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Author Topic: Direct Ascent to the ISS!  (Read 38364 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #75 - 04 June 2004, 10:35:02
freespace2dotcom wrote:
yeah, yeah, I know, but it works..... and it *probably* mispronounces the same words, so you can test a word out on
sayit rather than waste your 100 times of the better one.
I'm currently on my weekend (which starts on thursday afternoon rather than friday.. hehe) and I'm gonna see if I
can't find a mic during that time.

Modifying the voice is a pain a vocoder can do that, you have one effect instrument in Cubase SX
but the result isn't to nice and cubase is a pain to install.
Perhaps you have some separated program freeware that can do that ?

About artificial voice I don't like them too much, but if we can have janez+freespace voice
in a same aventure it would be sooo cool :)

(Don't even ask me, my french accent is horrible when I try to speak english)


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #76 - 04 June 2004, 10:47:27
Actually a french accented person would be PERFECT for the ISS station crewmember! And it HAS to be authentic
french accent. And you don't even NEED to try to speak well, because you are supposed to be francophone in the
scenario :) I could do it, but it would be a mixup of french, german and russian accents I guess, heheh

Think about it. We can make the addon together and you can attach it to the alpha release of orbiter :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #77 - 04 June 2004, 16:44:22
Personally, I wouldn't have any problems with somebody poking fun of my cultural class, but everybody's different.
The way you could do it is by making fun of other things, Personally, I don't think making fun of accents are too bad
compared to literally bashing a country. (and even that can be acceptable if you make a person from that country get
back at the offender good) and most humor is aceptable all the less so long as you make a disclaimer
that it's all done in good humor. and if it is, then there shouldn't be any problems. You can also make fun of people
that nobody would possibly mind. like rich people. example:
Poor person: Oh, would you please spare a dollar, please?

Rich person: what? no, sorry. I don't like poor people, they're smelly. but more importantly, they're not rich.

(rich person burns an old $1000 bill to light a cigar.)

(Poor person starts getting angry)

Rich person: oh, what are you gonna do about it? start crying? here. lick my shoes, I'll give you a penny.

(poor person whistles into the distance, and Mr. T comes)

Mr. T stares into rich person's eye for a few seconds, and then grabs him and breaks rich person's back.

poor person: Thanks Mr. T!

Mr. T: :top:
Yeah, that was kinda sucky, but you see what I'm getting at. Hey if you want, we can think of a "villain" and he can
do most of the bad-mouthing. everybody will hate him anyway, and it'll be acceptable. I'm loaded with ideas for this.
Let me know if you need something specific.

Edit: I got me a microphone! It's pretty sucky, and it gives some feedback, plus you can hear me breathing into it unless I hold my breath, but it works! Now I have to find a way to record on it without that stuff. Should be ready soon. be very afraid! But I know what you mean about recording when somebody could be hearing you. I notice that my voice is a lot less like it is naturally, but I should have the house to myself for most of the day, so I'll try to get over the mic-shyness..

Post Edited ( 06-04-04 19:21 )

Offline Krytom

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Reply #78 - 05 June 2004, 09:05:18
I've got a very good microphone (TV quality, depending on what you watch) so if you want me to do some voices I
would be perfectly happy to do some.Don't worry. ;) I don't sound like a kid anymore. Even my grandparents didn't
know who was on the phone. :pfff:

Offline AphelionHellion

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Reply #79 - 05 June 2004, 09:51:01
If you need a nerdy-sounding fast-talking character voiced, lemme know :D

< [yellow]C[/yellow]arpe [yellow]N[/yellow]octem! >

Offline McBrain

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Reply #80 - 05 June 2004, 10:15:39
Krytom wrote:
I don't sound like a kid anymore. Even my grandparents didn't
know who was on the phone. :pfff:

I had about the same:
Somedays people call, then I go to the phone and the person says: "Hello, Mr. Kahlhöfer, here's the finance office. I call because the ...." :)
I would make some voice recordings but I doubt someone would understand me, because my english pronunciation is VERY bad! :( :)



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Reply #81 - 05 June 2004, 12:54:58
All I need is a script and I will say anything. I can do a few impressions of people, not the best but they work.

Somedays people call, then I go to the phone and the person says: "Hello, Mr. Kahlhöfer, here's the finance
office. I call because the ...."

Hehe, I had that. They thought I was my dad and they said a load of stuff about something useless really quickly. I
told them who I was, so they asked "can I leave a message?" I just said "No" and put the phone down, not quite
getting what they said before I did. :)

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #82 - 05 June 2004, 21:35:18
Oh yeah? my brother occasionally mistakes me for our uncle, now *that's* sad. ;)

I think can make a good british accent, but I don't know many dialect differences. (I say elevator, everyone else says
lift. oh, and then there's the "flashlight = torch" thing, but that's all I can remember, and if anybody was nice enough
to tell me, I'd forget really quick.) whenever I think of a torch, I think of a stick with fire on one end. ;)

but yeah, just those things alone would show how fake it would be.

