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Author Topic: [News] Update of OrbiterSound - UMmu - UCGO for Orbiter 2016  (Read 200739 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #75 - 20 June 2020, 07:22:59
Welcome here David and thanks for your kind word  :beer:
Arrow and UCGO are planned yes, see the first post there is a "timeline".

No "patreon" or anything like that, but you can subscribe to my youtube channel and soon I'll be famous and make a lot of $$$


99'882 subscribers to go until monetization...  :sad: <-- poor

« Last Edit: 20 June 2020, 10:34:38 by DanSteph »

Offline corondal

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Reply #76 - 20 June 2020, 08:07:11
I started the update of all my addons for Orbiter 2016 including:
  • OrbiterSound
  • DeltaGliderIV
  • UMmu
  • UCGO
  • Arrow Freighter

Offline E69Shango

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Reply #77 - 20 June 2020, 11:54:48
1 - Orbiter 2016 installed to see what´s new
2- Checked Dan´s addons were unavailable for this version.
3- Back to Orbiter 2010.

There´s something unique about your work Dan, I tried to play this new Orbiter version to realize I cannot enjoy if I´m unable to use UMMU, love so much to "be" out there...

Thanks for your efforts.

Count another youtube subscriptor!! hell yeah.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #78 - 20 June 2020, 16:12:48
Count another youtube subscriptor!! hell yeah.

Welcome...  :)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #79 - 25 June 2020, 03:56:19

I'm still working on scenarios and sound to make them better and various stuff. (I cleared a "mach bang" bug)
I added some new scenario commands, you'll find the actual complete list below.
Now you can also control RCS, change focus, delete vessel so a scenario with "AI" or "Bot" vessel is possible.

Here below is the "online check message" when there is an update. The delay by default will be 20 day, as said above there's nothing external to orbiter, the check will be done only when you launch it.

The documentation:

And the full list of Scenario Commands:

Code: [Select]

  ; Preliminary note:
  ; -----------------
  ; All music, sounds and commands are TEMPORARY just for one scenario.
  ; Note:
  ; -All commands must be inside a scenario between "BEGIN_OrbiterSound" and "END" tag.
  ; -Up to 200 commands are allowed.
  ; -Timed commands are sorted by time, no need to write them in exact sequence, this
        is VERY usefull to group long sections of commands (by vessel, by type etc).
  ; -Time command ("T:") can be float (for example "T:5.5" is 5500 milliseconds).
  ; -Time command ("T:") can be relative to the previous command's time (for example "T:+4").
  ; -Time <3 seconds is not recommended as Orbiter take time to load everything.
  ; -If something don't work, check for "ERROR" in OrbiterSound_log.txt.
  ; -All your sounds must be in your "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\***" directory.
  ; -You can add comments or unactivate a command with ";" keyword.

  ; ---------
  ; This should come first before any other sound command !
  ; Its your addon's music and sound folder located
  ; in "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\" (Example: "Sound\_CustomScenarioSound\OrbiterSoundDemo")
  ; Of course if you don't use any sound, this is not mandatory.

  ; Mute the music. If you use ADDTOPLAYLIST or INSERTTOPLAYLIST below this command
  ; is ignored.

  ; Mute the VHF radio (radio chatter)

  ; Immediate check of OrbiterSound Update (See demo scenario "OrbiterSound update check")

  ; Offset commands time
  ; This may be usefull wen you write very long sequence and want to insert, offset or
  ; delete a sequence without modifying every command's time.
  ; Note: Every commands >that follow this one in the script< will have their time modified
  ;       by the amount set. When you offset a sequence, don't forget to reset the offset to "0"
  ;       after the sequence.
  ; OffsetTime:# = offset time positive or negative in second. (valid: -600 to +600)

