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Thanx for the answer Dan, i was just curious about your choices. I've already done billions of km with your vessels (and crashed a lot of them) and will do the same with this future release (rilize ). The temptation becomes stronger for me to create "something flyable" for Orbiter. I'm still waiting because there are things in progress here and in Orbiter Forum, and i have a lot to learn before doing anything. There are tools too, now, that makes it a bit easyer. The "i would like" is becoming a "i want to". (Downloading Blender right now... )
Ahah I'm glad I'm not the only one influenced by Dan to go out and model something for Orbiter (I'm trying to gather my buddies to make a "hard sci-fi Arrow" atm). Best of luck on your end!
but is the web radio working for everyone else? It has error and won't show up in MFD again so it only plays the music files I put in the folder.
All or just some stations ?
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GetLonLatHeightRelativePoint// Return longitude, latitude and height above surface// of a point in vessel's relative coordinate.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////double GetLonLatHeightRelativePoint(VESSEL *v1,VECTOR3 v3RelativePoint, double* dLong, double* dLat){ OBJHANDLE hSurfaceRef = v1->GetSurfaceRef(); double rt = oapiGetSize(hSurfaceRef); double dRadMeter,Height=0; VECTOR3 v3pos = { 0 }; v1->Local2Global(v3RelativePoint, v3pos); oapiGlobalToEqu(hSurfaceRef, v3pos, dLong, dLat, &dRadMeter); double dElevation = oapiSurfaceElevation(hSurfaceRef, *dLong, *dLat); double dHeight = (dRadMeter - rt) - dElevation; return Height;}
Of course one just need to ask.To be optimized if you have several stuff to do, but here is a "standalone" function.There is no control of validity of pointers so one may add that also. Quote///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GetLonLatHeightRelativePoint// Return longitude, latitude and height above surface// of a point in vessel's relative coordinate.///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////double GetLonLatHeightRelativePoint(VESSEL *v1,VECTOR3 v3RelativePoint, double* dLong, double* dLat){ OBJHANDLE hSurfaceRef = v1->GetSurfaceRef(); double rt = oapiGetSize(hSurfaceRef); double dRadMeter,Height=0; VECTOR3 v3pos = { 0 }; v1->Local2Global(v3RelativePoint, v3pos); oapiGlobalToEqu(hSurfaceRef, v3pos, dLong, dLat, &dRadMeter); double dElevation = oapiSurfaceElevation(hSurfaceRef, *dLong, *dLat); double dHeight = (dRadMeter - rt) - dElevation; return Height;}
I believe all? Last I tried it anyway...
Much thanks for the kind words.... HURRAY !!!! I was blocked 5 days on a tricky problem. It work now ! New video coming tuesday, I bet you'll like it also (hint: see image above)
Here's the picture of what it's showing me every time I try to load up a web radio btw https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/476687128009375746/759979268763025439/unknown.png
Unfortunately, this web radio is dead.-Open the "webr" file with notepad and replace the link with one below: