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Author Topic: [closed] BETA 4 Of DeltaGliderIV (fourth beta release)  (Read 35191 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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07 January 2007, 04:56:20
[EDITED BY MODERATOR] Public beta was to much work for me, so now you must register to a beta team to test the DeltaGliderIV, you can register here:

BETA 4 of DeltaGliderIV

For a list of DGIV new features and improvment see at least 1st beta thread here: (closed thread)

You may also see what was changed/added since 1st beta while reading 2nd beta thread here: (closed also) and 3rd beta thread here: (closed)

Here's the DGIV BETA 4:

Please notice it come with an installer that don't write anything in the registry, it's a clean
installer that will only decompress the file and check that it's really an Orbiter directory.
It will also set a desktop link to the dg4config program, as nothing is wrote in registry you can
delete or move this link where you want.

Download and execute:

Warning !
-it is a GOOD idea to install the pack after a fresh reboot of your computer otherwise some files may not be copied
properly due to XP or Orbiter holding them. For beta testing it's important to ensure to not have false bug report.

List of correction since BETA 3:


-New skin "SpaceTech" (see in earth scenario the "Spacetech company")
-Changed all skins with new details.
-Corrected mesh.
-Main antenna don't glow anymore in the dark.
-Improved exhaust RCS texture
-Improved main and turbopump exhaust texture
-Improved top vessel textures.
-Corrected position of RCS exhaust
-Removed message "Due to high temperature your vessel was desintegrated..." It's now evident that you are
 desintegrated no message needed anymore :)
-In ATM auto mode it switch to surface control at much higher speed. (Mach 7 if enough dyn pressure)
-Pilot ejection speed in space lowered to 2 m/s
-HUD message reworked so it don't mix with "critical condition in cabin" message.


-Dg4Config new bouton "reset to default"
-Added a dg4config parameter "ship never burn when reentry"
-Removed "pilot death disable ship control" there is no point to still control a ship where all men aboard are dead.
  Use chiken mode "crew never die" instead.

Still On my TODO List:
-Reentry autopilot (fully automatic not as PRO104SPEC40 wich is an atttitude hold autopilot)
-News scenario, correction of typo and other things in scenarios.
-documentation (help in english welcome)
-New DGIV download page on this site

The new skins are definitively not compatible anymore with third party skin, I'll publish a new skin SDK
in the meaning time.

Upgrade was necessary anyway as there was many mesh and textures error

Much thanks for testing and happy new year 2007 ;)

Message modifié ( 07-01-2007 05:07 )

Message modifié ( 07-01-2007 07:18 )

Message modifié ( 16-01-2007 01:17 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #1 - 07 January 2007, 05:04:41
I'll answer here some of concern posted in the BETA 3 thread:

- RCS Auto: The auto setting kicks it into RCS instead of aerosurfaces at a fairly high speed. If I turn it to straight
aerosurfaces, I can get much higher control. (I found this out while pondering stalls and slow-fight the other day.) I
can keep fairly good control of the spacecraft all the way down to 100 m/s with the ailerons and elevators, but when
RCS kicks in, it becomes much more difficult to fly.

Not sure I got this one fully, I increased the engage of elevon to MACH 7... for lower speed I think it's okay as below
100 m/s you are fully stalled with not much control anymore.

Now to my bug: When I tick 'pilots death disables ships control' in the DGIV-config and then kill my crew I can't use
time acceleration any more. On any other vessel I can. This was also on the first beta, I tried it. This didn't happen on
DGIII as far as I remember.

As crew is dead all keyboard input are disabled in DGIV, solution: set focus to another ship and it will work again.

I found a small bug when a DGIV is destroyed. All of the pieces appear in the Docking MFD target menu, even though
they have no docking ports.

This is a dock MFD bug, it list any vessel without any care if it have a dock or not. There is no parameters in Orbiter to
change that behaviour.

I am experiencing problems in the scenario "The tranworld express company" (note the typo . If I launch one
of the gliders and set it to ascent autopilot shortly after takeoff, then do the same thing with the next glider and then
switch back to the first one, the animation of the (retracted) wheels seems to be messed up (they stick out of the top
of the mesh).

My best bet is that gear speed limit was outpassed and the gear broke... can you check please, go to cockpit and see
if there is a warning.

Thanks all for testing !


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 07 January 2007, 06:04:50
For those that got the infamous "configuration" message and install fail with the installer
during the 0701 night before 6 am GMT I uploaded a new version and updated
the link in the first post. Ie: The new beta is here:
Previous link was : DeltaGliderIV_BETA_070107.exe without the "BETA4"

If any intterest: first version was built with "dynamic library " MD switch in VS2005 mean that you need the msvcrt80.dll  and other VS2005 dll installed. I rebuilded the installer with MT switch (static library)  wich mean the libs
are included and you don't need any dll.



