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Author Topic: Direct Ascent to the ISS!  (Read 36322 times)

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Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #100 - 08 June 2004, 09:48:00
Only when my interest overrides my lazyness.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #101 - 08 June 2004, 12:56:23
Okay, here's the script for the story. I included a draft cast of characters :) like we discussed.

So back to the plan:
So I guess the steps are:
1. Put together a story (joint thing I hope)
2. Allocate "parts" to "actors" (I will have a suggestion when I come up with the characters)
3. Record the voices (each does his recordings and then we compare them to see how they fit together - so that it
looks like an actual dialogue)
4. Mix it all together (sequencing, voice editing, apply radio effects, etc - my job)
At 1. It would be nice if you could download, add things as you see them, then upload. But I don't have that yet, so I
guess posts with suggestions would be nice, or just mail me, if you want to keep it a surprise.
At 2. Parts are my suggestion, they can be changed... just say so. Not to mention passenger names, that was just
from the top of my head.
At 3. It would be cool if you could all record a sample clip and send it to me by mail, so I can check the quality of the
mike and see if and how it can be mixed together with my clips.

Cheers, looking forward to your suggestions!


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline McBrain

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Reply #102 - 08 June 2004, 13:43:34
Coooooool, Doc!!!

Leo Farawitz is the pilot of the passenger DG with the stupid passenger #1, right?

Let's look what I can do. :)



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Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #103 - 08 June 2004, 14:22:46
Indeed. I'll send a sample clip once I get home. I'm at school right now, but I do have suggestions. more later. this is
the last week to turn in late work before grades are due and I'm behind. ;)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #104 - 08 June 2004, 14:32:29
Em.. No - Leo is out in the MMU, Jackson is the pilot. At least that was the plan.. BUT if you are referring to the story
thread, yes Leo was Freespace's invention of the sarcastic pilot :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #105 - 08 June 2004, 14:36:03
And freespace is displeased that he didn't get leo's role, but. eh.. that's life. oh that's right. I have school work to
do... silly me.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #106 - 08 June 2004, 14:41:24
Well actually McBrain got me thinking. Leo was the sarcastic guy in the first place.. Then again Jackson is the one with
the bad attitude towards DG... but then that doesn't really matter in this case, so I'm thinking we should actually
switch characters...

So Leo be pilot, and Freespace can be Leo.. The rest of the roles aren't really fixed either, so keep brainstorming !

*thunder grumble and all that*

Not so loud!


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #107 - 08 June 2004, 14:51:35
why not have "passenger #1" the space tourist, get trapped outside the station because he took the only working
space suit from the station? and since he's the idiot that uses fuel rapidly... it makes a nice scenario. whaddya think,
doc? heck, we could even get in grumbles from both jackson and leo over the consequences of not rescuing him.
(getting chewed out by their superiors because of showing a "unsafe" space environment.) yet not wanting to rescue such a blight on society.

Post Edited ( 06-08-04 14:55 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #108 - 08 June 2004, 14:59:49
:) Yup, that would be better. The new version will have the MMU with empty fuel anyway... Made too many circles
around the station :)

Hm. Where would you stick Jackson then. Crew of the DG or on the MSS? (assuming he is still the ISS commander as
in the thread..)

Argh. Think up the names of all the people will you, we need them :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #109 - 08 June 2004, 15:09:00
Well, passenger 1 was the only one that I really bothered to flesh out, so I shall name him "George Earl Orthenell" of
whom acquired the nickname "syncronous" because he could be counted to do something stupid every second, and
something VERY stupid every hour. (G.E.O. syncronous) ;)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #110 - 08 June 2004, 15:22:23
Well, keep in mind the accents of actors when you think of names :) I'm gonna leave you to think in peace (assuming
you aren't doing homework) and I'm off to eat something and then head home. Will be back in a few hours.


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #111 - 08 June 2004, 15:32:50
silly me, I forgot about those trivial name limitations. did we give passenger 1 a voice actor yet. if anything, we can
just call him geo and have somebody else match the initials with real, more authentic names. nonetheless, you try
coming up with a fancy name like that off your head. I'm sorta doing my schoolwork, I'm just juggling them... Also,
Jackson and leo could be in seperate DG's with the jackson being already in orbit on his own mission, whatever that
might be. but he's a way away from the station and can't help soon. he can just be there to give "encouraging"
words of wisdom. ;)

Offline Krytom

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Reply #112 - 08 June 2004, 19:45:32
Mmmmmmmmm, "calm and with breeding"? :wonder:
I can do calm. About the breeding.....

