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QuoteFox-Terrier a écrit:Short description: CTD when pushing F5Can you reproduce it each time ? (ça plante à tout les coups?)What scenario ?Anything you are doing (Une manip spéciale genre presser F5 dans deux cars différent?)Anyway even with a module or whatewer other addon a CTD mean there is a serious problem of memory overwritingin car's module as waypoint are totally internal, nothing should affect it. (en bref c'est la merde)Top priority as this may be a critical bug. I'll see in my code what can do that...Dan
Fox-Terrier a écrit:Short description: CTD when pushing F5
Fox-Terrier a écrit:I didn't do anything special
DanSteph wrote:Quotesunshine135 a écrit:3. "Add From Disk" should be "Add to Disk"Thanks I'll correct the text, howewer for this above I'm not sure.This button browse cargo "from" HD we are not adding "to" diskbut to Arrow.Any thought or more clear text for this item ?Dan
sunshine135 a écrit:3. "Add From Disk" should be "Add to Disk"
DanSteph wrote:QuoteNemoricus a écrit:If you fling the ISOTAP at an object with sufficiently highspeed, it can't compensate and will crash.In fact there is already a cheat... if it can'tslow down enough it switch to "death star" like powerand revert to normal DV when slowed enough.I know this is not very honnest but the ISOTAP should adapt to so much situationthat I had no other solution (appart spending 15 days on autopilotwhile I wrote it in 2 day)Nemoricus while you are in ISOTAP test can you let me know if I can increase again the fuel consumption ? But... mhhh ? see below.Quotethe.punk a écrit:Ok. Tested the probe. After landing on earth from low earth orbit the probe had about 99.2 % fuel left. Dan, have you have you increased the fuel consumption.Yes now at least you see a difference I'm not so hot to increase again the fuel consumption as said aboveISOTAP is supposed to land on almost anything, if on earth it doesn't needso much fuel on jupiter it might be different ? (it might bounce on first attemptand so require a huge load of fuel)I mean I don't know if seeing the fuel used is really so cool that we takethe risk of running out of fuel ?Dan
Nemoricus a écrit:If you fling the ISOTAP at an object with sufficiently highspeed, it can't compensate and will crash.
the.punk a écrit:Ok. Tested the probe. After landing on earth from low earth orbit the probe had about 99.2 % fuel left. Dan, have you have you increased the fuel consumption.
Fox-Terrier wrote:about the gravity wheel:I tried and reproduced it, but after a (very long) time it is written deployed
sunshine135 a écrit:I was using the DGIV-2 in the original Phobos Scenario and was thinking of a couple of things....Not so much Bugs, but thingsthat may help in some of the previous issues with cars on low gravity bodies.
gattico a écrit:Short description: (fuel hose on top goes through the tank)
woo482 a écrit:Reproduce bug Compile a UCGO module using the current SDK files and try and load cargo, you will get a "none - selected" error
Fox-Terrier a écrit:Short description: docking when landed doesn't work
gattico a écrit:I would think the fuel hose should be longer so when stowed it extends beyond the back
Fox-Terrier wrote:UCGO BUGBug with: dockingShort description: docking when landed doesn't workSeverity mediumComplete description the arrow is landed, the DGIV isn't, I wanted to dock to the arrow and hop, everyone dead, system hover and engine failure.afterwards the arrow is slowly pushed laterally (to the left) and RCS won't do anything. hovers can't lift the arrow either.it seems like a heavy weight has been attached to the arrow. but why is it going to the left ???Reproduce bug simply dock a DGIV to the landed arrowMiscallenous landed vessels have strange reactions when you try to dock them. apparently one landed and one not landed vessel dockingdoesn't work eithercan you do something to it or is it Orbiter ?