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Author Topic: (closed) DeltaGliderIV+addons beta 20120320  (Read 41064 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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20 March 2012, 05:34:45
Welcome to DGIV+addons beta test ver 20120320 (DX9/DX11)

Current version test special instructions

Please review the changelog.txt, check "your" bug and what was changed
test and repost bugs or remark that where not taken in account.

Bug reporting form

Please use the text form in the link below to report bugs: It's important !

Please follow "your" bug and once cleared (probably with a new version) check and
confirm in beta test thread that the bug is gone. It may be a good idea to keep a
list of "your" bugs.


Feedback are importants, please be verbous, precise, don't hesitate to write what you think or post anything you want about beta.  Use the form above for bugs. Keep me informed of any status change if you can't test anymore for example.

Never forget that the final quality of addons depend enterely of YOUR TESTS.

Much thanks for your help :beer:


Message modifié ( 20-03-2012 12:10 )

Offline asmi

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Reply #1 - 20 March 2012, 11:20:39
Local light now works! Thanks a lot for the fix!

Offline Cras

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Reply #2 - 21 March 2012, 00:15:55


Short description:

Lower panel quality



Complete description

The quality of the lower panel seems bad.  The words are not clear.   I dont recall seeing this in the last beta build, and it caught my attention real quick.  Also, i can pan back and forth the lower panel.  Not sure why I should be able to do that.  My display resolution is 1200x1920.

Reproduce bug

Load up DGIV in D3D9 client.  Video settings do not seem to matter.


Here is a pic of what I am seeing:

The whole panel in terms of the words seem to be smudged.  I highlighted the worse parts of it.

Post Edited ( 03-21-12 00:17 )

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Offline Cras

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Reply #3 - 21 March 2012, 02:27:32


Short description:

Antenna Animation Broken



Complete description

The antenna animation ends up causing the object to move apart.

Reproduce bug

Deploy antenna, have it track something in orbit.  rotate the attitude and have the antenna continue to track the object in orbit to points where it reaches pitch limits.  The antenna well end up looking like it is not connected to its other parts.  Retracting the antenna does put the antenna back together.


The attitude that best showed the issue resulted in my ship being belly up to the sun.  So I added an adjustment layer to brighten it up, but left the edges alone so you can see what the adjustment did.

Post Edited ( 03-21-12 02:28 )

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #4 - 21 March 2012, 02:35:33
Thanks Cras for the tests.

For the quality it should affect only the fixed title, this is due to the conversion of texts to photoshop Cs5, I should change all the text quality.
For the antenna I don't know if it's DX9 specific or if it's a DGIV bug yet, I know jarmonik have patched somes things about this.

I'll have a look.


Offline Cras

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Reply #5 - 21 March 2012, 02:50:34
Thanks Dan.

And for what its worth, it is only the lower panel with the degraded text quality.  , and that is the only panel where if I press the left and right arrow key, it pans.  The other panels do not present either of these behaviours.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 21 March 2012, 02:58:35
Cras a écrit:
and that is the only panel where if I press the left and right arrow key, it pans.  The other panels do not present either of these behaviours.

That might be a side effect of "top/bottom" attachment. Is it really a problem ?



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Reply #7 - 21 March 2012, 03:00:18
No, its not a problem.  I just thought it was worth a mention in case the two were related somehow.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #8 - 21 March 2012, 04:05:05
Cras a écrit:
No, its not a problem.  I just thought it was worth a mention in case the two were related somehow.

Finally, thinking about it and reviewing the source image it might be related, the panel is 1080 and you mention an height of 1200, maybe the panel is stretched hence the poor quality.

At least one text you mention is pixelised so it' cannot be the CS5 font quality as I thought first.
Can you post a 1/1 image (1920x1200) giving only the link so I can compare it with the source image ?

It seem I'll have to remove the "top/bottom" attachment which seem to cause this problem. You'll have a hole in the bottom of the screen but it's better than poor quality.

Much thanks


Message modifié ( 21-03-2012 04:05 )

Offline Cras

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Reply #9 - 21 March 2012, 06:11:13
The pic I posted was hosted on a site, but I cannot seem to get the thing to be hosted in full resolution.

