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Author Topic: [closed] UCGO Beta test ver 091205  (Read 50301 times)

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Offline Murdock

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Reply #200 - 08 December 2009, 18:49:16
DanSteph wrote:
Murdock wrote:
Bug with:
Short description:
No car mesh
unable to determine

Wow !

-Try to disable any other modules that will get ride of eventual third party problem.
-Did you used the installer or any other way (copy/JSGME)
-Do you use custom scenario ?
-What's your install path and OS ? (Vista , XP ?)

There is no logic in this one, if Orbiter can't find a mesh it CTD usually. If you can select
cars it mean that the module is correct and meshes are loaded. So !!????
An OS or Gfx card problem  ? but why Arrow & other display ok !???

Can you also post the orbiter.log ?


Enabled modules: OrbiterSound, Rcontrol, ScnEditor, transx.
Video card detected by Orbiter: Direct3D HAL (intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller).
Resolution: 1024x768 16bpp (I know it's shity but it's an old laptop).:sad:
Standard Installer used.
Cars don't work in any scenario but I used only the UCGO package ones.
Install path: C:\Documents and Settings\VIRGILIO\Desktop\BETA.

I include orbiter.log and orbitersound_log

**** Orbiter.log
Build Sep 29 2006 [v.060929]
Devices enumerated: 4
Devices accepted: 3
==> RGB Emulation
==> Direct3D HAL
==> Direct3D HAL (Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Graphics Controller)
Found 0 joystick(s)
Module DGConfig.dll [API v.060425]
Module AtlantisConfig.dll [API v.060425]
Module Rcontrol.dll [API v.050206]
Module ScnEditor.dll [API v.060425]
Module OrbiterSound.dll [API v.060425]

OrbiterSound 3.5 ver. May 13 2007  Log Started

Vessel AR01 requested an ID, returned= 0 OK
attempting focus change...
Focus not ready bypassing focus change - Ok
Attempting RenderViewport initialisation...
Attempting GetStartValue initialisation...
Passed GetStartValue - Ok
Initialising directsound...
directsound initialised - OK
Passed RenderViewport - Ok
Attempting Mp3 initialisation...
MP3 found in playlist =  1
Mp3 initialised - Ok
Focus changed attempting to load vessel wave
Focus changed load vessel wave - OK
attempting focus change...
Attempting GetStartValue initialisation...
Passed GetStartValue - Ok
Focus changed attempting to load vessel wave
Focus changed load vessel wave - OK
focus changed - Ok
Attempting to close viewport...
Attempting to kill DirectSound...
DirectSound killed - OK
Passed CloseRenderViewport - Ok
Exited to Orbiter Launchpad - OK

Passed ExitModule - Ok
Passed initModule - Ok
Passed ExitModule - Ok
Passed initModule - Ok
Passed ExitModule - Ok
Passed initModule - Ok
Passed ExitModule - Ok

The only thing I can think is that I used a brand new install with only Orbiter and Orbitersound 3.5

NO DGIV or UMMU was installed before UCGO.
I don't know if this might be an issue. :wonder:

I will try a new install with DGIV first

By the way, tomorrow I'm supposed to fly a French aircraft:

   ** MIRAGE 2000 **   :up:

Offline sunshine135

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Reply #201 - 08 December 2009, 21:53:25

There was a previous report of the gravity wheel saying starting at the main status list and at the bottom of the status
display then the message at the bottom not going away. That is a bug. The system display says starting then running in the
status list, but the status message at the bottom of the system display doesn't clear once the wheel is running. I also think
an announcement should be played saying "gravity wheel running" or "gravity wheel nominal". What are your thoughts?

"Sun Dog"

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Reply #202 - 08 December 2009, 21:59:05
I had a quirky bugin the DG-IV that I have been unable to duplicate. I was playing the Jupiter mission scenario. Added a
DGIV2. Fully loaded it with cargo (BTW overloaded it! It was a pig leaving the ground). Then got into space with 12% fuel
remaining. When docking to the Arrow, I'd switch between regular cockpit and F8 to the generic display. When I would do this
the docking hud would switch back to the orbit hud.  I believe I have seen this before, but wonder if this is an Orbiter bug
or something that is UCGO related. Has anyone else witnessed this?

"Sun Dog"

Offline insanity

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Reply #203 - 08 December 2009, 22:41:17
sunshine135 wrote:
I had a quirky bugin the DG-IV that I have been unable to duplicate. I was playing the Jupiter mission scenario. Added a
DGIV2. Fully loaded it with cargo (BTW overloaded it! It was a pig leaving the ground). Then got into space with 12% fuel
remaining. When docking to the Arrow, I'd switch between regular cockpit and F8 to the generic display. When I would do this
the docking hud would switch back to the orbit hud.  I believe I have seen this before, but wonder if this is an Orbiter bug
or something that is UCGO related. Has anyone else witnessed this?

I've had that problem too, both with UCGO and other addons, so I think it is just an Orbiter thing.

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Reply #204 - 08 December 2009, 23:14:13
Also, not making a bug report on this, but has anyone witnessed warp speed Mr. Zulu when switching to external view
occasionally using IMFD and going to Jupiter? I did it once. Duplicated it. Then the next time I tried it, I did not have it.
Maybe I got thrown into the SOI of Jupiter and am not paying attention. I noticed it at 100000X speed, so anything can happen.

"Sun Dog"

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #205 - 09 December 2009, 02:04:19
sunshine135 wrote:
I noticed it at 100000X speed, so anything can happen.

It *might* be due to a long pause because something loaded.
Orbiter doesn't support long delta time (beetween frames)

Take this case: low end computer, starting interior view in Arrow 10'000x,
Switch to external the same time than jupiter texture load, orbiter load external of Arrow dgIV, jup tex=
long delay= good bye

I can't say anything for sure on your case, we should check if this happen often but I doubt
anything in code could do that.

On my side if I put brakepoint on code and wait 4-5 seconds (sim stuck, long delta time of 4-5
beetween frame instead of 0.004) you can be sure I have a "Mr sulu"


« Last Edit: 09 December 2009, 02:18:37 by DanSteph »

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #206 - 09 December 2009, 02:18:37
I'm starting the processus of posting a new beta, this can take 1h-2 hours
While waiting the new pm & beta thread I close this one, please keep your bugs
for the incoming beta.

Thread closed, new one to be opened in short time.

Thanks to all for your work !


« Last Edit: 09 December 2009, 02:18:37 by DanSteph »