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Author Topic: [closed] BETA 5 Of DeltaGliderIV (fifth beta release)  (Read 25109 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #25 - 01 April 2007, 17:56:53
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
I think you have to have acivated the Ascent AP previously, as after doing a re-entry, I found it said 'Re-entry
autopilot...' etc. instead.

Sorry, still not able to reproduce the bug, can you give me exactly how to
do step by step that bug 100% time ?


Offline zarb-dusk

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Reply #26 - 01 April 2007, 18:31:50
picto a écrit:
Normal ?

regarde pour voir ce qui se passe fonce a basse altitude et ouvre les retro doors tu comprendra ce qui se passe (frottement
=> chaleur => interieur non protégé => vaisseau détruit) en parlant de ça tu ne pourrati pas faire une restriction qui
empeche l'utilisation de l'ejection ou l'ejection automatique quand le dg tombe trop vite et passe un certain cap comme
l'alarme "gears not down" avec le hover???

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #27 - 01 April 2007, 18:38:06
DanSteph wrote:
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
I think you have to have acivated the Ascent AP previously, as after doing a re-entry, I found it said 'Re-entry
autopilot...' etc. instead.

Sorry, still not able to reproduce the bug, can you give me exactly how to
do step by step that bug 100% time ?


Right, get in your DGIV. Use ascent autopilot to put yourself in orbit. Wait for AP completion, then turn on prograde
autopilot, and cancel it with [C]. If that doesn't work, get the rest of the beta testing team to try it, to see if its a
configuration dependant thing, or if I'm unique

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #28 - 01 April 2007, 19:01:56
zarb-dusk a écrit:
en parlant de ça tu ne pourrati pas faire une restriction qui empeche l'utilisation de l'ejection ou l'ejection
automatique quand le dg tombe trop vite et passe un certain cap comme l'alarme "gears not down" avec
le hover???

Je pourrais rajouter tellement de sécurité que le gars ne pourrait virtuellement plus faire aucune bétise.
Un vrai DGIV d'ailleurs aurait ces sécurités, le gag c'est que ce serait quand même beaucoup moins drole...

Si vous faite une ascent vous pouvez essayer le bug de quantum burrito SVP ? chez moi ca marche...


Can you try also Quantum's procedure to see if you have the voice bug ? I don't have it myself..


Message modifié ( 01-04-2007 19:03 )

Offline picto

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Reply #29 - 01 April 2007, 19:29:31
Quantum's procedure

Ici, j'ai les trois bips rapides habituels à la fin de la manip.


Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #30 - 01 April 2007, 20:48:22
??? Have I slipped into the French forum?
Anyways, I haven't done much yet. But your reentry AP works VERY well. Much better than manually. I switched it off
and in an instant messed up and burned up, lol... Plenty of typos still. One might be saying to go prograde for deorbit.
I actually burned prograde... :p


Offline zarb-dusk

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Reply #31 - 01 April 2007, 21:03:52
To charge a container in the payload bay, I search during ten minutes why don't you do an arm for the DG??? a small Canadarm
for example because the way I used isn't realistic and second thing, the DG autopilot don't like FPS variation, it affect the
trajectory. but it still is a real good work
Hooray for Dan.


ps:Why I did it in English??? next time I'll do my post in french :)

Offline zarb-dusk

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Reply #32 - 01 April 2007, 21:07:47
Sorry for the double post the FPS variation is my own fault... j'avais dis en français, mon pc a un configuration pas tres...
athlétique on va dire et j'ai installé un KSC trop détaillé pour mon pc donc des que je jette un coup d'oeil derriere c'est
le drame ce n'est pas un bug. c'est juste une erreur de config probleme resolu

Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #33 - 01 April 2007, 21:21:57
im still wondering how to change the AF control?(elevons only, rcs only, both, etc)

Also the containers? How to get those?

