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Cé kan la rilize ???
ça fait super plaisir.
;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Preliminary note: ; ----------------- ; All music, sounds and commands are TEMPORARY just for one scenario. ; The "Radio/Radar/MP3" MFD will inform the user of music or radio chatter control ; by scenario command and allow him to regain control. ; ; Note: ; -All commands must be inside a scenario between "BEGIN_OrbiterSound" and "END" ; -Up to 200 commands are allowed. ; -Timed commands are sorted by time, no need to write them in exact sequence. ; -Time command ("T:") can be float (for example "T:5.5" is 5500 milliseconds) ; -Time command ("T:") can be relative to the previous command's time (for example "T:+4") ; -Time <3 seconds is not recommended as Orbiter take time to load everything. ; -If something don't work, check for "ERROR" in OrbiterSound_log.txt ; -All your sounds must be in your "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\***" directory. ; -You can add comments or unactivate a command with ";" keyword. ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; IMPORTANT: ; --------- ; This should come first before any other sound command ! ; Its your addon's music and sound folder located ; in "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\" (Example: "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\OrbiterSoundDemo") ; Of course if you don't use any sound, this is not mandatory. ; ;SCENARIOSOUNDFOLDER OrbiterSoundDemo ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mute the music. If you use ADDTOPLAYLIST or INSERTTOPLAYLIST below this command ; is ignored. ; ;MUTEMUSIC ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Mute the VHF radio (radio chatter) ; ;MUTEVHFRADIO ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Play Timed sound One ; ; Note: ; -Two playsound stream can play in same time, see PLAYSOUND_TWO. ; This allow you to play for example a complete launch sound in exterior view and another for interior. ; -You can have up to 40 commands "PLAYSOUND_*", so you can also comment a replay flight or anything you can imagine. ; -External Sound volume is NOT controlled by distance and pressure. ; -Only mp3 or ogg format will play with this command. ; -Time < 3 seconds is not recommended as Orbiter take time to load everything. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255 ; View:# COCKPIT or EXTERNAL or BOTH ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg) ; ;PLAYSOUND_ONE T:3 V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:playsoundOneCockpit.ogg ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Play Timed sound Two (Same as above but for sound TWO) ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255 ; View:# COCKPIT or EXTERNAL or BOTH ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg) ; ;PLAYSOUND_TWO T:3 V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:playsoundTwoExternal.ogg ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add a music to the playlist. ; ; This commands REPLACE the user's playlist with your songs. ; This new custom playlist will play in sequence from simulation start one song after another. ; Your songs must be in your scenario's sounds folder. ; ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255 ; View:# COCKPIT or EXTERNAL or BOTH ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg) ; ;ADDTOPLAYLIST V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:RockInsideTheClock.mp3 ;ADDTOPLAYLIST V:255 View:BOTH Name:CrimsonTideMutiny.mp3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Force Current Active Music and settings (not recommended) ; ; OrbiterSound usually remember the last song played by the user and the last 'Volume' and 'Mode' set by the MFD. ; This command will force the users's Mode, Volume and current song. ; Note: ; This command is very agressive because it change the user's setting. It was done only ; for the purpose of the scenario "How to use MFD" but may annoy the user if you use it often. ; The song