Oh, and I'll never forget what "napkin" means in australia. hehehe..  

But yeah, my voice is just saturated in sarcasm if only I want it to be. :)

Offline Krytom

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Reply #83 - 05 June 2004, 22:20:21
Ahh, but I have a real British accent. I can do others too but I have the same problem as Freespace. Some words
have different meanings.

BTW, what does napkin mean in Australia? :)

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #84 - 06 June 2004, 01:02:21
Krytom wrote:
BTW, what does napkin mean in Australia? :)

napkin n. Cloth or paper towel to protect the clothes while eating. Australasians refer to napkins as
serviettes. Saying "napkin'' may make Australasians think of a sanitary napkin, which is used to absorb menstrual

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Reply #85 - 06 June 2004, 10:00:42

Offline Atom

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Reply #86 - 06 June 2004, 14:37:06

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Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #87 - 07 June 2004, 09:28:44
Hey! Great response, thanks, guys!

Well, napkin beats tissue anyway, which reminds me of some microscopic sample of somebody's skin :) serviettes is
also a word quite similar to the one in my language, so I guess I could get used to it :)

Back to Direct Ascent. So here we have:
Freespace (american accent, sarcastic tone)
Krytom (british accent, not sounding like a kid no more) :)
McBrain (bad english german accented?? will remind people of their father) :))
AphelionHellion (american accent, nerdy-sounding fast-talking tone)
hopefully we convice Dan to participate as MSS commander (I think he deserves at LEAST a "special guest" role)

Like Quentin Tarantino playing a part in his own movies :)

Well, that's perfect! I was hoping you guys would offer to help, I can't stretch my voice enough to have more than
two authentic characters.

I will put together a timed script of what I have now, identify "empty" areas, where there is no ATC chat and a story
could be inserted and come up with a few "characters" suggestions which you will then take roles of. Hopefully we
could fill up the whole 2000 or so seconds right up to the docking to the MSS. That way it will not be boring while you
have to wait for the align plane maneuver, which takes the majority of idle time...

So I guess the steps are:
1. Put together a story (joint thing I hope)
2. Allocate "parts" to "actors" (I will have a suggestion when I come up with the characters)
3. Record the voices (each does his recordings and then we compare them to see how they fit together - so that it
looks like an actual dialogue)
4. Mix it all together (sequencing, voice editing, apply radio effects, etc - my job)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Krytom

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Reply #88 - 07 June 2004, 10:09:24
Finally. We can all be add-on developers! :):) :gift:

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #89 - 07 June 2004, 10:30:58

And don't worry about accents either, they all serve to benefit the story! Makes it INTERNATIONAL :)

Besides, I don't think there actually *is* any group that would deal with sounds in the whole Orbiter community.
There are programmers, designers, physicists or at least working on this sort of tasks, but no adventure
developement crew :)

The only person who actually tried that and was basically an inspiration for what I did, (Benjamin Olech) made this:

I wonder if he's still in the community...?



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Atom

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Reply #90 - 07 June 2004, 15:57:17
I could help. Just ask. (British accent, nothing special, not a kid anymore kinda thing).

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Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #91 - 07 June 2004, 16:16:40
Indeed. Since you and Crytom get to actually see eachother, you could quite easily record something together. One
of those "story" fights we have on the other thread.

Would that work?



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Atom

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Reply #92 - 07 June 2004, 17:28:26
Yeah probably. Sounds cool.

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Offline Krytom

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Reply #93 - 07 June 2004, 19:26:38
Mmmmmmmm *wonders whether he could rig the recording to be sterio. Krytom one side, Atom the other* :wonder:

The program that we've got could probably do that. Audacity is a decent freeware program for recording anything.
It's what I used to get my concert music in the PC, since you can't downlod music off a Minidisk Player (copyright stuff).
You can get it at:
Surf around to find the add-on that enables it to export sound as MP3. All you need is the specific DLL. in the zip.
Atom and I will do some testing on the matter.

Offline McBrain

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Reply #94 - 07 June 2004, 22:08:01
Sounds good. I will download it right now.



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Offline McBrain

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Reply #95 - 07 June 2004, 22:09:40
LLLLLLLOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! It's a *VERY* slow server!!!!! Download data rate: 600B/s



In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #96 - 07 June 2004, 22:58:38
Ehh... I think I tried it in the past, but It asked me to register, which almost always clicks something in my mind that
says. "leave it alone" unless the thing also says it's purely optional, or something to that effect.