Offline picto

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Reply #34 - 01 April 2007, 21:26:48
You should read the how to in the little window when you're on the way
to launch a scenario on the Orbiter Launchpad.
For example, on "Payload gallery" in (Tutorial Learn DGIV .What's cool )
I can read this :

This scenario show all default payload available for DGIV (bundled with default installation) see to download more.

To release a payload go to lower panel (CTL+Down arrow) on the bottom you se the payload section. Open door and
click "grapple release" to release the payload. In space you can set also the release speed. On ground the payload
will fall on the floor. (May be I'll make a crane or an arm for DG5, don't ask for it now, thanks :) )  

To grapple a payload simply place the DGIV over it on ground and click "grapple release" in space you can grapple it
with a Mmu (see help in Mmu) and position it inside cargo bay (if you like realisme) or a bit above and click "grapple

Standard DGIV container can be grappled and it have a dock at bottom so you can dock it to mother ship or ISS.

To add a payload by editing scenario just look in "ORBITER/MESH/DGIV/CARGO" directory. Choose a name in the list
(as "DGIVCargoN8.msh" or "MTKSSAT.msh" remove the ".msh" from name, edit scenario and past this name next
to "CargoPayload" parameters in DGIV  section.
CargoPayload DGIVCargoN8

You can create your own container and repaint it as you like see "container Skin SDK" on website, you can create new
payload for DGIV doing your own mesh, paint or even make active payload as MTKS-SAT by creating a custom module.

You can refuel a DGIV by docking it to a container, to make it more realistic use the "fuel container" but it should work
with any container. (not very realistic)

Take care to payload weight before doing an ascent or reentry. DGIV can ascent with 2 ton payload and full fuel but I
didn't tested heavier payload. Reentry and landing must be done with MAX 19 ton, jettison some fuel if you're too
heavy before doing such  manoeuver.

Message modifié ( 01-04-2007 21:27 )


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #35 - 01 April 2007, 21:39:09
Quick_Nick a écrit:
Plenty of typos still. One might be saying to go prograde for deorbit. I actually burned prograde... :p

might say "go prograde and fire retro" not main engine ;)

Yes typos doom, last time Peskie from this forum corrected all text of scenarios
and send them to me... a nice work very usefull.

Peskie ? are you still here ? :wonder:


Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #36 - 01 April 2007, 21:53:11
am i invisible?

Plz tell me what the keyboard shortcut is for changing the ship control- you can only click it to turn one

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #37 - 01 April 2007, 21:57:20
Left-click turns things left, right-click turns things right.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #38 - 01 April 2007, 21:59:48
zarb-dusk a écrit:
why don't you do an arm for the DG??? a small Canadarm for example

Because it would take me one week or two of work and I'm supposed to work
on something else than Orbiter since 6 month at least. An arm is not a simple things
that can be done in five minute.

zarb-dusk a écrit:
To charge a container in the payload bay, I search during ten minutes why ...

Read "tutorial" scenario,all is explained here while waiting the doc, also the principe is simple and
work as turbopack.


Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #39 - 01 April 2007, 22:14:47

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #40 - 01 April 2007, 22:29:57
Oxygen valve is not checked on undocking checklist.

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Offline hfbldprince

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Reply #41 - 01 April 2007, 22:40:10

on mission earth scenary => Docked at ISS, after i land, i decided to switch to the second DG, so i clicked
it and it CTD'ed

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #42 - 01 April 2007, 22:42:25
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
Oxygen valve is not checked on undocking checklist.

You mean the check vessel state display (D6) ?
Please be precise with reports, if I loose each time 10 mn to search what
you mean exactly it become impossible to work.



Message modifié ( 02-04-2007 03:13 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #43 - 01 April 2007, 22:49:46
Ok, time for me to pitch in.

