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Author Topic: DGIII Alpha release 02.19 feedback here please (bar open)  (Read 28112 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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24 February 2004, 20:40:33
As usuall

"So here is the new alpha version of the DGIII"

download here:

Thanks for feedback. I'm now working on  OrbiterSound 3.0
because the 2.5 showed it's limit.

Once done things will continue for the DGIII.


Offline Krytom

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Reply #1 - 24 February 2004, 23:28:03

Didn't you release 02.19 a little while ago, or am i mistaken. Version 02.19 was the release with
the panel fix wasn't it?


Offline ChristopherT

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Reply #2 - 25 February 2004, 00:18:40

 Dan, I'm still having some deployment issues when using the "Docked at the ISS" scenario.  I
send Passenger 1 of 4 out the airlock for an EVA, and the DG3 starts to rise vertically behind
the MMU at 10-12 m/s.  It's never the MMU that rises, only the DG3.  Is it possible that the MMU
is applying some sort of opposite reaction to the DG3 when it's spawned?  Would a quick save
scenario help out?  I thought it might be distance related, but this time I was 80 meters from the
ISS and drifting away at .1 m/s.   I'll run through all the passengers and the pilot and see if
they all do that.  



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #3 - 25 February 2004, 00:49:27
mmhhh at my knowledge there is no code that would do that
when ejecting an mmu, and your the only one to report that...

Do you use "enable stabilisation" ?

Can you send me a saved scenario just before it happen
and after ?

Do you use the 02.19 on a fresh install ?

Thanks for you time,

Krytom: yes the 02.19 was the panel fix but the 02.18 thread was full.


Offline ChristopherT

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Reply #4 - 25 February 2004, 02:55:14
DanSteph wrote:

> mmhhh at my knowledge there is no code that would do that
> when ejecting an mmu, and your the only one to report that...
    I thought so!
> Do you use "enable stabilisation" ?
    Yes, Always!  
> Can you send me a saved scenario just before it happen
> and after ?
    Yes, I will.
> Do you use the 02.19 on a fresh install ?
    Yes I am!
> Thanks for you time,
    No, thank you!  :)


Offline Pt

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Reply #5 - 25 February 2004, 16:10:32
Very nice work Dan! :applause: only one simple question: how do you get back into the DGIII after
having performed an EVA? I am currently performing an EVA with the pilot lol and I can't get back
into the ship.


Offline Pt

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Reply #6 - 25 February 2004, 16:45:13
Nevermind, I found it lol :stupid:



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Reply #7 - 26 February 2004, 18:34:00
So Dan, Can we get a mini bar put for this one? :beer:



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Reply #8 - 26 February 2004, 19:10:03
BTW :turning: I tried to see if the emergency cells power would still bump up if i opend the antena;
it seems you got that bug out. i was wondering thoug, Would it be more realistic if you could shut
down the emergency cell if it recarged a slower charging battery? Or maybe run the ship
temorarily off the battery like the EPU? personly, I think it would be intresting to have a 4th power
source like a recargable battery; Id be like Scotty :) and play with the power!  something for a
situation like an APU overheat or fuel cell depletion.

Darn no free power anymore :wonder:, Where's a outlet when you need one?



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Reply #9 - 27 February 2004, 01:08:00
Could you add strafing to the 4 and 6 keys when in eva on the ground?

Offline bgreman

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Reply #10 - 27 February 2004, 01:54:09
I'd like to see an astronaut sidestepping...or anyone who walks around like that in the real


Houston...we've flushed our toilet.


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Reply #11 - 27 February 2004, 02:11:25
Having a wonderful time with the new DG Dan.  It's really great work.

One little request though.  When you have an hour or two, could you whip up a large intersteller
ship with an enlosed docking bay just the right size for the DG.  With animated doors.  And a really
nice panel.  And a multistage orbital autopilot so I don't have to figure out the TransX MFD which is
really giving me the brain-pain.  And an electro-magnetic fuel scoop?  Maybe throw in some
dancing girls in the mess hall?  

No rush, I'll wait.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #12 - 27 February 2004, 03:34:36
DanW wrote:
Having a wonderful time with the new DG Dan. It's really great work.
One little request though. When you have an hour or two, could you whip up a large intersteller
ship with an enlosed docking bay just the right size for the DG. With animated doors. And a really
nice panel. And a multistage orbital autopilot so I don't have to figure out the TransX MFD which is
really giving me the brain-pain. And an electro-magnetic fuel scoop? Maybe throw in some
dancing girls in the mess hall?

LOL :)

When I wrote in the tittle "BAR OPEN" I wasn't meaning one must drink
ALL the reserve :drunk:

Anyway without joke I WOULD love to do a large ship to hold two DGIII
but I bet once I'll be done with OrbiterSound and the DGIII
Just seeing a line of code would make me sick.