Message modifié ( 07-01-2007 06:09 )

Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #3 - 07 January 2007, 07:12:14
Downloaded, works great! Looking forward to ESA and NASA skin updates.


Offline picto

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Reply #4 - 07 January 2007, 07:30:13
Superbe !
Congratulations !
Le coup des raccourcis claviers pour les autopilots :top:


Offline skookum

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Reply #5 - 07 January 2007, 09:11:01

Very impressive. For the re-entry autopilot development, will you be reworking the current re-entry computer mode, or will
you create a new mode leaving PROSPEC104 intact? I'm asking because the current attitude hold autopilot in the DGIV is
excellent. The only changes I'd make are to increase the number of bank and AOA angles available for selection. A fully
automatic autopilot is an excellent idea too. Would be reassuring for the passengers I think. ;)

I'm a space cadet too!

Offline Marvin

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Reply #6 - 07 January 2007, 10:37:16
If I didn't know that this is the fourth BETA I'd say it's the final release!:applause:

This is an empty spot.

Offline Artlav

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Reply #7 - 07 January 2007, 12:03:30
A quick-look suggestions:
1. How DGIV determines it's in space?
If i get it to about 90Km Earth altitude and press eject it ejects athmosphere-style (30m/s), while above 100Km it
does a normal (2m/s) eject.

But, if i get to low (~10Km) Lunar orbit, and hit eject, it ejects atm-style, not space one.
Even more, just fly by ~(70Km) Phobos, and hit eject - you got the same catapult.
If you get futher than 100Km from it - space eject.

Maybe tie it into the pressure gauge?

2. Please provide a non-installer version too. Because first, archives can be unpacked on any computer, while
internet-downloaded program can be often be unrunable and second, it's just pointless, like putting icon to
the "desktop".

Offline streb2001

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Reply #8 - 07 January 2007, 12:19:53
I agree with Artlav about needing a non-installer version. I manage all my addons with the Jones mod enabler and so I had to
"install" the DGIII into a skeleton Orbiter directory structure. I will have to do the same with your DGIV beta 4.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #9 - 07 January 2007, 12:45:46
Artlav a écrit:
A quick-look suggestions:
1. How DGIV determines it's in space?
If i get it to about 90Km Earth altitude and press eject it ejects athmosphere-style (30m/s), while above 100Km it
does a normal (2m/s) eject.

Will rework this for a more subtile detection.

Artlav a écrit:
2. Please provide a non-installer version too. Because first, archives can be unpacked on any computer, while
internet-downloaded program can be often be unrunable and second, it's just pointless, like putting icon to
the "desktop".

Since 3 years and about 40'000 download the DGII and DGIII have this same installer, never heard problem about it
nor does I saw a single post in forum about it. But with zipped file the same post in the forum come
regulary... "doesn't work blabla" because there is still too much  people that don't know how to unpack a zip correctly
or keep directory tree etc etc. Also if the file is corrupted (wich happen sometime) at least the installer warn you wich
is not the case of the zip if only some files are wrong (wich may be critical). And last if you read on the first installer
page "about installer" it show how to install manually wich is simple. It's true howewer that I must rename "about
installer" in "How to install manually" so it will be more clear, and state that in the download page.

In brief: for pro peoples you can still install manually as you want with two click and for noobs and other that don't want headeach you get all the advantage of an installer without the disavantage of application that write into registry. A win/win situation. (and on 40'000 download if only 1% people don't know how to manage a zip or have problems you have potentially 400 post in the forum just with the same question :rant: ;) )

skookum a écrit:
For the re-entry autopilot development, will you be reworking the current re-entry computer mode, or will you create
a new mode leaving PROSPEC104 intact? I'm asking because the current attitude hold autopilot in the DGIV is

Will keep the "attitude pilot for manual reentry" PRO104 and write a new one "PRO105", I'll rework also the 104 for more settings and some other improvments.

Thanks all for comments, ;)


Message modifié ( 07-01-2007 13:52 )

Offline Heywood

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Reply #10 - 07 January 2007, 15:45:33
With this one new BETA 4  we are going to enjoy many still with Orbiter. Good work, Dan!  ;)

Offline AndyMan

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Reply #11 - 07 January 2007, 18:17:46
- RCS Auto: The auto setting kicks it into RCS instead of aerosurfaces at a fairly high speed. If I turn it
to straight
aerosurfaces, I can get much higher control. (I found this out while pondering stalls and slow-fight the other day.) I
can keep fairly good control of the spacecraft all the way down to 100 m/s with the ailerons and elevators, but when
RCS kicks in, it becomes much more difficult to fly.