  ; Play Timed sound One
  ; Note:
  ; -Two playsound stream can play in same time, see PLAYSOUND_TWO.
  ;  This allow you to play for example a complete launch sound in exterior view and another for interior.
  ; -You can have up to 200 commands "PLAYSOUND_*", so you can also comment a replay flight or anything you can imagine.
  ; -External Sound volume is NOT controlled by distance and pressure.
  ; -Only mp3 or ogg format will play with this command.
  ; -Time < 3 seconds is not recommended as Orbiter take time to load everything.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255
  ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg)
  ;PLAYSOUND_ONE T:3 V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:playsoundOneCockpit.ogg

  ; Play Timed sound Two (Same as above but for sound TWO)
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255
  ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg)
  ;PLAYSOUND_TWO T:3 V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:playsoundTwoExternal.ogg

  ; Add a music to the playlist.
  ; This commands REPLACE the user's playlist with your songs.
  ; This new custom playlist will play in sequence from simulation start one song after another.
  ; Your songs must be in your scenario's sounds folder.
  ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255
  ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg)
  ;ADDTOPLAYLIST V:255 View:COCKPIT Name:RockInsideTheClock.mp3
  ;ADDTOPLAYLIST V:255 View:BOTH Name:CrimsonTideMutiny.mp3

  ; Force Current Active Music and settings (not recommended)
  ; OrbiterSound usually remember the last song played by the user and the last 'Volume' and 'Mode' set by the MFD.
  ; This command will force the users's Mode, Volume and current song.
  ; Note:
  ; This command is very agressive because it change the user's setting. It was done only
  ; for the purpose of the scenario "How to use MFD" but may annoy the user if you use it often.
  ; The song must be in Mp3 directory, if the user erase the song, this command will be ignored.
  ; For a demo of this parameter see the demo scenario "How to use MFD".
  ; V:# = volume from 0 to 255
  ; Name:# filename of the sound (mp3 or ogg)
  ;FORCECURRENTACTIVEMUSIC V:255 View:BOTH Name:RockInsideTheClock.mp3

  ; Engage Main engine, so your sound is synchronised in case of launch sound effect
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Power:#% = engine power from 0% to 100%
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;MAINENGINEPOWER T:35 Power:100% Vessel:GL-02

  ; Engage Hover engine, so your sound is synchronised in case of launch sound effect
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Power:#% = engine power from 0% to 100%
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;HOVERENGINEPOWER T:25 Power:100% Vessel:GL-02

  ; Engage RCS thruster
  ; Note: to stop a RCS send the same command with Power:0% or with "Type:ATT_STOPALL"
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Power:#% = RCS engine power from 0% to 100%
  ; Type:# = one thruster group below
  ;          ATT_STOPALL     < stop all rcs
  ;          ATT_PITCHUP     < rotation: pitch up
  ;          ATT_PITCHDOWN   < rotation: pitch down
  ;          ATT_YAWLEFT     < rotation: yaw left
  ;          ATT_YAWRIGHT    < rotation: yaw right
  ;          ATT_BANKLEFT    < rotation: bank left
  ;          ATT_BANKRIGHT   < rotation: bank right
  ;          ATT_RIGHT       < translation: move right
  ;          ATT_LEFT        < translation: move left
  ;          ATT_UP          < translation: move up
  ;          ATT_DOWN        < translation: move down
  ;          ATT_FORWARD     < translation: move forward
  ;          ATT_BACK        < translation: move back
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;RCSENGINEPOWER T:25 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:100% Vessel:GL-02
  ;RCSENGINEPOWER T:27 Type:ATT_PITCHUP Power:0% Vessel:GL-02

  ; Set control surface
  ; Note: The control surface will stay in position unless there is a user input or you set it back to 0%.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Position:#% = Surface position from -100% to 100% (neutral 0%)
  ; Type:# = one control surface below
  ; AIRCTRL_ELEVATOR,     ///< elevator control (pitch control)
  ; AIRCTRL_RUDDER,       ///< rudder control (yaw control)
  ; AIRCTRL_AILERON,      ///< aileron control (bank control)
  ; AIRCTRL_FLAP,         ///< flaps (lift, drag control)
  ; AIRCTRL_ELEVATORTRIM, ///< elevator trim
  ; AIRCTRL_RUDDERTRIM    ///< rudder trim
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel

  ; Set vessel fuel
  ; Note: to find the fuel text "PRPLEVEL", edit the fuel with Orbiter's Scenario editor, quit
  ; open the Scenarios/(Current state).scn and copy the PRPLEVEL line listed in the right vessel section.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; PRPLEVEL # = text of fuel as in one scenario
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;SETVESSELFUEL T:10 PRPLEVEL 0:1.000000 Vessel:STS-101
  ;SETVESSELFUEL T:25 PRPLEVEL 0:0.130000 1:0.050000 2:0.100000 Vessel:GL-02S

  ; Engage an Orbiter Autopilot
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Status:# = ON or OFF
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;SETAUTOPILOT T:10 Status:ON Type:HLEVEL  Vessel:PB-01

  ; Send a keypress to a MFD
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Mfd:# = LEFT or RIGHT or MFD_USER1 to MFD_USER9
  ; Key:# = A key identifier as defined in Orbitersdk\doc\API_Reference.pdf (page 227 or search for "OAPI_KEY_1")

  ; Send a keypress to a Vessel
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Key:# = A key identifier as defined in Orbitersdk\doc\API_Reference.pdf (page 227 or search for "OAPI_KEY_1")
  ;         for shift and control key, see example below.         
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;SENDVESSELKEY T:31 Key:OAPI_KEY_G    Vessel:PB-01

  ; Switch Camera view
  ; Note: To find _EXTERNAL view POS parameter, simply launch a scenario, set the desired track view, quit,
  ; open the Scenarios/(Current state).scn and copy the POS numbers listed in BEGIN_CAMERA.
  ; Else the first number is distance in meter, the second horizontal angle from -180 to +180 and the last the vertical angle.
  ; To find _GROUND view GROUNDLOCATION parameter, simply launch a scenario, set the desired ground camera, quit,
  ; open the Scenarios/(Current state).scn and copy the GROUNDLOCATION numbers listed in BEGIN_CAMERA.
  ; Else the first number is longitude, the second latitude and the last, the altitude over ground.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Fov:# - Camera Field Of View from 20 to 90
  ;SWITCHCAMERA_EXTERNAL T:35 Fov:50 POS 3.657627 0.000000 -20.467185
  ;SWITCHCAMERA_GROUND T:+4 Fov:50 GROUNDLOCATION -80.61481 28.62108 27.89

  ; Rotate the camera around ship in external view
  ; Note: This command will slowly rotate the camera around ship in external (track) view.
  ; Any mouse move or view change from the user will cancel this effect.
  ; For a demo of this parameter see the demo scenario "How to use MFD".
  ; To stop the rotation call again this function with RotX and RotY parameters to 0.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; RotX:# = Horizontal (azimuth) speed in degree per minute (-1400 to 1400)
  ; RotY:# = Vertical (orbital) speed in degree per minute (-1400 to 1400)
  ; Acc:#  = Acceleration (1 to 400, 1=ultra slow, 100=normal, 400=very fast)
  ;ROTATECAMERA T:1 RotX:90 RotY:20 Acc:40

  ; Disable vessel focus capabilities for the user
  ; Note: for a sort of "AI" vessel, you may want to forbid focus capabilities so user cannot take control
  ; of the vessel and be spoiled. Also the select ship windows will not be populated with a lot of "unflyable" vessel.
  ; This command is executed at T=0.
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel

  ; Switches the input focus to a different vessel.
  ; Note: only the focus vessel produce sound.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel that receive the input
  ;SETFOCUSVESSEL T:80  Vessel:PB-01

  ; Delete one Vessel
  ; Note: This allow you to delete an "AI" vessel that have finished its show.
  ; Be CAUTIOUS with this command, if one third party addons or MFD
  ; don't manage the vessel deletion correctly (check for the validity of handle), Orbiter may crash.
  ; This is rare but it may happen with some addons.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Vessel:# = Name of the vessel
  ;DELETEVESSEL T:80  Vessel:PB-01