Just downloaded and tried. Not really a bug, more of inconsistency:

Subject: Antenna gets stuck when ordered to point at itself (its parent vessel)
Severity: LOW

No special circumstances

Have latest Orbiter, no mods, DG4 only

Deploy antenna, have it track the "parent" DGIV - the one antenna is mounted on :) . It will get stuck rotating around,
trying to get a lock. Does not report "pitch err", just keeps going around in circles.

No other bugs found yet, will report as I find anything. Looks VERY good otherwise!

Post Edited ( 04-01-07 22:50 )


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #44 - 01 April 2007, 23:08:14
Big nasty bug(ew): Payload gallery scenario. I used the DGIV already there and picked up the FUEL cargo. I launched
it with AP. I threw in another DGIV and set it to the Cape. Then set it over the medical cargo. Picked up the cargo and
launched with AP. Added a third DGIV. Set it to the Cape. It was sitting on its tail! Then, all hell could break loose...
press + and you get it in space with CTD. Do other things and it can make all values go crazy(not even numbers). It
made my view distance get stuck on something like R.+e!
I think this may be from too many DGs, more than one with the same skin, more than one with the same crew(more likely?) or something wierder. I will do more testing immediately so I have a more accurate idea. I have recreated this in more than this situation already.

Post Edited ( 04-01-07 23:09 )


Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #45 - 01 April 2007, 23:12:28
I'm sorry Dan. D64 does not check the oxygen dock valve.

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Offline Simonpro

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Reply #46 - 01 April 2007, 23:21:31
Okay, just tried the DGIV out for a bit - all seems pretty stable, no major issues.
The only thing I'd say (and apologies if this has already been said, I'm on a crappy wifi connection in an airport, can't
read the rest of the topic), but if I disintegrate the ship somehow (ahem) then all the fragments hit the ground
smoking away like they're supposed to.
Problem is, if you carry on using a different craft, and then select high timeacceleration the smoke effects from the
DGIV debris tend to really really slow down the sim. Any chance there could be some type of 'switch' to remove the
smoke at high timeacc? It seems to slow the thing down no matter where I am in the solar system.

Again, sorry if this has already been mentioned. I'll try to do some scenario English checking later this evening, but
nice job Dan - lookin' good! :)


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #47 - 02 April 2007, 01:12:10
Thanks all for precise report, :beer:

Disable smoke on time acceleration ? why not... it's strange anyway that you suffer such problem when the ship is not
visible, the visual & smoke is disabled in this case so it should not affect the fps... !?? :wonder:

DocHoliday a écrit:
Subject: Antenna gets stuck when ordered to point at itself (its parent vessel)
It will get stuck rotating around

Seem we have a new feature, We just need to rename it "360° radar" :badsmile:
I'll not correct this one because it's not very annoying and I'm afffraid to introduce more severe bug by correcting it
quickly. Sometime the code is evident and simple but this one is a bit tricky with list sorting etc etc...

Quick_Nick a écrit:
Big nasty bug(ew): Payload gallery scenario. I used the DGIV already there and picked up the FUEL cargo..

Wow... and I mean... wow... Will try that, can you reproduce this one ? You added ship with scenery editor
or by hand ?

Adding ship by scenario editor is a bit tricky, maybe just DGIV related but it might be possible also...
I wait more info to reproduce it and I'll try.


Message modifié ( 02-04-2007 02:36 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #48 - 02 April 2007, 01:33:41
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
I'm sorry Dan. D64 does not check the oxygen dock valve.

Corrected, thanks for report


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #49 - 02 April 2007, 01:44:56
Simonpro a écrit:
and then select high timeacceleration the smoke effects from the
DGIV debris tend to really really slow down the sim. Any chance there could be some type of 'switch' to remove the
smoke at high timeacc? It seems to slow the thing down no matter where I am in the solar system.

Okay checked, 10x 100x no effect on framerate (150fps), at 10'000x FPS downed to 40 FPS,
solution: disabled smoke and all "crashed model" effects at more than 10x acceleration.

Solved, many thanks !