Not sure I got this one fully, I increased the engage of elevon to MACH 7... for lower speed I think it's okay as below
100 m/s you are fully stalled with not much control anymore.

In flight testing, I find that the RCS auto kicks in at about 120 m/s, and kicks back out at 150 m/s. I find that I can
maintain controllable flight all the way down to about 100 m/s, controllable enough even to be at this speed on final
approach. However, to do this, I must be on aero-surface controls. If I let it switch to RCS during that time, the ship
becomes very difficult - impossible to control. In addition: Stall recovery itself is much better when performed with
elevon surfaces instead of RCS controls. Even though stalled, you can maintain a fair amount of control with elevons
down to less than 80 m/s. These are all indicated airspeeds, I do not have the dynamic pressure numbers for you,
though if you request it, I can get them.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #12 - 07 January 2007, 18:31:52
AndyMan a écrit:
 I do not have the dynamic pressure numbers for you, though if you request it, I can get them.

Would be nice if you can get them with extensive test... dyn pressure is available on mini hud...
to get the exact number you may time warp at 0.1x so you can read exact value...

For now RCS kick in at 7000 (7.000K)



Offline picto

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Reply #13 - 07 January 2007, 19:05:38
Oups erreur...

Message modifié ( 07-01-2007 19:06 )


Offline AndyMan

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Reply #14 - 07 January 2007, 19:32:58
Oh, one more request: Knots and altitude in feet are available on the custom hud, but not vertical speed in feet per
minute. Is that a data item that is possible to get?

Offline Evan

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Reply #15 - 07 January 2007, 20:10:59
downloading now...will let you know what i think...probably gonna be wonderful

Offline jer11

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Reply #16 - 07 January 2007, 21:09:03
it has newer controls and contdown aand even ejections.

Age 13

Offline Peskie

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Reply #17 - 07 January 2007, 21:21:54
All in all, great fun and a superb add-on craft. :top:

Howere, here are some issues with DeltaGliderIV_BETA4_070107.exe.

- Text "(don't use registry at all)" should be "(doesn't use registry at all)"
- The folder input field can be highlighted and selected from but is not
  directly editable (for when you want to type or paste in a path instead of
  'browsing' for it).
- The "Install Complete" message box references the FAQ for the DGIII.
- In the above and on the main screen the "DGIV more download" text should
  be "DGIV more downloads"

- The mode list box looses focus when the mouse wheel is used (unlike all
  the other list boxes in this dialog.

- All the list boxes loose focus when the mouse wheel is used.
- The "Technician advise" message box should be called "Technician advice".
  Also these message boxes are very annoying.  They should either only be
  shown at most once per session or have a "Do not warn again" checkbox that
  forever disables them.
- The pilot age field is not editable; a list box here seems inappropriate,
  what if a child < 10 or someone > 85 wants to put in their age?
- The "Enter passenger name and age list" dialog:
  * "semi colon" should be "semicolon"
  * The text "NOTE: if you enter more name then the number of passenger,
    the name will be choosen randomly from the list.  Every time you load
    setting (see bottom DGIV's panel) the passenger will change."
    Should be "NOTE:  if you enter more names then the number of passengers,
    the names will be chosen randomly from the list.  Every time you load
    settings (see DGIV's bottom pannel) the passenger names will change."
- The "Remember you must load this config" message box has the text
  "However, smoke,debris power and fuel settings" and should be
  "However, smoke, debris, power, and fuel settings".  Probably the comma
  after "however" should be a semicolon too.

Scenario "UMmu transfert ..." -> "UMmu transfer ..."
     and "Using inboard computer" -> "Using onboard computer"
     and "Using programmed shortcut to ..." -> "Using programmed shortcuts to ..."

There are a lot of typos and bad grammar in the scenario descriptions
I'll make an edited set available that you can use to correct some of
the worst of it and send you the URL in a PM.

There are some unexpected interactions with the airlock when docked to another

First, starting with the "UMmu transfert to docked ship" [sic] scenario
I noticed that even with both inner and outer airlock doors closed it
won't let me evacuate the chamber (small issue).  It will let me
transfer crew with just the outer doors open, it would be nice if it
required the inner doors to be open as well.

Then I tried to undock while purposely leaving the airlock doors in a
bad state.  One DGIV had inner door closed with the outer door open (and
the seat belt sign off) and the other had the both its doors open (with
the seat belt sign on).

BTW, it would be nice if the light on the "undock" button was yellow or
red instead of green when the either airlock door is open as a reminder;
even better if it also didn't go green until the other vessel had it's
doors closed as well (at least if it's a DGIV), e.g. red if my doors are
open, yellow if you can tell if the other vessel's doors are open, and
green when all closed..