So I set up a dropbox, and I think I got it right.

This is the same pic, only hopefully you can see the full 1920x1200 resolution.  If you want me to get another shot of it, without the red boxes, just let me know.



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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #10 - 21 March 2012, 10:57:22
That's it, uggly streching & co.

Much thanks for the pic, I'll send you a new dll.



Offline SolarLiner

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Reply #11 - 21 March 2012, 13:35:43


Short description:
Crash Failure


Complete description
Orbiter CTD when DGIV crashes

Reproduce bug
Load a DGIV scenario, and crashes it on the ground, or on a reentry.

I'm on "40 debirs" crash mode, may be it is the problem ... I've not tested with other settings

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #12 - 22 March 2012, 04:52:32
SolarLiner a écrit:
Complete description
Orbiter CTD when DGIV crashes

Reproduce bug
Load a DGIV scenario, and crashes it on the ground, or on a reentry.

I'm unable to reproduce this on NG/DX9 and stock, what Orbiter version/client do you use ? Is the DGIV properly installed and did you replaced all the dll with those of the last beta patch ?

Can someone reproduce this problem ?


Message modifié ( 22-03-2012 05:40 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 22 March 2012, 06:36:57
Cras a écrit:
Short description:
Antenna Animation Broken

I tried to move in every direction pointing at sun in space but I wasn't able to reproduce the bug on DX9.
Can you post a scenario with the required movement to make it messing ?

Much thanks


Message modifié ( 22-03-2012 06:45 )

Offline asmi

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Reply #14 - 22 March 2012, 13:44:20
Cras wrote:


Short description:

Antenna Animation Broken



Complete description

The antenna animation ends up causing the object to move apart.

Reproduce bug

Deploy antenna, have it track something in orbit.  rotate the attitude and have the antenna continue to track the object in orbit to points where it reaches pitch limits.  The antenna well end up looking like it is not connected to its other parts.  Retracting the antenna does put the antenna back together.


The attitude that best showed the issue resulted in my ship being belly up to the sun.  So I added an adjustment layer to brighten it up, but left the edges alone so you can see what the adjustment did.
Hi Cras,

I've made some fixes in animation code yesterday, so can you please get updated version and re-test?

Offline Cras

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Reply #15 - 22 March 2012, 15:54:56
Dan, that new version fixed the lower panel issue!  It is looking beautiful again.

I will try to replicate that animation bug again, and update D3D11 and test the auto ascent bug I kept seeing later today.

And for that bug report where Orbiter CTDs when the DGIV crashes and breaks into little pieces, I do not see this either.  I have it set up for the 40 piece (power setting) debris, and it crashed just fine, and broke into a bunch of little pieces, no CTD.

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #16 - 22 March 2012, 16:13:16
Cras a écrit:
Dan, that new version fixed the lower panel issue!  It is looking beautiful again.

I will try to replicate that animation bug again, and update D3D11 and test the auto ascent bug I kept seeing later today.

And for that bug report where Orbiter CTDs when the DGIV crashes and breaks into little pieces, I do not see this either.  I have it set up for the 40 piece (power setting) debris, and it crashed just fine, and broke into a bunch of little pieces, no CTD.

Great, thanks for the feedback, I'll mark it as solved.
I keep the antenna & CTD open while waiting more informations.


Message modifié ( 22-03-2012 16:14 )

Offline luki1997a

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Reply #17 - 22 March 2012, 19:59:08
Hey, I'm still testing :)

I can't find any bugs in all new updated add-ons. I was going to report that gears rotate improperly while rolling on phobos, but it seems update fixed it :)

Offline Ripley

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Reply #18 - 22 March 2012, 20:47:50
Hi Dan.
I've made a new fresh Orbiter installation on my main "home" pc, and I've tested reentries (from ISS to Cape Canaveral) and dockings (the other way round), and there were not problems. All with D3D9 client.

Ascent autopilot (p903s42) works well, antenna moves and tracks correctly, radiator deploys correctly.
Sound is loud and clear, too. RADIO/MP3 MFD works like a charm.

