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New video coming tuesday, I bet you'll like it also (hint: see image above)
Very beautiful ! But your link is broken . I put a good onehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4eM7GlzOa38
I don't imagine the time you spend in coding. Cheers up !
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Mission configuration for the Arrow Freighter MK2 (2020) by DanSteph// To create a new mission, copy this file, modify the filename "Mission_****.cfg" where "***" is a unique name (without space and special char)// Once the file modified, you can distribute it or play with it.//// Parameters://------------// // "MissionName=" the name of the mission that will be shown on the mission's display (button and title, Max 40 chars)// "Summary=" a short description (max 80 chars)// "Difficulty=" self explanatory (max 40 chars)// "<Description>" A longer description or guide, max 10 lines of max 110 chars ended by a line with "</description>".//// "StartPlanet=" Optional ! The name of a body were the mission should start (In orbit or landed).// "EndPlanet=" Optional ! The name of a body were the mission should end (In orbit or landed).//// "Planet=" the name of a body followed by a number of "Objective=" and one "DataAmount=". (Max 20 planets sections)// "DataAmount=" the total number of megabyte to be collected at 100% exploration (when all objectives are completed). The higher the number the longer it take to collect and transmit.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////MissionName=Giant Exploration // max 40 charsDifficulty=Hard and Long // max 40 charsStartPlanet=Moon // optional, mission should start around or landed on this planetEndPlanet=Earth // optional, mission should end around or landed on this planetSummary=Visit Jupiter and Saturn with some satellites launch and landing. //(max 80 chars)<Description> //(max 10 lines of 110 chars)Take-Off from Earth's Moon, head on to Jupiter's system, launch one satellite in Io's orbit, another in Europa's Orbit, land on Europa and drope somes instruments. Then go to Saturn system and do almost the same for Enceladus and Iapetus. Finally head on to Earth's Orbit.Note: The start scenario have no cargo, you should take care to load the required one yourself.Have Fun Commander !</Description>////////////////////////////// One planet:Planet=Io // name of a valid Orbiter's body followed by one "DataAmount=" and up to 5 "Objective="DataAmount=2500.0 // number of science data in megabyte that will be collected on this planet.Objective=Sat44Launch,APA=1500km, PEA=45km,Inc=85.5° // a satellite must be deployed with this data////////////////////////////// One planet:Planet=Europa // name of a valid Orbiter's body followed by one "DataAmount=" and up to 5 "Objective="DataAmount=2500.0 // number of science data in megabyte that will be collected on this planet.Objective=Sat44Launch,APA=1500km, PEA=45km,Inc=85.5° // a satellite must be deployed with this dataObjective=LandArrow,Lon=-33.411341,Lat=41.129850,Range=1500m // You must land the Arrow at this location.////////////////////////////// One planet:Planet=Enceladus // name of a valid Orbiter's body followed by one "DataAmount=" and up to 5 "Objective="DataAmount=2500.0 // number of science data in megabyte that will be collected on this planet.Objective=Sat44Launch,APA=1500km, PEA=45km,Inc=85.5° // a satellite must be deployed with this data////////////////////////////// One planet:Planet=Iapetus // name of a valid Orbiter's body followed by one "DataAmount=" and up to 5 "Objective="DataAmount=2500.0 // number of science data in megabyte that will be collected on this planet.Objective=Sat44Launch,APA=1500km, PEA=45km,Inc=85.5° // a satellite must be deployed with this dataObjective=LandArrow,Lon=-33.411341,Lat=41.129850,Range=1500m // You must land the Arrow at this location.