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Author Topic: A Tribute.  (Read 19520 times)

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Offline MattNW

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20 February 2004, 08:53:53
To the DG III and all the men who served aboard her.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #1 - 20 February 2004, 09:02:54
:) That's pretty :)

Have a nice Friday.


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 20 February 2004, 11:39:46
LOL :)

Thanks matt,


Offline Krytom

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Reply #3 - 20 February 2004, 14:00:05
Hey, I was going to do that!:rant::wall:



Offline DanSteph

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Reply #4 - 20 February 2004, 22:01:45
like this one you mean ? :)


Offline Krytom

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Reply #5 - 20 February 2004, 23:44:04
:) 8) :turning: 8o :top:


P.S. I like smileys.

Offline Arkalius

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Reply #6 - 21 February 2004, 01:24:27
Dan's cheating, he's using the beta of the next orbiter version... hehehehe


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #7 - 21 February 2004, 03:34:21
I could'nt resist, those shadow are too appealing ;)



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Reply #8 - 21 February 2004, 13:24:05
I just wanted to point out the fact of performance with these new shadow effects. If you take a
look at dans Screen shot, he has about 15 things there all casting shadows. Take a look at his FPS
counter. 31!. This is very good news for us Orbiteers. Meaning the shadows are not hardware
intensive at all... which is something that (dare i say the name). Microsoft, was never able to
completely fix in the Flight Simulator line of software. I always noticed SIGNIFICANT drops in FS.
Looks like Orbiters new shadows will be slighty more forgiving =)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #9 - 21 February 2004, 16:31:05
And even more, the shadow must be optimised in the model wich they are not currently
for the DGIII. (I always wait final version before modyfying my code)

Basically you must set a flag in the mesh file for part that must be used for shadow
(no need to cast a shadow for every part)
So I think for a DGIII we can increase the shadow performance about 60%


Offline reekchaa

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Reply #10 - 21 February 2004, 19:11:37
That sounds Very cool.  I was wondering about that, since there seems to be 'layers' of
shadow intensity with overlapping translucency.  Having the Wheels cast shadow in addition to
the Main outter Hull might be a nice thing (although possibly unrealistic) since we can
better estimate the Exact point of wheel contact.

Can't wait till this next release comes out  :)

~ the Reekchaa

Offline MattNW

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Reply #11 - 22 February 2004, 04:38:08
Even more good news if I remember  correctly. Dan isn't using an extremely high powered
computer. Those of us with systems designed to run the graphics intensive sims (cough, cough,
FS2004) will see even better performance in Orbiter.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #12 - 22 February 2004, 05:46:12
Pentium P4 1.7ghz 764Mo
Ti4200 128mo

Not top notch but not low end also. (soon?)


Offline MattNW

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Reply #13 - 23 February 2004, 07:08:37
DanSteph wrote:

> Pentium P4 1.7ghz 764Mo
> Ti4200 128mo
> Not top notch but not low end also. (soon?)
> Dan

OK, that's just a tiny fraction below mine except you have a better video card. I'm about ready to
upgrade since mine is just barely able to run MS Flight Sim (I'm at 19fps unless I land at a huge
ariport with lots of traffic or clouds. Then I go down to 11-14).

So anyone with a top end gaming computer will be able to run the upcoming version of Orbiter
easily. Probably won't even cause the machine to work hard. Mid range computers like yours and
mine will still be plenty powerful. Low end PCs will still be OK but won't be perfect. Of course I
imagine Martin still has some optmizing to do so that might be figuring a little high.

I have:
AMD 1.8 Ghz
1 Gig RAM
GForce 4 128mb

Offline bgreman

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Reply #14 - 23 February 2004, 18:15:14
I have a ridiculously powerful processor, but my video card is crap.  And I can't upgrade it,
unfortunately.  Might help me to get some more RAM though.

P4M 3.06 GHz(z)  512 Mb RAM
GeForce4FX Go 5200 (Stupid mobile card...)


Houston...we've flushed our toilet.

Offline Wilko

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Reply #15 - 23 February 2004, 20:57:11
I've got a 2.4ghz P4, 256mb RAM, GeForce 5200 with 128mb video RAM and for the most part
Orbiter runs fine. With the super hi-res textures it does slow down a bit, especially with the ISS in
view as well, maybe thats because of the RAM.


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Reply #16 - 23 February 2004, 22:07:30
Oops I beat you all

AMD XP3000 at (2.8GHZ  may overclock to 3.0 if I need to have fun)
1 Gig RAM (Yippeeeee)
256DDR Radeon All in Wonder
160Gb HD (for all those multiple orbiter installs)

Orbiter at between 50-100 FPS with DG3

FS2002 + FS2004 running simultaneously (Yes a bit of a joke I know...)

