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Author Topic: Where is Dan? Where are the Updates?  (Read 49373 times)

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Offline Chally

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18 February 2017, 19:49:13

I see no sign of Dan. No answers, nothing. That's pretty bad way to treat community.

I think an explanation is due...just that.


Offline StarLost

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Reply #1 - 19 February 2017, 03:03:14
Ah, no.  If the history of Orbiter is anything to go by, Dan may be quietly working on an update but will only release a "quality" product ... which has always been worth the wait. While there is an "official" release of Orbiter 2016, a quick scan of the activity of Orbiter 2016 Beta shows that the current product is probably not sufficiently stable enough to warrant anything other than superficial treatment, certainly not conducive of a quality product that would please no-one.

As to "an explanation is due" ... perhaps a polite query would have been more appropriate, rather than the Trumpian tone that was employed. Certainly a pretty bad way to treat a community that you are just introducing yourself to.

Offline Chally

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Reply #2 - 19 February 2017, 19:35:10
In other words, you don't know, like everyone else. But thanks for the reply!

Yes, ok, I can understand your reasoning why no updates have been released, but why no communication from him? It's been a year, and ...nothing?! That is just puzzling.

Perhaps a little rude, not intentional. But then why you use the word "Trumpian". It's an unnecessary reference to politics!

Offline ceman

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Reply #3 - 22 February 2017, 15:19:25
Ah, no.  If the history of Orbiter is anything to go by, Dan may be quietly working on an update but will only release a "quality" product ... which has always been worth the wait. While there is an "official" release of Orbiter 2016, a quick scan of the activity of Orbiter 2016 Beta shows that the current product is probably not sufficiently stable enough to warrant anything other than superficial treatment, certainly not conducive of a quality product that would please no-one.

As to "an explanation is due" ... perhaps a polite query would have been more appropriate, rather than the Trumpian tone that was employed. Certainly a pretty bad way to treat a community that you are just introducing yourself to.
so as far as helping the orbiter 2016 client along are we just supposed to test shit and send bug reports? who do we send bug reports to. the faster the kinks in o2016 are worked out the faster i can come back to orbiter from ksp cuz MUH ADDONS ;P. lmk.

Post Merge: 22 February 2017, 15:20:41
In other words, you don't know, like everyone else. But thanks for the reply!

Yes, ok, I can understand your reasoning why no updates have been released, but why no communication from him? It's been a year, and ...nothing?! That is just puzzling.

Perhaps a little rude, not intentional. But then why you use the word "Trumpian". It's an unnecessary reference to politics!
dude dansteph is around i posted in the french forums with him a month or so ago. hes obviously working on it but as original responder wrote, hes the type that works on it quietly. you have to remember how long it took the first few times. and o2016 w/ collision adds a lot of complexity for every single modder interacting with terrain in their mod.

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #4 - 10 March 2017, 20:42:50
In other words, you don't know, like everyone else. But thanks for the reply!

Yes, ok, I can understand your reasoning why no updates have been released, but why no communication from him? It's been a year, and ...nothing?! That is just puzzling.

Perhaps a little rude, not intentional. But then why you use the word "Trumpian". It's an unnecessary reference to politics!
Stop baiting the topic and turning it into a flame war. its not needed here. now with your question. Dan is around. He has a real life and you need to give him a break. if you are too impatient for a release of this addon which he spends his free time on, then play something else.

« Last Edit: 13 March 2017, 22:30:00 by jgrillo2002 »

Offline n122vu

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Reply #5 - 28 April 2017, 20:39:25
It's been a year, and ...nothing?! That is just puzzling.

Orbiter 2016 was officially released on August 30.  It's only been six months this Sunday.  As was mentioned, 2016 was a MAJOR upgrade that added terrain collision.  This completely changes the way UMMU and UCGO interact with planet surfaces, so it's going to take Dan a lot longer than previous releases to update the code to the newest version of Orbiter.  Add to the fact that Dan has a real life, and develops commercial software for a living, and it's no surprise an update hasn't been released yet. 

Want to help him out?  Spend $25 USD and go buy FSX: Steam Edition, then run and spend $29.95 Euro and buy FS Passengers.  Put some food on his family's table instead of ripping the guy for not giving you a free handout when and how you demand it. 

Offline SCEtoAUX

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Reply #6 - 28 April 2017, 20:46:45
Absolutly right, well said

Conrad: I got three fuel cell lights, an AC bus light, a fuel cell disconnect, ACbus overload 1 & 2, Main Bus A & B out.
Carr: 12, Houston. Try SCE to auxiliary. Over.
Conrad: Try FCE to Auxiliary? What the hell is that? NCE to auxiliary..?
Carr: SCE ! SCE to Auxiliary!

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #7 - 28 April 2017, 22:32:14
Absolutly right, well said
I also agree with you ...  ;)

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Offline Ripley

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Reply #8 - 30 April 2017, 02:05:58
Well said n122vu!

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #9 - 30 April 2017, 16:53:49
couldn't have said it better. This guy needs a suspension at least

Offline StarLost

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Reply #10 - 02 May 2017, 02:56:26
couldn't have said it better. This guy needs a suspension at least

I don't think so, guys. Every time we have had a substantial change to  Orbiter some "new" member starts whining for Dan's updates. They have no sense of the history of the project or of the requirements of a superior product.

Always best to just pat them on the head and recommend patience ... unless, of course, they really are just intending to start a flame war ... and we have had experience of that, haven't we?

Still, I have some hopes for the updates.  Uh, Dan, any chance we can get a copy of the source code for the Frelon? Or an update of it? It's always been my favourite craft.

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #11 - 05 May 2017, 22:05:14
Tisk tisk. And to think that it took several years to see the update to orbiter 2016. That someone could suddenly update their  own end of code to that in a few months is a bit delusional, especially since this is a free program through and through.

Honestly I'm just happy Dansteph is still working on this considering it's been over a decade since I joined the forums here. Give the man a break.

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Reply #12 - 06 May 2017, 13:00:41
Given that Dan did a fine job with the vessel-library used to late-bind to his middle-ware sound (and UMmu) DLLs, I think it should be quite feasible to replace the later binaries with an open alternative. So everybody unhappy with Dan's schedule is certainly more than welcome to do just that.

In addition to filling one's own needs, this would also light the competition spark in the corresponding feature areas again, so more regular releases might be a natural result, too.

Offline ceman

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Reply #13 - 13 August 2017, 01:29:26
It's been a year, and ...nothing?! That is just puzzling.

Orbiter 2016 was officially released on August 30.  It's only been six months this Sunday.  As was mentioned, 2016 was a MAJOR upgrade that added terrain collision.  This completely changes the way UMMU and UCGO interact with planet surfaces, so it's going to take Dan a lot longer than previous releases to update the code to the newest version of Orbiter.  Add to the fact that Dan has a real life, and develops commercial software for a living, and it's no surprise an update hasn't been released yet. 

Want to help him out?  Spend $25 USD and go buy FSX: Steam Edition, then run and spend $29.95 Euro and buy FS Passengers.  Put some food on his family's table instead of ripping the guy for not giving you a free handout when and how you demand it.
wait he works on FSX? wouldve bought it long ago just as a thanks for orb 2010 addons. i just hope hes okay. i know hes french, and i dont know where in france he lives but certain parts are pretty fucked up. the political situation is not great there either. in any case i just hope hes working on it. are there any alternatives temporarily to use for EVA or UCGO atm for 2016? ive downloaded the new orb but still using 2010 so i can do evas on the moon. it never gets old. use collision plus orulex sometimes but hate the glitchiness :P

Offline StarLost

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Reply #14 - 13 August 2017, 02:29:07
wait he works on FSX? wouldve bought it long ago just as a thanks for orb 2010 addons. i just hope hes okay. i know hes french, and i dont know where in france he lives but certain parts are pretty fucked up. the political situation is not great there either. in any case i just hope hes working on it. are there any alternatives temporarily to use for EVA or UCGO atm for 2016? ive downloaded the new orb but still using 2010 so i can do evas on the moon. it never gets old. use collision plus orulex sometimes but hate the glitchiness :P

I do believe the esteemed gentleman is Swiss. You will have noted that, indeed, Orbiter2016 was released quite some time ago but it really is still in beta stage. There is continuing development going on. Historically, Dan has delayed until a complete, stable version is available. There really is no sense doing a side development on a product that is reasonably frequently changing ( just look at all of the beta revision versions there have been).