////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start Scenario// 1-Copy here the start situation after "<start scenario>". // 2-Replace all vessel's name with <VesselName> (eg: change all 'AR01' to '<VesselName>')// 3-Don't put anything after this scenario as the whole end of the file is used!////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<start scenario>BEGIN_DESCThis is the start scenario for the Arrow Freighter mission 'Giant Exploration'END_DESCBEGIN_ENVIRONMENT System Sol Date MJD 78671.5465050573END_ENVIRONMENTBEGIN_FOCUS Ship <VesselName>END_FOCUSBEGIN_CAMERA TARGET <VesselName> MODE Extern POS 1.574579 -128.230982 2.454433 TRACKMODE Ground Moon GROUNDLOCATION -33.40347 41.13194 13.41 FOV 40.00 BEGIN_PRESET Ground:<VesselName>:50.00:Moon -33.42832 41.11517 5.78 END_PRESETEND_CAMERABEGIN_HUD TYPE SurfaceEND_HUDBEGIN_MFD Left TYPE Orbit PROJ Frame FRAME Ecliptic REF EarthEND_MFDBEGIN_MFD Right TYPE Surface SPDMODE 1END_MFDBEGIN_VCEND_VCBEGIN_SHIPSISS:ProjectAlpha_ISS STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS 1310957.655 6282854.710 -2043029.076 RVEL 7402.9111 -1860.0523 -960.4685 AROT -142.311 -34.746 145.463 VROT -0.1003 0.0202 -0.0094 AFCMODE 7 IDS 0:588 100 1:586 100 2:584 100 3:582 100 4:580 100 NAVFREQ 0 0 XPDR 466END<VesselName>:UCGO\Vessels\UCGOArrowFreighter STATUS Landed Moon POS -33.4113406 41.1298504 HEADING 200.75 ALT 20.798 AROT -131.845 -18.420 139.168 AFCMODE 7 PRPLEVEL 0:0.497109 IDS 0:140 100 1:145 100 2:150 100 NAVFREQ 260 0 XPDR 320 O2_RESERVE 70.00 SkinName NasaWhite SAVEVAR00 0§0,1§0.00,2§1,3§1.00,4§0,5§0.00,6§0,7§1,8§0.00,9§1,10§0.00,11§0.00,12§0,13§2,14§2,15§0.00,16§0,17§0,18§0,19§1,40§0.04,41§4,42§0,43§0,44§0.00,45§0,46§0.00,47§0.00,48§0,80§0,81§0.00,82§0,83§0, UMMUCREW Capt-Jamie_Young-50-78-71 UMMUCREW Tech-Hector_Hart-24-79-70 UMMUCREW Eng-Mary_Light-55-60-84 UMMUCREW Tech-Sofia_Meier-55-68-80 UMMUCREW Tech-Edda_Paccioretti-23-72-83 UMMUCREW Sci-Frank_Edwards-36-70-79 UMMUCREW Doc-Yasmin_OMoore-24-61-80 UMMUCREW Tech-Sidney_Brown-28-61-75 UMMUCREW Eng-Gunda_Gerson-33-60-81 UMMUCREW Sci-William_Coates-50-73-71 UMMUCREW Tech-Donald_Bentley-46-68-80 UMMUCREW Eng-Walter_Healey-54-78-80 UMMUCREW Sci-Vetka_Tomsko-50-67-74 UMMUCREW Geo-Nevaeh_Pearson-25-61-69 UMMUCREW Eng-Jakob_Lang-48-75-74 UMMUCREW Spe-Kashedy_Rossi-26-74-73 UMMUCREW Bio-Susanne_Lachs-33-74-80 UMMUCREW Sec-Casey_Burke-36-72-84 UMMUCREW Min-Emgo_Phillips-41-70-83 UMMUCREW Vip-Arkandr_Gachana-45-67-70 UCGO @@0,1,1,147,CargoExploSat44UMmu,@@1,1,1,147,CargoExploSat44UMmu,@@2,1,1,1134,CargoOxygen, UCGO @@3,1,1,1134,CargoOxygen,@@4,1,1,1134,CargoOxygen,@@5,1,1,1134,CargoOxygen, UCGO @@6,1,1,1048,CargoSpaceFuel,@@7,1,0,0,@@8,1,0,0,@@9,1,0,0,@@10,1,0,0,@@11,1,0,0, UCGO @@12,1,0,0,@@13,1,0,0,@@14,1,0,0,@@15,1,0,0,@@16,1,0,0,@@17,1,0,0,@@18,1,0,0, UCGO @@19,1,0,0,@@20,1,0,0,@@21,1,0,0,@@22,1,0,0,@@23,1,0,0,@@24,1,0,0,@@25,1,0,0, UCGO @@26,1,0,0,@@27,1,0,0,@@28,1,0,0,@@29,1,0,0,@@30,1,0,0,@@31,1,0,0,@@32,1,0,0, UCGO @@33,1,0,0,@@34,1,0,0,@@35,1,0,0,@@36,1,0,0,@@37,1,0,0,@@38,1,0,0,@@39,1,0,0, Antenna 0 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 GeoSatEarthENDGeoSatEarth:UCGO\Cargos\CargoExploSat44UMmu STATUS Orbiting Earth RPOS 25852176.915 -27415621.716 -19944593.473 RVEL 1273.5241 -746.9961 2677.5569 AROT 0.000 -0.000 0.000 AFCMODE 24 NAVFREQ 0 0 XPDR 260 CargoUnpacked 1ENDEND_SHIPS
DanSteph, tell me, is there a way to support you for the great work? i bought FSXP from u and i hope ur Orbiter mods stay free, but a way to contribute would be cool