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luki1997a wrote:Hey, try walking UMMU on the moon from scenario "Fly me around the moon". UMMU sometimes rotates instead of walking...
Ripley wrote:2) Yes, white pixels are visible both in a window and in full screen (also checking/unchecking "Full Screen Window" and "Disable Vsync" fields)3) No, it's set at 32 bit.I've tried changing every slider and parameter of the graphics control panel, but it never changed a single bit.
ProAuroraX a écrit:after checking that everything works with D3D9, i ran the DGIV in the default client and got this animation bug, the same one as Cras http://dl.dropbox.com/u/57029031/DGIVwierdbug.png .
jarmonik a écrit:Thanks for the information. After giving some thought to this problem, I have desided to close this issue since it's more like a hardware/driver failure.
RevoluPowered a écrit:DGIV RequestShort description: MFD Button Sound not present.
RevoluPowered a écrit:Short description: Lines appear on model thanks to the engine effects.
RevoluPowered a écrit:Complete description "Engine's exhaust lights stay on but the smoke turns off if you use the countdown instead of holding + on numpad"When holding * it does this.
DanSteph wrote:QuoteRevoluPowered a écrit:Short description: Lines appear on model thanks to the engine effects.3d glitch, impossible to solve. (unless its' really anormal , any picture ?)Dan
Conversation I just had with the guy who develops OMP:
RevoluPowered wrote:http://dl.dropbox.com/u/33495256/Artifacts.png
SolarLiner wrote:Caused because the engine exhaust and it's flare is a texture, a plane always facing the camera's direction. So when a part of the mesh is nearest the "flare", the texture is perforated, and draw something like this. So it's an Orbiter bug, and not a DGIV or D3D9 bug.
RevoluPowered wrote:Can someone check if it happens in the D3D11 client, apparently D3D11 uses a different method?
asmi wrote:QuoteRevoluPowered wrote:Can someone check if it happens in the D3D11 client, apparently D3D11 uses a different method?No, currently it uses the same method as DX9, but there are plans to move that to post-processing step where it belongs.
luki1997a a écrit:Short description: UMMU unpack/auto unpack probe is not compatible [no ui]Severity minorComplete description No ui and infos about probe. In inline client it shows data on screen but not in d3d9
luki1997a a écrit:Will you add this requested light to ummu like this one:?
DGIV-3 April 2012 update -Fully compatible with graphic clients. Tested on DX11 and DX9 clients (amsi & jarmonik) -Atmospheric flight controls now much more reactive for a better flight experience. -Airlock local light. (open nosecone) -4 MFD's availables on the main panel (ONLY if you run orbiter with at least a 1920 width screen) -All scenarios corrected to take in account Orbiter 2010. -The DGIV-3 due to new Orbiter2010 features does not run anymore on Orbiter 2006.
DanSteph wrote:I'm updating yet all the scenarios and the documentation. I'll need some help in english.Can someone translate this below in good english ?QuoteDGIV-3 April 2012 update -Fully compatible with graphic clients. Tested on DX11 and DX9 clients (amsi & jarmonik) -Atmospheric flight controls now much more reactive for a better flight experience. -Airlock local light. (open nosecone) -4 MFD's availables on the main panel (ONLY if you run orbiter with at least a 1920 width screen) -All scenarios corrected to take in account Orbiter 2010. -The DGIV-3 due to new Orbiter2010 features does not run anymore on Orbiter 2006.ThanksDan
DanSteph wrote: -Fully compatible with graphic clients. Tested on DX11 and DX9 clients (amsi & jarmonik)
Ripley wrote:...(amsi & jarmonik)...