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DanSteph a écrit:QuoteFox-Terrier a écrit:when you are creating way-points, you have to create it where you stand.wouldn't it be a good idea to have a "hey-taxi" key for UMMUs ? (I still don't know how we will choose the carwe're calling)could you make a bigger ISOTAP that is UMMU compatible ? (an escape shuttle if things go wrong)same probe, just bigger and ummu compatible?I was thinking about a "hey taxi", it would require an interactive menu (one don't want to see the whole cars's armycomming uh ? ) and many check/continue code.Maybe for next version ?Escape shuttle is possible any programmer can do one, UCGO have enought stuff yet.Dan
Fox-Terrier a écrit:when you are creating way-points, you have to create it where you stand.wouldn't it be a good idea to have a "hey-taxi" key for UMMUs ? (I still don't know how we will choose the carwe're calling)could you make a bigger ISOTAP that is UMMU compatible ? (an escape shuttle if things go wrong)same probe, just bigger and ummu compatible?
gattico wrote:UCGO BUGBug with: (cars)Short description: (lights on after exiting)Severity (minor)Complete description (On the chrysler for sure I turned the lights off (L) and then exited and then the lights came on. On other vehicles this happens. I looked at the speeder and forklift and truck. What was odd was when I turned the light off it got dimmer but the red light was still on in the rear while before exiting the first time the red light went out completely. But after exiting they still stay on. When you turn the lights on they just get brighter. Also exit point on the truck needs to be back further. )Reproduce bug (Run drive all cars. get in a car turn the lights off and exit. )Miscellaneous
tl8roy wrote:Ok, just so you know, I have a whole heap typos, I just need to find time to post them.I hope to have them up by tomorrow...
Dan wrote:Remember that english should be straight simple and basic because a lot of peoplesarent english native speaker and the goal is short & simple.
Fox-Terrier a écrit:will there be a french version ?
DanSteph wrote:QuoteFox-Terrier a écrit:will there be a french version ?If a french guy is ready to translate the doc & help text we could release a french "patch" that would overwrite the english files.But voila, we would need a french guy ready to do that Dan