must be in Mp3 directory, if the user erase the song, this command will be ignored. ; For a demo of this parameter see the demo scenario "How to use MFD". ; ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255 ; View:# COCKPIT or EXTERNAL or BOTH ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg) ; ;FORCECURRENTACTIVEMUSIC V:255 View:BOTH Name:RockInsideTheClock.mp3 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Engage Main engine, so your sound is synchronised in case of launch sound effect ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Power:#% = engine power from 0% to 100% ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;MAINENGINEPOWER T:35 Power:100% Vessel:GL-02 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Engage Hover engine, so your sound is synchronised in case of launch sound effect ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Power:#% = engine power from 0% to 100% ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;HOVERENGINEPOWER T:25 Power:100% Vessel:GL-02 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Engage RCS thruster ; ; Note: to stop a RCS send the same command with Power:0% or with "Type:ATT_STOPALL" ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Power:#% = RCS engine power from 0% to 100% ; Type:# = one thruster group below ; ATT_STOPALL < stop all rcs ; ATT_PITCHUP < rotation: pitch up ; ATT_PITCHDOWN < rotation: pitch down ; ATT_YAWLEFT < rotation: yaw left ; ATT_YAWRIGHT < rotation: yaw right ; ATT_BANKLEFT < rotation: bank left ; ATT_BANKRIGHT < rotation: bank right ; ATT_RIGHT < translation: move right ; ATT_LEFT < translation: move left ; ATT_UP < translation: move up ; ATT_DOWN < translation: move down ; ATT_FORWARD < translation: move forward ; ATT_BACK < translation: move back ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;RCSENGINEPOWER T:25 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:100% Vessel:GL-02 ;RCSENGINEPOWER T:27 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:0% Vessel:GL-02 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set control surface ; ; Note: The control surface will stay in position unless there is a user input or you set it back to 0%. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Position:#% = Surface position from -100% to 100% (neutral 0%) ; Type:# = one control surface below ; AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR, ///< elevator control (pitch control) ; AIRCTRL_RUDDER, ///< rudder control (yaw control) ; AIRCTRL_AILERON, ///< aileron control (bank control) ; AIRCTRL_FLAP, ///< flaps (lift, drag control) ; AIRCTRL_ELEVATORTRIM, ///< elevator trim ; AIRCTRL_RUDDERTRIM ///< rudder trim ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;SETCONTROLSURFACE T:25 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:-50% Vessel:GL-02 ;SETCONTROLSURFACE T:27 Type:AIRCTRL_RUDDER Position:0% Vessel:GL-02 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Engage an Orbiter Autopilot ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Status:# = ON or OFF ; Type:# = KILLROT, HLEVEL, PROGRADE, RETROGRADE, NORMAL, ANTINORMAL or HOLDALT ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;SETAUTOPILOT T:10 Status:ON Type:HLEVEL Vessel:PB-01 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Send a keypress to a MFD ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Mfd:# = LEFT or RIGHT or MFD_USER1 to MFD_USER9 ; Key:# = A key identifier as defined in Orbitersdk\doc\API_Reference.pdf (page 227 or search for "OAPI_KEY_1") ; ;SENDMFDKEY T:31 Mfd:LEFT Key:OAPI_KEY_L ;SENDMFDKEY T:54 Mfd:MFD_USER4 Key:OAPI_KEY_N ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Send a keypress to a Vessel ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Key:# = A key identifier as defined in Orbitersdk\doc\API_Reference.pdf (page 227 or search for "OAPI_KEY_1") ; for shift and control key, see example below. ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;SENDVESSELKEY T:31 Key:OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:PB-01 ;SENDVESSELKEY T:35 Key:OAPI_KEY_LSHIFT+OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:GL01-S ;SENDVESSELKEY T:+4 Key:OAPI_KEY_LCONTROL+OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:GL02 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switch Camera view ; ; Note: To find _EXTERNAL view POS parameter, simply launch a scenario, set the desired track view, quit, ; open the Scenarios/(Current state).scn and copy the POS numbers listed in BEGIN_CAMERA. ; Else the first number is distance in meter, the second horizontal angle from -180 to +180 and the last the vertical angle. ; ; To find _GROUND view GROUNDLOCATION parameter, simply launch a scenario, set the desired ground camera, quit, ; open the Scenarios/(Current state).scn and copy the GROUNDLOCATION numbers listed in BEGIN_CAMERA. ; Else the first number is longitude, the second latitude and the last, the altitude over ground. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Fov:# - Camera Field Of View from 20 to 90 ; ;SWITCHCAMERA_COCKPIT T:31 Fov:50 ;SWITCHCAMERA_EXTERNAL T:35 Fov:50 POS 3.657627 0.000000 -20.467185 ;SWITCHCAMERA_GROUND T:+4 Fov:50 GROUNDLOCATION -80.61481 28.62108 27.89 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Rotate the camera around ship in external view ; ; Note: This command will slowly rotate the camera around ship in external (track) view. ; Any mouse move or view change from the user will cancel this effect. ; For a demo of this parameter see the demo scenario "How to use MFD". ; To stop the rotation call again this function with RotX and RotY parameters to 0. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; RotX:# = Horizontal (azimuth) speed in degree per minute (-1400 to 1400) ; RotY:# = Vertical (orbital) speed in degree per minute (-1400 to 1400) ; Acc:# = Acceleration (1 to 400, 1=ultra slow, 100=normal, 400=very fast) ; ;ROTATECAMERA T:1 RotX:90 RotY:20 Acc:40 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Disable vessel focus capabilities for the user ; ; Note: for a sort of "AI" vessel, you may want to forbid focus capabilities so user cannot take control ; of the vessel and be spoiled. Also the select ship windows will not be populated with a lot of "unflyable" vessel. ; This command is executed at T=0. ; ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;DISABLEVESSELFOCUS Vessel:PB-01 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Switches the input focus to a different vessel. ; ; Note: only the focus vessel produce sound. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel that receive the input ; ;SETFOCUSVESSEL T:80 Vessel:PB-01 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Delete one Vessel ; ; Note: This allow you to delete an "AI" vessel that have finished its show. ; Be CAUTIOUS with this command, if one third party addons or MFD ; don't manage the vessel deletion correctly (check for the validity of handle), Orbiter may crash. ; This is rare but it may happen with some addons. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel ; ;DELETEVESSEL T:80 Vessel:PB-01 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set the time acceleration ; ; Note: Take care with this function, at very high time acceleration with low framerate you may have one image ; for several seconds and timed commands may be late. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; TimeAcc:# = Time acceleration from 1x to 1000x ; ;SETTIMEACCELERATION T:10 TimeAcc:10x ;SETTIMEACCELERATION T:25 TimeAcc:1x ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; Display one line of debug text ; ; This can help you to debug your scenario. The message is permanent, ; if you want to switch it off, call the command without any text. ; ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" ) ; Text:# = Text to display ; ;DISPLAYDEBUGTEXT T:10 Text:Hello World ;DISPLAYDEBUGTEXT T:25 Text:
! Donc y'a du son MULTIVESSELS !!!
BEGIN_DESCEND_DESCBEGIN_OrbiterSound ;********************************************************************** ; Start of OrbiterSound command sequence, see documentation for a list of all commands and parameters. MUTEMUSIC MUTEVHFRADIO SCENARIOSOUNDFOLDER OrbiterSoundDemo ; playback vessels sound effect (Located in subdirectory "OrbiterSoundDemo" see doc) PLAYSOUND_ONE T:5 V:255 View:BOTH Name:ScenarioDemoSquadron_mixdown.mp3 PLAYSOUND_TWO T:4.5 V:255 View:BOTH Name:ScenarioDemoSquadronFlyBy_mixdown.mp3 ; As only focus vessel produce sound, I used those commands below to record ; the three vessels sound separately I mixed them down with adobe audition and added ; effect to get the two "ScenarioDemoSquadron***.mp3" played above. ;SETFOCUSVESSEL T:0 Vessel:GL-04S ;SWITCHCAMERA_GROUND T:+1 Fov:50 GROUNDLOCATION -80.67548 28.52311 8.53 ; GL-01S pre-flight check before flight... close the nosecone, move the elevons. SENDVESSELKEY T:3 Key:OAPI_KEY_K Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:13 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:-100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:14.5 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:16 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:0% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:18 Type:AIRCTRL_RUDDER Position:-100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:19.5 Type:AIRCTRL_RUDDER Position:100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:21 Type:AIRCTRL_RUDDER Position:0% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:23 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:-100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:24.5 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:100% Vessel:GL-01S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:26 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:0% Vessel:GL-01S ; Camera rotation ROTATECAMERA T:0 RotX:-100 RotY:0 Acc:10 ROTATECAMERA T:15 RotX:-400 RotY:-20 Acc:10 ROTATECAMERA T:20 RotX:-700 RotY:-10 Acc:100 ROTATECAMERA T:25.2 RotX:0 RotY:0 Acc:50 ROTATECAMERA T:47 RotX:800 RotY:0 Acc:400 ROTATECAMERA T:53 RotX:0 RotY:0 Acc:400 ; GL-02S flight HOVERENGINEPOWER T:8.9 POWER:5% Vessel:GL-02S HOVERENGINEPOWER T:10 POWER:100% Vessel:GL-02S SETAUTOPILOT T:10 Status:ON Type:HLEVEL Vessel:GL-02S RCSENGINEPOWER T:13 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:100% Vessel:GL-02S RCSENGINEPOWER T:15 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:0% Vessel:GL-02S SENDVESSELKEY T:15 Key:OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:GL-02S SETAUTOPILOT T:19 Status:ON Type:HOLDALT Vessel:GL-02S MAINENGINEPOWER T:20 Power:80% VESSEL:GL-02S SETAUTOPILOT T:22 Status:ON Type:KILLROT Vessel:GL-02S SETAUTOPILOT T:24 Status:OFF Type:HLEVEL Vessel:GL-02S RCSENGINEPOWER T:26 Type:ATT_PITCHUP POWER:100% VESSEL:GL-02S SETAUTOPILOT T:29 Status:ON Type:KILLROT Vessel:GL-02S ; GL-03S flight HOVERENGINEPOWER T:15 Power:100% Vessel:GL-03S SETAUTOPILOT T:15 Status:ON Type:HLEVEL Vessel:GL-03S RCSENGINEPOWER T:15 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:50% Vessel:GL-03S SETAUTOPILOT T:22 Status:ON Type:HOLDALT Vessel:GL-03S RCSENGINEPOWER T:22 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:0% Vessel:GL-03S SETAUTOPILOT T:22 Status:ON Type:KILLROT Vessel:GL-03S MAINENGINEPOWER T:22 POWER:80% Vessel:GL-03S SENDVESSELKEY T:22 Key:OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:GL-03S RCSENGINEPOWER T:26 Type:ATT_PITCHUP POWER:100% VESSEL:GL-03S ; GL-04S flight HOVERENGINEPOWER T:3 Power:100% Vessel:GL-04S SETAUTOPILOT T:3 Status:ON Type:HLEVEL Vessel:GL-04S SENDVESSELKEY T:8 Key:OAPI_KEY_G Vessel:GL-04S MAINENGINEPOWER T:10 POWER:100% Vessel:GL-04S SETAUTOPILOT T:15 Status:ON Type:HOLDALT Vessel:GL-04S ; slight heading adjust RCSENGINEPOWER T:8 Type:ATT_YAWRIGHT Power:4% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:9 Type:ATT_YAWRIGHT Power:0% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:10 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:4% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:11 Type:ATT_YAWLEFT Power:0% Vessel:GL-04S // pitch up SETAUTOPILOT T:45 Status:OFF Type:HOLDALT Vessel:GL-04S HOVERENGINEPOWER T:45.1 