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Reply #13 - 27 February 2004, 03:35:33
Cheers to that! :drunk::friend:


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Reply #14 - 28 February 2004, 01:30:26
bgreman wrote:

>I'd like to see an astronaut sidestepping...or anyone who walks around like that in the real
>Houston...we've flushed our toilet.

The reason I requested it was because it makes up for not being able to turn your head. While it may look
weird in external view, it makes the 1st person view feel more natural.

If you wanted to observe something from mutliple angles on your table for instance, you wouldn't look at
it, turn your head and body to the direction you wanted to go, walk, and then look back at the object,
repeat.... I'm also sure that you don't aways walk exactly towards what you're looking at. Thats what we
have to do now with astronauts.

Straffing, when used with turning and regular walking,  allows for more natural movement.

Offline reekchaa

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Reply #15 - 28 February 2004, 07:13:43
What really works well is 'circle straffing', in conjunction with RPGs and chain guns to really put
those aliens down good.

~ the Reekchaa

Offline canadave

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Reply #16 - 28 February 2004, 07:24:25
Ah...a fellow Duke Nukemer, I see?



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Reply #17 - 28 February 2004, 18:56:58
can you add the capability for the mmu to dock with other objects to simulate the astronaut
grabing a probe or whatever. It would have been useful in the easy scenario so you could still
retrive Joe even if he died with another astronaut.

Offline reekchaa

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Reply #18 - 28 February 2004, 19:45:25
new mission idea?...
  "Your job is to collect the spinning frozen corpses littering the skies, then return them for circle-
straffing target practice.  Then use your MMU jet-pack to uh..."  ;)

~ the Reekchaa

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #19 - 01 March 2004, 08:56:19 too uh... use the MMU to have a showdown with a particularly viciuous bug, that won't leave
the Alphans alone. You are to land near the base, get your beam weapon ready and then ..
CIRCLE-STRAFE and put the bugger down. Oh yeah, they call them Bug Bladder Beasts of Thrall, so
do bring your towel in case situation gets ridicuolous :) Oh and read your Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy again before the mission." :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15


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Reply #20 - 01 March 2004, 13:12:42
has anyone else had problems with the brake?  when i open it the entire ship goes wonky.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #21 - 01 March 2004, 13:24:19
seem to me that you must do a fresh reinstall of the DGIII
as stated for the last version.


Offline glObalist

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Reply #22 - 02 March 2004, 10:09:26
Hi Dan, just two things I'd like to mention.

Upon loading the Transworld express scenario (the only one I tried so far), the two DGIIIs sort of
hover, shake, puff out some smoke and jump up on the runway. This lasts for about 3 seconds,
then they "sit down" and the alarm starts beeping, telling me the nose cone and canopy is
damaged:(   Bug, or my harddrive is not up to the task of loading the scenario quick enough before
strange things happen?:)

Second, I still think the rate at which the DGIII is able to turn around 180deg (while taxiing) is just
unrealistic, considering the configuration of its wheels. Well, at least the gear didn't collapse on me
this time around:)

Other than that, have a nice day.

"Wherever you go, there you are. Wherever you are, there you orbit."

Richard A. Shadwell

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Reply #23 - 02 March 2004, 11:29:39
I am an extreme newbie.  I have flown orbiter <10x.  I have done several hours worth of reading
and believe me, it was worth the time invested.  I have downloaded your DGIII, I can not believe
how much attention to detail you have put into this project.  YOU SHOULD BE COMMENDED!!!!!  I
also fly fs2004, and all the previous versions back to fs5.1  Please keep up the extremely good
work.  I also love the sound package you have done.  Like I said, I am very new at this, so I have
not yet had a chance to try all of your sound files, but from what I see thus far, you are doing the
job and doing it right.  

Richard A. Shadwell


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Reply #24 - 02 March 2004, 14:32:39
I'm sorry to say that my first contribution to this forum is a bug report, nevertheless I really enjoy
Orbiter and the DGIII because.. well... I'm just a guy who loves panels... *grin*

But I found a strange phenomenon, and I can't really find in this forum if it's been said already or
not. When I power down one or both MFD's in the Main Panel, then go to the Upper Panel, then
back to the Main Panel, both MFD's are on again. Weird? I'm sure I've pressed a button here
somewhere... *KABAMM!!!*  Uhmm, nope, that's not it...

Anyway, If I turn something off, I would like it to STAY off, or is that just not possible? It's not really
a bug so much as it is a minor detail, but the details ont the DGIII are always top notch, so let's
make it better.. ;)