I can also sorta do my impression of a more southern american accent, having lived in arkansas for 4 years. "so y'all
better behave, y'hear?" you know when you're in trouble when your english teacher in school says that. mine did. I
don't think I've been the same ever since.. in fact, this one guy said I don't sound like I'm from chicago, to which I
took great offense, considering that I sure don't sound like a person from the south, (something that quite a few
people noticed while I was there. a few even made fun of the way I say "chicago".) and then even a person from
registrations at my current school noted that I didn't sound southern despite that I moved (back) from there. It
almost seems like you can go 20 miles and pick up a slight alteration between two locations. take a diference of 600
miles and you just don't seem to speak the same language anymore. you say, "this is *ENGLISH*?" well, maybe I'm
blowing it out of proportions a bit, but you compare what I say with a person with a new york accent and you can tell
that americans are hideously diverse.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #97 - 08 June 2004, 08:13:07
Mmmmmmmm *wonders whether he could rig the recording to be sterio. Krytom  
No need for that actually, I will convert the sounds to mono anyway, to make the files smaller, save up on the
memory. I tried some big samples and it seems (Dan would know this better) that Orbiter loads the files during flight,
which momentarily freezes the picture and when it's loaded it jerks back trying to compensate for the missing fraction
of a second. You could get unpredictable alterations to course that way. I guess it's either loading the files or just
has some work initializing the sound, before it actually plays it, nevertheless, big files mean a slight delay...

I can also sorta do my impression of a more southern american accent, having lived in arkansas for 4
years. "so y'all better behave, y'hear?"
Oh, Arkensaw, eh? :) Actually southern accent I sorta what I had in mind for Jackson, dontcha know :) Kind of
like "Get of m'back, c'ntrawl, tryin' to get my job dun here. If y'all gotta problem with tha', y'all can stick it up where
the sun don't shine."

miles and you just don't seem to speak the same language anymore. you say, "this is *ENGLISH*?" well,
maybe I'm blowing it out of proportions a bit, but you compare what I say with a person with a new york accent and
you can tell that americans are hideously diverse.
Actually I'm quite interested in the finer points of this diversity. As a non-native speaker, I can basically distinguish
southern (which would probably be Louisianna version), New York, New Jersey, Californian (as in the stereotype "hey
dude, you can' en'er the pool like tha' kind of speech), and some form of "general" american english, that is probably
used around Washington. But I guess there is quite a lot more to it than that. When I was in the States, they
actually thought I was from mid-west, even though I could confuse them quite easily, because I've seen enough
movies to be able to switch to anything from Auzzie, Canadian, Cockney, Southern and various "foreign" English
accents. Guess it was fun. NOONE actually doubted I wasn't from the States.. Should I attribute that to my good
pronounciation or my american colleagues' arrogance (in terms of assuming I was American, too) , I cannot say :)

I was visiting friends in Pittsburgh, PA and I do know there is a standing argument about soda and pop going on over
there :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #98 - 08 June 2004, 09:22:11
Ah, yes, from my family's info. I hear that everybody calls soda "coke" over in florida, whether it be pepsi, or
whatever. I myself don't give a hoot. so long as you understand that I want something that's caffenated, fizzy, and
sweet, I really don't care what it's called. I would probably fit in pretty close with the traditional northern "yankee"
speak. more or less what you would expect as the average american english, but the people in arkansas couldn't get
over the fact that I pronounced chicago with more of an emphasis of the middle syllable. I myself don't notice
anything peculiar with the way I say it. but the southern accents can be different. I've never seen louisiana, but I
have a grandmother that was from texas, and it's pretty distinct from the arkasas speak that I heard. but not to
make it a big deal.. american movies tend to ignore all the variations, and just take one and make it mainstream. Ooh,
then there's the Hispanic accent. You do hear that a lot where I'm at right now. ;) near impossible for me to emulate
though.. all this accent stuff reminds me of when I finally learned that quebec isn't pronounced as it's spelled. ;) (kay-
beck, not kwee-beck lot of people still make that mistake) stupid french names, damn near impossible for me to
pronounce correctly sometimes :).. oops.. chicago is a french name, isn't it? it comes from onions, or something, right
dan?  I remember that from way back in my mind.. somewhere... and about nobody doubting that you weren't from
the states, remember, americans are very diverse. you could have very well spoke anything, and it's possible you
could still be considered one. chicago is so culturally diverse that you could go from a poorer run-down "ghetto" area
to a filthy rich area in two or three blocks or so.

I know, because the house I used to live in as a child was sold by my other grandfather (who died a bit back) for
about $200,000. that *same* house, a few years later, was worth over a million dollars. In fact it was one of the few
houses that wasn't torn down and rebuilt to look like all those other crappy "rush-built" condominiums that look
identical exept for the paint on the outside. largely due in part to the fact that my grandfather took out a few loans to
fix the place up in thinking that some person was actually going to live there. in truth. nobody did, they just wanted
the title deed and watch the prices rise. even my old friends had to move from the area because the land value rose
so quickly that nobody could pay the taxes, forcing all the poor people out. making way for the elite. it really burns me
up, but that's beyond me, now. looking back, it's because of a factory that wasn't used much. (didnt' seem to be,
anyway) it burnt down just shortly after we moved to arkansas and though I didn't see it myself, I hear it burned for
a day, and the firefighters just let it burn itself out. a bit of foul play was suspected, as insurance companies always
bicker. but eh, oh well.. yeah, I'm just rambling like an old man, how sad....

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #99 - 08 June 2004, 09:47:03
Talk a lot, don't you? :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15