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Author Topic: [closed] BETA 5 Of DeltaGliderIV (fifth beta release)  (Read 24929 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #100 - 03 April 2007, 19:19:35
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
The MFDs reset everytime the panel is changes with [CTRL]+[up]/[down]
This means that they turn on when they are off, and some important values are lost.

What do you loose if they are off ? :wonder:

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
EDIT: Also, ejecting when the canopy is broken near ground level kills the pilot.

Tried work perfectly, can you explain how to reproduce exactly ?

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
EDIT: Also, D61 does not check the oxygen valve.

A said above solved for next BETA (due soon)

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
EDIT: Also, can you please put a 'Done' button on the repaint centre?

Just close it with red cross on top of window. I lost 3 hours to add a done button don't know why it don't work,
as it's not vital, it's a wast of time to insist.


Offline Artlav

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Reply #101 - 03 April 2007, 19:20:08
Quite a good job, this plane of yours.

Minor bugs:

Unexpected pressure bug: Get a fuel container (any other vessel) docked to the DGIV with uncompressed airlock, save, restore,
undock the container, BAM. The state of airlock pressure is not saved in the scenario. Minor, but annoying.

Antenna pointed at UMMU bug: Get an MMU near the DGIV, set it as antenna target. MMU enters the DGIV, antenna starts spinning
randomly, still showing the now-deleted UMMU as target. If you get another MMU out or create new vessel, it will point at it,
still calling it by the name of the deleted MMU/vessel.
This seem to have a CTD potential, should the pointers go away.

The voices doesn't always correspond to the action, i think that was reported already.

UMMU&turbopack&Moon bug: Get an mmu out while landed on the moon, attach a turbopack, take-off and do some flying-around,
land, take-off and do some flying, land near the ship, disconnect the TP. MMU will no longer be controllable.

Flying up-side-down bug: Get the DGIV off the runway, turn it upside-down, and land that way with some 4-5m/s. It will report
gear collapse instead of canopy broken off.

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #102 - 03 April 2007, 19:41:35
3 hours to add a done button O.o wow. Didn't realise it was that complex.

With the MFD problem, it's not when they're off, but when they're on. Having them turn on is odd, but losing my BurnTime
settings everytime I change panels is frustrating.

To reproduce bug with eject: Start on runway, and go forward so that the canopy breaks before it opens fully. while still
moving tap [esc] three times.

Proud creator of two (2) addons

One of which is soon to be out of date, and one is not yet useable. Great Success!

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #103 - 03 April 2007, 20:18:10
Artlav a écrit:
Unexpected pressure bug: Get a fuel container (any other vessel) docked to the DGIV with uncompressed airlock,
save, restore,undock the container, BAM. The state of airlock pressure is not saved in the scenario. Minor, but

Solved by forbidding undock with airlock open, things I wanted to do since long time.

Artlav a écrit:
Antenna pointed at UMMU bug: Get an MMU near the DGIV,

Solved, you were right, potential CTD here.

Artlav a écrit:
The voices doesn't always correspond to the action, i think that was reported already.,

Yes but unable to reproduce, can't clear it... can you tell me how ? wich voice ? when ?

Artlav a écrit:
UMMU&turbopack&Moon bug: Get an mmu out while landed on the moon, attach a turbopack, take-off and
do some flying-around,land, take-off and do some flying, land near the ship, disconnect the TP. MMU will no longer be

Shaked as much as I can, tried exactly what you told, no bug. Still controllable ? maybe no fuel anymore ?

Artlav a écrit:
Flying up-side-down bug: Get the DGIV off the runway, turn it upside-down, and land that way with some 4-5m/s. It
will report gear collapse instead of canopy broken off.

This one will stay like that.... when you're up side down game is over anyway.

Thanks for testing


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #104 - 03 April 2007, 20:29:35
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
3 hours to add a done button O.o wow. Didn't realise it was that complex.

Sure, sometime you scratch your head during hours on some non working features. Sometime you write hundred line and it's smooth as silk, I spend 12-16 hours per days on DGIV those days.

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
With the MFD problem, it's not when they're off, but when they're on. Having them turn on is odd, but losing my
BurnTime settings everytime I change panels is frustrating.

Sorry, I have very hard time trying to guess your bugs, very time consuming !
Again: unable to reproduce, can you explain exactly the procedure to get it ? Wich MFD how ? what sequence of key
or buttons ? As I spend a lot of time on this I would appreciate that you take a bit of time to be more precise in your

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
To reproduce bug with eject: Start on runway, and go forward so that the canopy breaks before it opens fully. while
still moving tap [esc] three times.

Tried that exactly , still alive...


