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Quick_Nick a écrit: I think he may have been mentioning the ~20hr. 1000% oxygen. I've seen it at least when moving to space in a mmu, but not sure about EVAing into space.
sunshine135 a écrit:Verified that the onboard cargo/ missing pilot issue has been fixed...Thank you.
Artlav wrote:Ok, confirming the fixation of reported bugs...Is Orbitersound 3.5 (?) bugs accepted?If yes -Sound in space bug: Run in windowed mode, get the DGIV on ascent autopilot, go to external view, switch to another window andwait for dg to get above 200km, switch back to orbiter. There will be sound in space untill you switch vessels.
kipper a écrit:BUG: Joystick does not respond after stopping and unloading ATMOSPHERIC FLIGHT program from computer.
sunshine135 wrote:Dan:New bug foundIf you open the "Autopilot Null Relative Speed" scenario- Luna OB-1 and Mir are both there, but you cannot selecteither LunaOB-1 or Mir in the list of available spacecraft (F3). If you go to the scenario editor though, both are there.Can someone else check and see if they can duplicate this issue?Thanks,
willy88 wrote:Quotesunshine135 wrote:Dan:New bug foundIf you open the "Autopilot Null Relative Speed" scenario- Luna OB-1 and Mir are both there, but you cannotselecteither LunaOB-1 or Mir in the list of available spacecraft (F3). If you go to the scenario editor though, both are there.Can someone else check and see if they can duplicate this issue?Thanks,That's not a bug, both Luna OB-1 and Mir are unselectable, try it in another scenario without DG-IV. See?
sunshine135 wrote:Dan:New bug foundIf you open the "Autopilot Null Relative Speed" scenario- Luna OB-1 and Mir are both there, but you cannotselecteither LunaOB-1 or Mir in the list of available spacecraft (F3). If you go to the scenario editor though, both are there.Can someone else check and see if they can duplicate this issue?Thanks,
dudrea a écrit:The same with one year of O2 on the configuration -> 6 month on lower panel after loading configuration4 passenger and the captain vs 5 men on board is the same thing isn't ?May be a Go and Return estimation ? Anything i can't undertand ?
Quantum Burrito Meal wrote:I'm getting G-LOC warnings when going at 10x time acc whilst docked to the ISS
DanSteph a écrit:Quotedudrea a écrit:The same with one year of O2 on the configuration -&gt 6 month on lower panel after loading configuration4 passenger and the captain vs 5 men on board is the same thing isn't ?May be a Go and Return estimation ? Anything i can't undertand ?You can't miss there is two separated tank on top of lower panel A and B ?
dudrea a écrit:The same with one year of O2 on the configuration -&gt 6 month on lower panel after loading configuration4 passenger and the captain vs 5 men on board is the same thing isn't ?May be a Go and Return estimation ? Anything i can't undertand ?