Offline darkvoid

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Reply #17 - 23 February 2004, 22:21:22
Robjos wrote:

> Oops I beat you all
> AMD XP3000 at (2.8GHZ  may overclock to 3.0 if I need to have
> fun)
> 1 Gig RAM (Yippeeeee)
> 256DDR Radeon All in Wonder
> 160Gb HD (for all those multiple orbiter installs)
> Orbiter at between 50-100 FPS with DG3
> FS2002 + FS2004 running simultaneously (Yes a bit of a joke I
> know...)


Amd 3200+ @ (222*10.5)
3x512 DDR 433Mhz (1536 MB)
Gainward Geforce FX 5900 @ FX 5900 ultra
19'' Flat (samsung 957MB)
creative 7.1 7700
2x80GB Raid

Orbiter always runs at 100 FPS 1152x854 (vertical sync on)
Fs 2004 always beteen 60-100FPS (ultra high settings)

Post Edited (03-03-04 16:25)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #18 - 24 February 2004, 08:42:31
Well I have an AMD 2600XP and I sometimes experience extreme degradation of FPS while using
the DG3'3 EVA pilots.

For example during the Joe Drank mission, sometimes the rate drops down to an amazing 10FPS
from an otherwise nice 30-40FPS.. What's up with that?

Granted I do have only the Geforce MX440, which is scheduled for demolition and replacement any
day now :) Still, why does it drop..



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #19 - 24 February 2004, 11:04:43
It would be nice to know the exact situation (iss? high res texture?)

I would say that trusting your high processor speed you have setting that exceed
the possibility of your 3d card.

So most probably sometime your geforce is on its knees,
constant texture swaping from sysmem to card mem etc etc.

With my ti4200 128 it's extremely rare that I go under 35 fsp.
(lower panel facing iss with dgIII, joe Drank and its bottle = 37 fsp)


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #20 - 24 February 2004, 11:58:38
Just Joe and the DGIII, when looking out from Joe's helmet or outside view. It must be my
graphics, as the MX440 is known to have erratic behaviour in some graphic intensive situations. I
think the problem is with the T&L, Orbiter sometimes detects the card to support it, sometimes not.

I am upgrading to R 9600 PRO, don't want to spend more, it should be sufficient.

Oh and that Level Horizon bug I reported the other day. Seems when I install Orbiter and DG3
fresh it doesn't happen. Was obviously a freak accident. Here and there also the main engines
engaged for no apparent reason, but I could probably trace that to some after effect of using Aling
Plane II. Even though you deactivate the MFD it seems sometimes, it still tries to execute the plane
change :) :) What can I say, a very agressive program :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #21 - 24 February 2004, 21:00:27
Also don't forget that now 512mo is considered as "ligth"
for XP.

With 768mo I can run Photoshop three instance of
MSVC C++, 3dMax and Orbiter without problem
or slowdown.

(with 512 it was Sloooooow when loading/quitting program)

3 Ghz ?  Will we see the Thz within 10 years ? :)

JANEZ: align plane, orient mfd, do you actually TOUCH the joystick
sometime during a flight ? :)
I'm like you don't know why I love managing automatic system.


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #22 - 25 February 2004, 08:18:09
hehe, I don't HAVE a joystick! How's that? :)

I do all me flying with the ol'e keyboard and calculator and automatics. I usually don't fly in
atmosphere a lot anyway, so it pretty much doesn't matter. You can be pretty accurate in space,
even without a joystick, perhaps more so, because the keys control one axis at a time, harder to
do with a joystick. Not to mention, I never am lucky enough to chose a decent joystick, that would
last more than a year, before the stick broke down and started messing up Y and Z axes!

I'm buying a new one, so suggestions on what specific type to buy would be more than welcome.



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline darkvoid

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Reply #23 - 25 February 2004, 13:41:48
DocHoliday wrote:

> hehe, I don't HAVE a joystick! How's that? :)
> I do all me flying with the ol'e keyboard and calculator and
> automatics. I usually don't fly in
> atmosphere a lot anyway, so it pretty much doesn't matter. You
> can be pretty accurate in space,
> even without a joystick, perhaps more so, because the keys
> control one axis at a time, harder to
> do with a joystick. Not to mention, I never am lucky enough to
> chose a decent joystick, that would
> last more than a year, before the stick broke down and started
> messing up Y and Z axes!
> I'm buying a new one, so suggestions on what specific type to
> buy would be more than welcome.
> Cheers,

I'm using "Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2 Red Hot Edition" and I love it. It's the best
joystick I ever tryed... very very precise. A friend is using Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2
for more than 2 years and the joystick is as precise as when it was new.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #24 - 25 February 2004, 13:51:59
Ms Sidewinder also, use it for years and no problem.
I had one time the Ms force feedback but I must say that appart the
gun shaking I felt it annoying in most simulator so I changed for the
sidewinder without force.

Anyway it's  true that appart atmopsherique flight a joystick isn't needed
in orbiter.