Post Edited ( 03-23-12 17:01 )

Offline Cras

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Reply #19 - 22 March 2012, 21:52:12
alright, I know I said I was going to do a fresh install of Orbiter 2011 beta and D3D11, but I decided to just update it instead and see if the CTDs I saw would re-appear.  

I updated to the newest version of D3D11 on bitbucket, and I dropped in the newset version of DGIV (the one that fixes the lower panel).  The ascent autopilot did not crash CTD.  So that is fixed.   The 103 Lox condition is fixed, it displays as one would expect.

However, animations seem to be very very wrong now.  If asmi cannot confirm this, or anyone else running D3D11, I will try the fresh install and see what is what. I will put the bug in its own post to follow the guidelines.

Also, I attmepted, using a pair of quicksaves I had, to recreate the antenna animation bug, but I just cannot seem to get it to fall apart like that.  This bug was reported in D3D9 client btw so it is not related to this new one in D3D11, which is just a totally different beast all together.

If I see it happen again, I will try to note what the conditions are and report back.

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Offline Cras

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Reply #20 - 22 March 2012, 22:00:57


Short description:

Ship visually falls apart.



Complete description

Under D3D11, the ships animations are all off.  Opening the antenna causes the hull to rotate off the frame, open the radiator caues other shapes to rotate around the ship, apply throttle and more shapes start to move.  

Reproduce bug

D3D11, Orbiter 2010p2 beta, just toggle an animation, be it radiator, antenna, nose cone, or engage throttle, or an auto ascent program.


The ship itself works fine now.  I notice it when running the Mars safemode scenario and running the Mars auto ascent auto pilot, to see if I got the CTD I was seeing in earlier versions of D3D11 and the DG4 beta.  the ship got into orbit just fine, but when I switched to exterior view, I saw the ship was a total wreck in terms of placement of the meshes.  

I tried it on Earth, the Moon, Mars, same results.  Watching an auto ascent program run from exterior view is quite a sight, as each animation triggers further oddity to the vehicle, until it eventually represents this:

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Offline Ripley

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Reply #21 - 22 March 2012, 23:20:20
I am on XP, so I can't help with D3D11.

Offline jarmonik

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Reply #22 - 22 March 2012, 23:40:59
Antenna animation bug will be fixed in a coming RC45 release. I am unable to reproduce a CTD with 40 debris crash. I am currently tracking down a bug that will cause all panels to disapear after restarting a scenario without exiting launchpad. Works fine with the Orbiter's internal engine, so, it must be a bug in the client.

Offline asmi

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Reply #23 - 22 March 2012, 23:42:07
Cras wrote:


Short description:

Ship visually falls apart.



Complete description

Under D3D11, the ships animations are all off.  Opening the antenna causes the hull to rotate off the frame, open the radiator caues other shapes to rotate around the ship, apply throttle and more shapes start to move.  

Reproduce bug

D3D11, Orbiter 2010p2 beta, just toggle an animation, be it radiator, antenna, nose cone, or engage throttle, or an auto ascent program.


The ship itself works fine now.  I notice it when running the Mars safemode scenario and running the Mars auto ascent auto pilot, to see if I got the CTD I was seeing in earlier versions of D3D11 and the DG4 beta.  the ship got into orbit just fine, but when I switched to exterior view, I saw the ship was a total wreck in terms of placement of the meshes.  

I tried it on Earth, the Moon, Mars, same results.  Watching an auto ascent program run from exterior view is quite a sight, as each animation triggers further oddity to the vehicle, until it eventually represents this:

Looks cool - let's not fix that :badfinger:
On a serious note - can you please create a brand new installation of Orbiter P2 + D3D11Client + DGIV and give it a try.

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Reply #24 - 23 March 2012, 01:42:21
There was indeed a CTD after crash in DX11 client. It's now fixed & uploaded to SC. And while I was debugging that I've found a bug that made me laugh aloud for a minute :ptdr: I will post it in a separate post - I'm sure you'll love this bug as much as I did :ptdr: :ptdr: :ptdr: