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Author Topic: [closed] UCGO beta test ver 091216  (Read 33759 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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16 December 2009, 16:23:12
Welcome to UCGO beta test ver 091216

1-This thread is only for registered beta tester feedback, all other post will be deleted.
2-If you want to register for beta testing see below "Register for beta testing"

Current version test special instructions

It's time to start doc correction, those that want to help with that are invited to pm me.
I'll organise the task.

Please review the changelog.txt, check "your" bug and what was changed
test and repost bugs or remark that where not taken in account.


Bug reporting form

Please use the text form in the link below to report bugs: It's important !

Please follow "your" bug and once cleared (probably with a new version) check and
confirm in beta test thread that the bug is gone. It may be a good idea to keep a
list of "your" bugs.


Feedback are importants, please be verbous, precise, don't hesitate to write what you
think or post anything you want about beta. I'm working 12h/24h on code so sometime
I may forget the big picture. Use the form above for bugs. Keep me informed of any status
change if you can't test anymore for example.

Never forget that the final quality of addons depend enterely of YOUR TESTS.

Much thanks for your help :beer:

Registering for beta testing

Team is complete yet sorry... maybe later ?
(appart if you are an Orbiter VIP of course, if it's the case then pm me)

Much thanks !


Message modifié ( 07-01-2010 17:04 )

Offline Fox-Terrier

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Reply #1 - 16 December 2009, 17:13:17
same bug as my last post, able to reproduce in this version


Bug with:

Short description:
car freeze



Complete description

when you create a car with scenario editor, it is by default in space. if you play with it when it is in space, it won't move.
but when you select location and put the car back on ground, it won't move either

Reproduce bug

how I did it
open AI car dance
create a landspeeder with scenario editor, click up, down, right, left, 4, 6, etc. ... while in space => no reaction => OK
locate it on ground by selecting the position of a ship (arrow) :the car will be unable to move, lights won't work too

check that the car can be driven without crew
check that pause doesn't go on
check that view is on the created vessel !

Message modifié ( 16-12-2009 17:34 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 16 December 2009, 17:39:16
Fox-Terrier a écrit:
Short description:
car freeze

Maybe will work better if you put the engine ON with key S ? :badsmile:

But it's true this puzzled me 1 minutes even I programmed it. :sad:

So I think I'll add a warning message as when there is no crew.

"Tut tut tut... Engine off, please press 'S" key to start the engine"


Message modifié ( 16-12-2009 17:40 )

Offline JackJL

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Reply #3 - 16 December 2009, 18:27:50
All my bugs seem fixed, great work Dan!

Offline woo482

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Reply #4 - 16 December 2009, 18:56:45


Bug with:UCGO Rescue boat

Short description:
Bottom of the seated UMMUs mesh appears to be transparent / non-existent.

Severity: Minor / detail

Reproduce bug
You can reproduce the bug by looking at the UMMUs while they are seated

Image of the bug:

Post Edited ( 12-16-09 18:58 )

Offline insanity

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Reply #5 - 16 December 2009, 19:09:12
All of my bugs are still cleared. Great work Dan.  I like the new flight-suit :)

Offline Dambuster

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Reply #6 - 16 December 2009, 19:56:50


Bug with:


Short description:

Incorrect/reflected texture on UMMU, and possible wrong word



Complete description

On all UMMUs, the labels on the front of the legs face in opposite directions: one leg has its text oriented right side-up,
but the other leg has its text oriented upside-down.  Also, should it read 'Medic (or First Aid?) Kit', instead of 'Repair kit'?

Reproduce bug

Just spawn any UMMU.


Another thing I noticed (this is separate, I think), is that the spacesuit mesh for the Security (and to a lesser extent for
Technicians) both have the patches on their left arms covered up a bit.

P.S. I love the names on some of the UMMUs in the scenarios! :D

Offline Dambuster

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Reply #7 - 16 December 2009, 20:10:24


Bug with:


Short description:

Oddities with entering/exiting cars, when time acceleration is involved.



Complete description

- You can't enter cars with time acceleration, but you can leave a car even with time acceleration.
- If you have time acceleration on, and you press 'E' to enter a car, you won't enter it, but if you then turn time
acceleration off (even if large amounts of time have passed, or if you have moved your UMMU away from the car) you will then
enter the car.

Reproduce bug

Try to enter/exit a car with UMMU when time acceleration is on, and also the points mentioned above.



Offline woo482

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Reply #8 - 16 December 2009, 20:10:29
Couldn't the "Repair kit" be just that ? a suit repair kit for patching up holes.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #9 - 16 December 2009, 20:13:43
Dambuster a écrit:
Short description:

Incorrect/reflected texture on UMMU, and possible wrong word

In fact the instructions on the right leg are supposed to be readable from crew's point of view.
I marked your post as bug because of the arm pocket that are "sunk" into the arm. (pig work
while modifying arm's lenght... my bad ;) )

And yes it's a emergency repair kit for the suit.


Message modifié ( 16-12-2009 20:14 )

Offline Dambuster

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Reply #10 - 16 December 2009, 20:16:22


Bug with:


Short description:

Death (with reentry effects?) when walking under time acceleration.



Complete description

If you are moving a UMMU on a planet with an atmosphere, and you turn on time acceleration (the level needed seems to depend
on how dense the atmosphere is).

Reproduce bug

Just walk in the UMMU, and then turn on time acceleration.  On Earth I needed 100x, and on Mars 1000x (on Venus the UMMU
stayed alive on the surface (!?), but bounced out of the atmosphere when I tried this, before being killed in reentry).
After a second or two, you will briefly see reentry effects, then your UMMU will be dead.


I realise that this is probably basically an Orbiter bug, but perhaps it would be good to prevent UMMUs from walking when
time acceleration >10x?

Post Edited ( 12-16-09 20:23 )

Offline Dambuster

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Reply #11 - 16 December 2009, 20:22:14


Bug with:


Short description:

When moving from side to side (ie '1' and '3' keys), your UMMU will move forwards/backwards a bit as well.



Complete description

As above.

Reproduce bug

Watch the UMMU carefully (probably relative to a cargo pallet) whilst moving from side to side.  The extra movement should be
far more noticeable under time acceleration.


I'm not sure what causes the movement, but from looking at the bug on Earth it looked like it could be caused by the rotation
of the planet (this may be a long shot though!).

Offline Fox-Terrier

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Reply #12 - 16 December 2009, 20:22:20
DanSteph a écrit:
Fox-Terrier a écrit:
Short description:
car freeze

Maybe will work better if you put the engine ON with key S ? :badsmile:

But it's true this puzzled me 1 minutes even I programmed it. :sad:

So I think I'll add a warning message as when there is no crew.

"Tut tut tut... Engine off, please press 'S" key to start the engine"


:wall: :wall: :wall:

how could I forgot to turn the car on :wall:

Offline Fox-Terrier

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Reply #13 - 16 December 2009, 20:30:34
when you are creating way-points, you have to create it where you stand.
wouldn't it be a good idea to have a "hey-taxi" key for UMMUs ? (I still don't know how we will choose the car we're calling)

could you make a bigger ISOTAP that is UMMU compatible ? (an escape shuttle if things go wrong)
same probe, just bigger and ummu compatible?

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #14 - 16 December 2009, 20:32:16
Fox-Terrier a écrit:
how could I forgot to turn the car on :wall:

How could I forgot that also while testing your bug ? :wall:
AND I wrote all the code :sad: (alzheimer? :wonder: )

I think a message is necessary :)


Message modifié ( 16-12-2009 22:38 )

Offline alrik

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Reply #15 - 16 December 2009, 22:11:51
I see a great future for the double GetRessourceFromStationMineOrFactory(...) method in the UCGO header xD

Offline Dambuster

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Reply #16 - 16 December 2009, 22:25:19
Would it be possible to make the Azure rover enter-able when you deploy the lift in orbit?

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #17 - 17 December 2009, 05:45:46

Great work! I tested the new cargo eject feature on the DGIV. Absolutely lovely. Nice meshes too for the beacon, O2, and
Space Fuel.

"Sun Dog"

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #18 - 17 December 2009, 05:50:46


Bug with:
Auto deployed Rescue Boat

Short description:

Rescue boat deploys too quickly when attempting to load it in the DGIV.



Complete description
If you create an auto-deployed rescue boat with the scenario editor and attempt to load it in the DGIV. It deploys so
quickly, you cannot grapple load it.

Reproduce bug
Create an auto-deployed rescue boat. Place it at the same locale as your DGIV, and it will deploy before you get a chance to
load it.

A 15 second delay would be nice.

"Sun Dog"

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #19 - 17 December 2009, 08:49:55
woo482 a écrit:
Bug with:UCGO Rescue boat

Short description:
Bottom of the seated UMMUs mesh appears to be transparent / non-existent.

Boat was fastly done just for demo purpose, sorry I'll not rework the mesh, not enough time.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #20 - 17 December 2009, 09:51:38
Dambuster a écrit:
Short description:

When moving from side to side (ie '1' and '3' keys), your UMMU will move forwards/backwards a bit as well.


It seem there is a "coriolis" force in Orbiter, this happen as well with any movement and is more sensitive
on light G planet (eg: europa) (verified with "force vector" display, the weight vector is not perpendicular)

beetween "bump bug" when date is far from 2000 ref and this one
I think I should completely hack Orbiter's ground movement and
do my own. Unfortunately now the time is too short for such a big
work so the UMmu 2.0 version will still have such "bugs"


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #21 - 17 December 2009, 10:00:59
Fox-Terrier a écrit:
when you are creating way-points, you have to create it where you stand.
wouldn't it be a good idea to have a "hey-taxi" key for UMMUs ? (I still don't know how we will choose the car
we're calling)
could you make a bigger ISOTAP that is UMMU compatible ? (an escape shuttle if things go wrong)
same probe, just bigger and ummu compatible?

I was thinking about a "hey taxi", it would require an interactive menu (one don't want to see the whole cars's army
comming uh ? ;) ) and many check/continue code.

Maybe for next version ?

Escape shuttle is possible any programmer can do one, UCGO have enought stuff yet.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #22 - 17 December 2009, 10:02:29
Dambuster a écrit:
Would it be possible to make the Azure rover enter-able when you deploy the lift in orbit?

It doesn't work ?
Anyway this is really out of normal, so I'll not touch it (each change may introduce bug at this point
so the less I touch code the better it is)


Offline the.punk

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Reply #23 - 17 December 2009, 12:58:17
Nice. I like the boat and the new fuel and oxygen for the DGIV.

Offline the.punk

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Reply #24 - 17 December 2009, 13:04:36


Bug with:

Cars with UMMU.

Short description:

EVA position is sometimes in the car.



Complete description

When you EVA from a car your UMMU is sometimes in the car. You musr repeat the EVA and entering a few times and
then your UMMU is sometimes in the car.

Reproduce bug

As above.


I just noticed this when you repeat this several times.

Post Edited ( 12-17-09 16:06 )