  ; Set the time acceleration
  ; Note: Take care with this function, at very high time acceleration with low framerate you may have one image
  ; for several thenth of seconds and timed commands may be delayed.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; TimeAcc:# = Time acceleration from 1x to 1000x

  ; Display one line of debug text
  ; This can help you to debug your scenario. The message is permanent,
  ; if you want to switch it off, call the command without any text.
  ; T:# = time in second since start of simulation OR "+" for offset since last command (eg: "T:+4" )
  ; Text:# = Text to display
  ;DISPLAYDEBUGTEXT T:10 Text:Hello World

PS: Please don't mind the english, usually before release I ask one or more tester that are fluent in english to review and correct all texts.
It's probably not 100% typo free but at least (I hope) they don't burn the eyes.

« Last Edit: 03 July 2020, 07:40:50 by DanSteph »

Offline Thinker55

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Reply #80 - 29 June 2020, 03:48:31
I can't wait for the UMMU and UCGO updates!  The new Orbitersound looks awesome, but I REALLY miss not being able to use the UMMU and UCGO in 2016!  There are some UCGO alternatives out there, but they don't have the acceptance that your work does.  And there IS no replacement for UMMU!  I can't wait to see the updated spacecraft, too!  It has not been clear to me how compatible the 2014 versions are, so I have hesitated to install them on the 2016 Orbiter.  Please, keep up the good work!

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Reply #81 - 29 June 2020, 11:16:27
Thanks for your kind word, yes I'm impatient to work also on those.

Offline Schmidtrock

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Reply #82 - 30 June 2020, 01:33:53
Subbing your YouTube Dan. Thanks so much for all of this and FSPassengers too! If you'll be needing an English editor/tester, I'd be more than happy to oblige.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #83 - 30 June 2020, 03:02:48
Subbing your YouTube Dan. Thanks so much for all of this and FSPassengers too! If you'll be needing an English editor/tester, I'd be more than happy to oblige.

Much thanks, yes I'll have a lot of horrible globish texts to correct, any help would be much appreciated.
Usually I do it last but if you want I can send you the next alpha so you can test and have a pre-look.

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Reply #84 - 30 June 2020, 04:23:12

I'm reworking now the basic sounds.

Until now OrbiterSound only had pressure and distance taken in account in external view.
The volume was lower due to the distance but the frequency was steady (apart with the ground camera that had also Doppler)

In reality far away from the source, the atmospheric turbulence, wind and difference in density and temperature damper and change the volume and frequency by burst. I wanted to mimic that and my first quick test show that it's much better even if it's not an effect that you'll really notice, it will simply sound more natural in the distance.

I plan to try to add more sounds during atmospheric flight to make the sound more complex, but no promise yet.

The real physic of aircraft sound is a nightmare: speed of sound, pressure, compression, temperature, venturi ,harmonics, there would be enough calculus to put any PC down, so I'll try to mimic some effects with quick cheat but there is no guaranty.

While waiting, a very cool real video of SpaceX sonic boom... The whole video is interesting:

« Last Edit: 30 June 2020, 04:33:11 by DanSteph »

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #85 - 06 July 2020, 19:08:05
Oh man this just keeps getting better and better! 

BTW Dan, I've been experimenting with a different way to animate mmu meshes. Here is a test video:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

When the time comes for the UMmu update, I hope you'll perhaps consider trying something like this.
As always, I'll help in any way I can.

« Last Edit: 08 July 2020, 19:30:23 by dgatsoulis »
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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #86 - 06 July 2020, 19:36:17
When the time comes for the UMmu update, I hope you'll perhaps consider trying something like this.
As always, I'll help in any way I can.

That look stunning !  :eek:
Skinned mesh ?

For sure I'll ask you when doing UMmu.  :top:

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #87 - 06 July 2020, 21:04:39
Skinned mesh ?

Spacecraft3 animation  :)

The each group in the mesh is one frame of the animation (19 frames/groups in total). With a single material and a single texture, there was no noticeable performance hit.

All the groups start ~ 1000 meters away from the center and for every animation frame I fetch the group I want to the center, keep it there for ~1/24th of a second, send it back 1 km away and so on. I also tied the animation speed to the main thrust level and the result was pretty good as you can see.

Another way to do it, is to save each animation frame as a separate mesh and call it with insert_mesh(index=0), but this has a significant performance impact.

“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern if they are genuine.”
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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #88 - 06 July 2020, 21:25:04
I saw some "blinking" is that an artifical glitch or ?
Did you test with SetMeshVisibility of something like that. The main mesh contain all frame in mesh group and you "enable/disable" one group at a time.

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Reply #89 - 07 July 2020, 00:23:00
BTW Dan, I've been experimenting with a different way to animate mmu meshes. Here is a test video:

 :eek: Amazing !!!

I thought I knew Spacecraft3&4 but there, your are the master !!! :wor:

I saw some "blinking" is that an artifical glitch or ?
I Saw the same blinking... and the same interrogation :)

Mes add-ons sont là !

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Reply #90 - 07 July 2020, 01:12:09
That is incredibly cool and looks realistic!   :wor:

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Reply #91 - 07 July 2020, 05:48:56
Thanks guys!

The blinking is a simple timing issue. On this next video I fixed it. The running animation has no blinking and  the... ahem other animation has one skipped frame at the end of its cycle.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I am in the middle of streamlining the process, using a blender script to batch import .obj files into a single mesh and using a spreadsheet to auto-create the animation components.

Hopefully I'll be able to publish a tutorial sometime next weekend.

« Last Edit: 08 July 2020, 19:29:47 by dgatsoulis »
“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern if they are genuine.”
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Reply #92 - 07 July 2020, 10:30:48
Looking forward to that tutorial soonest. Thank you very much.

Any thoughts on how to adjust so you don't lose the feet to just under the surface on the running test?

Offline Pappy2

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Reply #93 - 07 July 2020, 11:18:07

Très très beau travail

La MACARENA   :hot: :hot:

@+ Pappy2_________
Citation célèbre:
Lorsque la trajectoire Képlérienne du mobile coupe la sphère du géoïde de l'astre de capture, ce n'est généralement pas très bon pour l'avenir du beau vaisseau et de son équipage

Offline jacquesmomo

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Reply #94 - 07 July 2020, 12:13:22
Hopefully I'll be able to publish a tutorial sometime next weekend.
  La LAMBADA :hot: :doubt: copier...

Mes add-ons sont là !

Offline Schmidtrock

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Reply #95 - 07 July 2020, 12:57:52
 :eek:   :)

Hahahah that is brilliant!

Offline Djowin

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Reply #96 - 10 July 2020, 14:31:42
Magnifique !  :love: :wor:

Et superbe Macarena !  :badsmile:

Offline dgatsoulis

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Reply #97 - 12 July 2020, 14:20:08
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am continuing this topic here:
as to not further hijack this thread. (My apologies Dan).


“The trouble with quotes on the internet is that it’s difficult to discern if they are genuine.”
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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #98 - 12 July 2020, 22:25:53
as to not further hijack this thread. (My apologies Dan).

No worry Dimitris, this is amazing !

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #99 - 18 July 2020, 22:05:16
NEWS spacecraft4 and spacecraft3 native support

spacecraft4  & 3 is an addon that allow anyone to create a vessel without C++.

It has some OrbiterSound function but was not able to play animation sound and it was somewhat limited to the basics sounds. The new OrbiterSound will give full access to all functions of vessel configuration.
(see "Sound/_CustomvesselsSound")

What's next:
I'll work to clean and redo some help & documentation, maybe add one or two features, then hire more beta testers (the actual thread is almost dead) and release the last closed beta. If all is well there will be a public beta then release.