Get stunning Orbiter rendering in 2020 with D3DX9Story: Orbiter uses DX7 for rendering, a century-old engine. Fortunately Martin the creator gave the possibility to write external graphics clients that take care of the rendering. With this D3D9 Client you will have a much better rendering: bump map, normal map, reflection map, native antialiasing etc. and it runs much faster on recent windows.
Download and install of D3D9 ClientDownload the latest version here (Under "
Downloads for Orbiter 2016 " get the most recent "
[stable]" version)'t forget to take the
"MicroTexture Pack" at the bottom of page which give this result:

Once all this unzipped in Orbiter directory, launch "
Orbiter_ng.exe" (forget "Orbiter.exe" definitively) and check D3D9Client module:
Problems ? 1-Launch "Orbiter/Install/vcredist_x86.exe" which installs the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 redistributables.
2-Download and install DirectX from Microsoft here Every computer should have these two things anyway.
After you can set the graphics options in

I recommend "Full Screen" while carefully avoiding "
true full screen" in the" Full Screen Mode" selector. The "true full screen" is exclusive and causes problems whenever you want to alt-tab to read a tutorial or web page. Disabling "vertical sync." makes Orbiter runs at 800FPS on my hardware it's useless but it can be useful if you have a low end machine.
If your graphic card is invisible see here (English version in the spoiler):

to have the best quality. Modern gaming PC can easily display Orbiter at 800 FPS.
- I have put in green the changes from the default, if you want to go back to the default settings to start over, delete the file "Orbiter\D3D9Client.cfg"
- I do not recommend fiddling with the "mesh resolution" and "texture bias", it more often gives strange effects but you can make your own tests.
- The D3D9Client works very well but some parameters are more experimental than functional, however this configuration should work well for you.

To have high resolution MFDs in virtual cockpits, do as in the picture:

The difference: 256x256 1024x1024
End of D3D9 settings. If you want to see all the other settings of Orbiter, go (or return) to this page give an idea of the rendering difference here is UMmu 2.5 with a "normal map", dynamic shading of clothes.

And the same as seen by the old DX7 engine (Orbiter.exe)