ATC Voice:      Go! Engage full thrust!
James (me):   Righto, CHOCKS AWAY! :)

Excellent. If I'm Bob's counterpart, does that mean I sit next to him?
Anyway, I've found out how to do left and right speaking with Audacity, though I don't see that it will be useful.
I take it doc will do all the sound editing and stuff like that.

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #113 - 08 June 2004, 21:12:47
I'm home! my sample clip will be sent ot you soon, doc. get ready for it. ;)

Offline Krytom

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Reply #114 - 08 June 2004, 21:57:38
Should I send a sample clip? What format should it be in? .Wav or something else?

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #115 - 08 June 2004, 23:14:39
Hi to both, waiting patiently for the first clips. Send it by email (it's in my profile), it's easiest for me to pick up, until I
set up some kind of FTP or something.

Make it .wav the rest is not a problem. Goldwave can open almost anything, but if you can save it at 16khz sample
rate as an 8-bit mono or stereo. I'll see what I can do about the left and right. :) Would be nice to have the bickering
passangers in stereo, to cause the pilot a double headache.

James (me): Righto, CHOCKS AWAY!
HEHEHE, *something* like that, but maybe more like: "Righto, keep you nickers on, ol' chap!" :) high class uptight
thing :) Perhaps add before that:"I say, CONTACT! Oh.. sorrey wrong century" :) Of course since you're not the pilot,
Freespace will have to say something like:"Jimbo, I don't see you sitting over here, so make like a good passenger
and keep a lid on it!" :)

A little offtopic....
I just saw a documentary on D-day on NGC.. The interactions of american and british accent can really be a jolly
splendid show! :) such pompmous way to describe things.

A British soldier:"I saw that our glider landed in the water and I was in it up to my neck. I didn't think there was any
future in that so I got up only to see a German soldier's MG-42 come to bear on me, and I was forced to accept my
former predicament as rather pleasant!"
Those veterans just do have a special kind of humor after what they've been through.


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Atom

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Reply #116 - 08 June 2004, 23:40:53
I will send a clip, when I have the house free to record. The poota is in the livingroom so I will have to wait for
tommorow afternoon.

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Offline Krytom

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Reply #117 - 08 June 2004, 23:49:07
I noticed that your house is louder than mine, when your family's back home anyway.
Ok, a sample of the voice coming right up. I'll just say what you wrote Doc, maybe more.

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #118 - 09 June 2004, 05:48:53
I sent a simple "audition" greetings clip, because I was tired and had been up for 24 hours, just before I went to
sleep. If you got that, then we're ready to rock! I'm a bit worried about the quality of my recordings before I start
screwing around with re-recording myelf several times to get it right, only to find out that what I did was no good
because the recording quality was too shabby. get back to me, doc. ;)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #119 - 09 June 2004, 09:06:44
Hey Freespace, got your file, it sounds great. Don't worry about the quality it is WAY within limits. I mean after all, we
are doing speech to be used as radio chatter, so it can't be really CD quality. I'll filter it when I get home and I'll send
you back the "orbiter" version of the .wav.



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #120 - 09 June 2004, 09:25:03
cool then. :)

I'll be Looking forward to it. I'll also be working on slightly changing jackson's script to sound more fed up and
annoyed if I am going to be doing him. rest assured. it will be interesting. ;)

but one thing. how DO you know that future radio equipment won't be of cd quality? ;)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #121 - 09 June 2004, 09:29:27
Well, I don't. I ASS-U-ME people will want radio to sound like one even in the future :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #122 - 09 June 2004, 09:41:36
Hehe. Ok. ok. ;)

anyway, are the times that the wavs are played in the scenario set in stone? because my version of jackson's first
line runs about 12 seconds. as opposed to the 9 seconds you allocated.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #123 - 09 June 2004, 09:51:13
Well, certain milestones are fixed. Like:
- 1 min announcement at 70
- 30 second announcement at 100
- takeoff time at 130
- the after takeoff ATC instructions
- the MECO announcement

The rest is pretty much changable :) I was actually thinking of moving back the scenario a few minutes, so the user
has to get the DG online first. It would be fun, but one once or twice. Also more time for pilot's nagging :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #124 - 09 June 2004, 10:10:43
AH.. Well, that certainly makes sense. I've sent you my first take of the jackson's first line. make good use of it. :)

Post Edited ( 06-09-04 10:11 )