After undocking, the craft with both airlock doors open was only able to
close the outer door; then the inner door was inop (the green light went
out) and although the chamber green light came on the switch was inop as
well.  And even though the pressure increased with appropriate sounds
the chamber pressure lights stayed off (the inner door still open).
Also the crew hypoxia sound played (heavy breathing) even though they
all had their suits on.
The message about all crew dead (due to temp I think) also came up even
though they had their suits on and all survived.
Even with bad conditions taping the seatbelt sign off and back on reset
the O2 reserve to 600 minutes.  I'd hope that the crew would be smart
enough to NOT remove their suits if their ship was exposed to space.

Upon redocking, it wouldn't let me open the outer
door again on the craft that had previous vented even though the other
craft was fine and had both it's doors open (i.e. there was air on the
other side).  There was no message, just that "no-no" beep.  After
waiting for (I guess) the temperature to get closer to normal it let me
open the door again.

Then, with all the doors open the read outs indicated that
the two ships still had different atmosphere conditions (pressure, CO2%,
temp, etc).  When they're connected the atmosphere should be mixed.  Or
prevent one of the doors from opening if the conditions are too
different (in particular pressure).

Docked with all doors open I forced the hatch open on one of the ships.
The other ship's atmosphere was unaffected.  I could even transfer the
crew out of the 'bad' ship.  Speaking of forcing the hatch... when doing
this in space the hatch is damaged and can't be closed again... is there
no "safe" way to depressurize the cabin in order to open it such that it
can be closed again?  Opening it after undocking with the airlocks open
allows you to close it but damages the nose cone.

Finally, docking to a ship without atmosphere (e.g. docking to another
DGIV whose crew has ejected or that has opened the hatch).  Allows both
doors to be opened without lose of atmosphere and even shows the
chamber as pressurized.

Thanks for a fine add-on.  All these issue I mention are minor but I'm nothing if not pedantic :).

Offline felixar90

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Reply #18 - 07 January 2007, 21:45:28
I noticed that even with both inner and outer airlock doors closed it
won't let me evacuate the chamber (small issue)
I think this is normal, the two DGIV (or DGIV+ISS) are both pressurized, this would be totally 'unusefull' to vent the
chamber, and you would have to re-presurize the chamber again in order to transfer the crew



Offline jer11

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Reply #19 - 07 January 2007, 21:47:33
Peskie wrote:
All in all, great fun and a superb add-on craft. :top:
[EDITED BY MODERATOR] 300 lines removed.

Thanks and welcome

[EDITED BY MODERATOR] No need to quote 300 lines just to add one at the end. Thanks to take care about

Age 13

Offline Peskie

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Reply #20 - 07 January 2007, 21:49:00
felixar90 wrote:
I think this is normal, the two DGIV (or DGIV+ISS) are both pressurized, this would be totally 'unusefull' to vent the
chamber, and you would have to re-presurize the chamber again in order to transfer the crew

I didn't say it would be useful ;) ... just didn't know why it would prevent it.

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #21 - 07 January 2007, 22:51:05
Peskie wrote:

There are a lot of typos and bad grammar in the scenario descriptions
I'll make an edited set available that you can use to correct some of
the worst of it and send you the URL in a PM.

Dan's native tongue is French, so he has requested help in this area. Check out the thread I started entitled "DGIV English
Help for Existing Files". We can help him iron out the verbiage and he can just cut/paste into the next Beta/production model.

May I also remind everyone that he is looking for some new scenarios too. Some folks on this board are very creative. I'd
look forward to some new challenges. There is just so many times you can "Save the Idiot".

"Sun Dog"

Offline streb2001

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Reply #22 - 07 January 2007, 23:27:10
Peskie wrote:
... even better if it also didn't go green until the other vessel had it's
doors closed as well (at least if it's a DGIV) ...

As you are a stickler for grammar, I hope the apostrophe in "its doors" above was a deliberate error :siffle:

No offence! I think I am becoming an apostrophe vigilante

Post Edited ( 01-07-07 23:31 )

Offline Krytom

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Reply #23 - 08 January 2007, 00:26:30
Hehe, the spelling and grammar police strike again!

I will possibly try creating a scenario or two next month. I have 2 important exams (I know, [irony]that's a lot[/irony]) in
the next couple of weeks. Or would it be best to wait for a final version of the DGIV to start scenario building?

Offline jer11

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Reply #24 - 08 January 2007, 01:06:53
SpaceTech system??? On FC even on the DG IV skin

Post Edited ( 02-06-07 04:16 )

Age 13