with virtual cockpit, external rework and UCGO cargo capacity.
  • 14 cars including the mars rover Azure with a new virtual cockpit.
  • UMmu 3.0.
  • PreludeIII base that can consume O2 & Food, use UCGO cargo and can animate bases with a simple configuration file.
  • 27 cargo type, Jazon Asteroïd and Halley comet (with dynamic trail).
  • 1364 files for your pleasure, see doc and check demo scenario that will teach you how to use UCGO.
Really simple to use: run the setup. (Standalone! The setup doesn't write anything in registry so you can have multi Orbiter installations).

For best result you MUST use DX9 or DX11 graphic client !

    Addon's Gallery    
 (click on images)

Preview doc online ... Downloads: 43232  Released: 09 Jan 2014  For: Orbiter 2010+P1  Size: 192MB      
... ...

The Addons of the french community

You can retrieve all the addons of the french community on the Pappy's Hangar (click on the banner below and bookmark this site).

My addons for Orbiter 2006

All my addons for Orbiter 2006

...This packaging contain all my Orbiter 2006 addons for those that love outdated version of simulator and addons.^^

-OrbiterSound 3.5
-Ummu 2.0
-UCGO 2.0

The zip archive contain the four setup.

Note: Those addons are the former Orbiter 2006/2010 version, I limited the installer to 2006 version but in setup you can manually install them also in 2010 version. Be warned anyway that they are outdated, they will cause problem with graphic clients, use the new version instead !

Downloads: 14097  Released: 2009  For: Orbiter 2006  Size: 98MB      
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