Message modifié ( 03-04-2007 20:33 )

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by DanSteph »

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #105 - 03 April 2007, 20:39:46
About wrong sound: it may be possible that you erased the new OrbiteSound.dll 3.5 given with DGIV archive ?
The old one is unable to play "just loaded" sound and so may play old one.


« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by DanSteph »

Offline Artlav

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Reply #106 - 03 April 2007, 21:08:03
DanSteph wrote:
Shaked as much as I can, tried exactly what you told, no bug. Still controllable ? maybe no fuel anymore ?

It has something to do with descent autopilot and controls - if you land the ummu with descent autopilot, while still
rotating it, then take-off and land again is the only time i got it twice.
It feels a bit random - one time the mmu wasn't working the moment it egressed, other times it was working perfectly for an
hour in a row.
I'll post if i get a clear shot at it.

One more minor bug - it is impossible to disable the alarm if something is broken - like cockpit temperature is too high or
gears are
torn off, it just keep going, without reacting to the alarm reset button. Feature?

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by Artlav »

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #107 - 03 April 2007, 21:27:39
I use BurnTime MFD a lot for interplanetary transfers (although it doesn't work too well with DGIV for some reason) and if I
change panels (ctrl+up/down) it resets all the values in it. Sorry about the generally terse nature of my reports, I't's a
habit that the school system has gotten into me, and which I am trying to correct. And with the ejection thing, it seems that
sometimes when landed or near gound, the pilot parachute doesn't work.

EDIT: Silly me! Bug had nothing to do with canopy. procedure: on runway, put engines on full, when gear collapses eject. Pilot hits the ground and dies.

Post Edited ( 04-03-07 21:33 )

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by Quantum Burrito Meal »
Proud creator of two (2) addons

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #108 - 03 April 2007, 22:17:52
Artlav a écrit:
It has something to do with descent autopilot and controls - if you land the ummu with descent autopilot, while still
rotating it, then take-off and land again is the only time i got it twice.
It feels a bit random - one time the mmu wasn't working the moment it egressed, other times it was working perfectly
for an hour in a row. I'll post if i get a clear shot at it.

Ok, let me know if anything new on this.

Artlav a écrit:
One more minor bug - it is impossible to disable the alarm if something is broken - like cockpit temperature is too high
or gears are torn off, it just keep going, without reacting to the alarm reset button. Feature?

already solved in next beta. Please remember to check if ok (I think I'll release it tonight, maybe tomorrow)

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
 use BurnTime MFD a lot for interplanetary transfers (although it doesn't work too well with DGIV for some reason)
and if I change panels (ctrl+up/down) it resets all the values in it.

Transx and other MFD doesn't seem to have this problem, are you using latest version ? seem more likely to be
a BurnTime MFD bug wich doesn't save its state. (I cannot do it for it)

Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
EDIT: Silly me! Bug had nothing to do with canopy. procedure: on runway, put engines on full, when gear collapses
eject. Pilot hits the ground and dies.

Added double fuel for ejection seat if zero/zero ejection... Solved.

Thanks for effort,


Message modifié ( 03-04-2007 22:18 )

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by DanSteph »

Offline picto

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Reply #109 - 03 April 2007, 22:36:13
Je ne sais pas si c'est un bug, sur les Mmu, deux heures d'oxygène si EVA
20 heures et plus si éjection dans l'espace.

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by picto »

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #110 - 03 April 2007, 22:52:24
picto a écrit:
Je ne sais pas si c'est un bug, sur les Mmu, deux heures d'oxygène si EVA
20 heures et plus si éjection dans l'espace.

Feature, réservoire spéciaux pour éjection.


« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by DanSteph »

Offline Gat3rZ

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Reply #111 - 03 April 2007, 23:08:48
un petit bug : l'autopilote de docking s'arete de fonctionner si vous sorter tous le monde pendant qu'il est demarer, il
est toujour alumer et ont voit les info mais il n'agit plus sur les truster. je n'ai pas tester les autre autopilote par

sinon dans un cenar j'etai lander sur terre avec le DGIV et j'ai voulu avec l'editeur de scenario le metre directement a
coter de l'iss pour tester les maneuvres spacialles, j'ai donc mis la pause, mis le DGIV en orbite a coter de l'iss et
enlever la pause, et au moment d'enlever la pause il a fait comme si les train d'aterissage et les hovers etai casser et
les debris se sont dispersser dans l'espace.

a oui aussi quand je tesatai le docking j'ai dedocker sans fermer les sas et avec l'apu off (avec quand meme les
scafandres, chui pas sadique non plu lol :) ) j'ai donc redemarer l'apu et les systemes mais impossible de redemarer
les truster le voyan etai vert mais impossible de les faire fonctioner meme avec un autopilote.

« Last Edit: 03 April 2007, 23:08:48 by Gat3rZ »