Power:0% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:45 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:100% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:80 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:0% Vessel:GL-04S // banking SETAUTOPILOT T:36 Status:OFF Type:HLEVEL Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:37 Type:ATT_BANKRIGHT Power:100% Vessel:GL-04S RCSENGINEPOWER T:47 Type:ATT_BANKRIGHT Power:0% Vessel:GL-04S ; after fly by pitch up SETCONTROLSURFACE T:48 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:-60% Vessel:GL-04S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:50 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:0% Vessel:GL-04S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:51 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:40% Vessel:GL-04S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:54 Type:AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR Position:0% Vessel:GL-04S ; roll SETCONTROLSURFACE T:55 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:-100% Vessel:GL-04S SETCONTROLSURFACE T:61.5 Type:AIRCTRL_AILERON Position:0% Vessel:GL-04S ; Delete the AI DG that are far away to not "pollute" the scenario if the user fly with it. DELETEVESSEL T:90 Vessel:GL-02S DELETEVESSEL T:90 Vessel:GL-03S DELETEVESSEL T:90 Vessel:GL-04S ; End of OrbiterSound command sequence. ;**********************************************************************ENDBEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 59014.7227979129 Help ..\..\Sound\Bin\ScenariosDesc\Demo_SquadronTakeOffEND_ENVIRONMENTBEGIN_FOCUS Ship GL-01SEND_FOCUSBEGIN_CAMERA TARGET GL-01S MODE Extern POS 5.153651 -141.876400 -6.217464 TRACKMODE TargetRelative FOV 50.00 BEGIN_PRESET Ground:GL-01S:50.00:Earth -80.68702 28.59859 26.35 END_PRESETEND_CAMERABEGIN_HUD TYPE SurfaceEND_HUDBEGIN_MFD Left TYPE HSI NAV 0 0 OBS 0.00 0.00END_MFDBEGIN_MFD Right TYPE User MODE Radio/Radar/Mp3END_MFDBEGIN_VCEND_VCBEGIN_SHIPSGL-01S:DG-S STATUS Landed Earth BASE Cape Canaveral:1 POS -80.6759571 28.5229313 HEADING 342.27 ALT 2.460 AROT 65.008 21.898 9.026 RCSMODE 0 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:1.000000 1:1.000000 2:1.000000 NAVFREQ 94 524 84 114 XPDR 0 HOVERHOLD 0 1 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 GEAR 1.0000 0.0000 NOSECONE 1.0000 0.0000 AAP 0:0 0:0 0:0 PSNGR 2 3 4 TANKCONFIG 1ENDGL-02S:DG-S STATUS Landed Earth POS -80.6744800 28.5207980 HEADING 342.27 ALT 2.460 AROT 65.011 21.899 9.028 RCSMODE 0 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:0.130000 1:0.050000 2:0.100000 NAVFREQ 94 524 84 114 XPDR 0 HOVERHOLD 0 1 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 GEAR 1.0000 0.0000 AAP 0:0 0:0 0:0 TANKCONFIG 1ENDGL-03S:DG-S STATUS Landed Earth POS -80.6745100 28.5202180 HEADING 342.27 ALT 2.512 AROT 64.762 21.935 8.935 RCSMODE 0 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:0.130000 1:0.050000 2:0.100000 NAVFREQ 94 524 84 114 XPDR 0 HOVERHOLD 0 1 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 GEAR 1.0000 0.0000 AAP 0:0 0:0 0:0 TANKCONFIG 1ENDGL-04S:DG-S STATUS Landed Earth POS -80.7108971 28.5977852 HEADING 160.02 ALT 2.495 AROT -116.110 -24.316 169.176 RCSMODE 0 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:0.130000 1:0.050000 2:0.100000 NAVFREQ 0 0 0 0 XPDR 0 HOVERHOLD 0 1 0.0000e+000 0.0000e+000 TRIM -0.384730 GEAR 1.0000 0.0000 AAP 0:0 0:0 0:0 TANKCONFIG 1ENDEND_SHIPS
Ca claque! Je m'attendais à un gros bang pour le passage du mur du son à la fin
Quelqu'un sait si la combinaison de touches SHFT+CTRL+S est utilisée par un addon ou un module Orbiter ?
C'est une idée qui me vient à l'esprit mais je ne sais pas si j'aurai le temps de le faire...
Quote from: yitianetie on 28 July 2020, 10:46:43C'est une idée qui me vient à l'esprit mais je ne sais pas si j'aurai le temps de le faire... Très bonne idée mais il faut le faire tant que je suis encore de ce monde
Je remercie au passage Doc "Momo" Polygone (c'est le surnom que j'ai donné à JacquesMomo parce que ses modèles sont vraiment bien faits ).