If you are also an FS fan, I think you will love his offerings there, too. Well worthy of support.

Offline ceman

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Reply #15 - 13 August 2017, 05:21:32
wait he works on FSX? wouldve bought it long ago just as a thanks for orb 2010 addons. i just hope hes okay. i know hes french, and i dont know where in france he lives but certain parts are pretty fucked up. the political situation is not great there either. in any case i just hope hes working on it. are there any alternatives temporarily to use for EVA or UCGO atm for 2016? ive downloaded the new orb but still using 2010 so i can do evas on the moon. it never gets old. use collision plus orulex sometimes but hate the glitchiness :P

I do believe the esteemed gentleman is Swiss. You will have noted that, indeed, Orbiter2016 was released quite some time ago but it really is still in beta stage. There is continuing development going on. Historically, Dan has delayed until a complete, stable version is available. There really is no sense doing a side development on a product that is reasonably frequently changing ( just look at all of the beta revision versions there have been).

If you are also an FS fan, I think you will love his offerings there, too. Well worthy of support.
ah okay. yeah thanks for letting me know about the FSX stuff. i just assumed he was french because of the default language as well as the posts on the orbiter francophone board during the french presidential and US elections. :p. my mistake. im glad hes in a safer country in Europe than france then XD.

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Reply #16 - 15 August 2017, 02:36:53
I believe Switzerland has three official languages (German, French and Italian). I suppose the dominant language in each area of Switzerland depends on how close you live to the borders.

Offline Gingin

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Reply #17 - 15 August 2017, 09:34:28
Hey Ceman, France is ok actually, we are not living in bunker or in civil war ahah.

Dont watch to much basics news ;)

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Offline Edy

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Reply #18 - 15 August 2017, 19:58:28
I believe Switzerland has three official languages (German, French and Italian). I suppose the dominant language in each area of Switzerland depends on how close you live to the borders.

Not three but four official languages: Français, Deutsch, Italiano and Rumantch.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #19 - 19 August 2017, 07:52:51
Hi all,

I'm fine, live actually in Geneva/switzerland but I'm surrounded by work for my addon for P3D v4 which will take month and also starlost has the point here.



« Last Edit: 22 August 2017, 00:00:47 by DanSteph »

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #20 - 19 August 2017, 09:04:05



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Pappy2

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Reply #21 - 19 August 2017, 13:00:29
Hi all,

I'm fine, live actually in Geneva/switzerland but I'm surrounded by work for my addon for P3D v4 which will take month and also starlost has the point here/url].



Bonjour Dan
Merci pour tes nouvelles
A bientôt de te revoir sur le forum  :eek:

@+ Pappy2_________
Citation célèbre:
Lorsque la trajectoire Képlérienne du mobile coupe la sphère du géoïde de l'astre de capture, ce n'est généralement pas très bon pour l'avenir du beau vaisseau et de son équipage

Offline FRED_80

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Reply #22 - 19 August 2017, 16:00:04

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #23 - 21 August 2017, 00:36:56
Hi all,
I'm fine, live actually in Geneva/switzerland but I'm surrounded by work for my addon for P3D v4 which will take month and also starlost has the point here/url].

Bonjour Dan
Merci pour tes nouvelles
A bientôt de te revoir sur le forum  :eek:


Mes add-ons sont là !

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Reply #24 - 22 August 2017, 00:01:15
Hey all 'ol friends :beer: