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Author Topic: [closed DGIV BLOG] News about developpment of DGIV  (Read 43848 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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23 March 2007, 19:37:49
Okay after my accident and two month rest I'm back on duty on the DGIV.
I'll use this thread to post screenshots and latest news.

A new beta is planned within one week for those that subscribed
to beta I'll post PM when done.

I'm working yet on various payloads, After the MTKS sattelite
(see here: )

I'm doing a universal "container" (is this the right word in english?)

Work in progress:

I'll release also a texture SDK so one can design several new containers
with various designs.

This container can be grappled by UMMu and have a docking port on the bottom
so it can be docked to mother ship, iss etc etc...

As said I'll also release the texture SDK, one can only change background color and text
or redesign it completely. I'll release the DGIV with some more "container" design, nuclear cargo, food etc etc
and do also some scenario of mission where one must deliver them on various places.

texture SDK with UVW mapping:


Message modifié ( 23-03-2007 20:08 )

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #1 - 23 March 2007, 20:32:32
Looks... Delicious!

And yes, container is the correct word.

I can't wait to get this! Any plans for more interactive cargo (like the MTKS)? And will we be able to make our own?

Proud creator of two (2) addons

One of which is soon to be out of date, and one is not yet useable. Great Success!

Offline willy88

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Reply #2 - 23 March 2007, 20:41:21
Looks like one of those things you get ice cubes out of at gas stations! :P

And what about "Universal Transport Module (UTM)" for a name?

Post Edited ( 03-24-07 02:05 )


Offline Twilight

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Reply #3 - 23 March 2007, 21:21:44
One tiny thing, I believe it's pressurized, not presurized

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #4 - 23 March 2007, 21:56:14
Yes, everyone can make new DGIV payload there will be a doc how to make them.

One can:

-Design new skin for the "container" (or Utm?)  (different container)
-Design new mesh and new texture (as the container, can make satellite or whatewer)
-Design new mesh,new texture with complex behaviour once released (need to program a module as MTKS sat)

Basically a DGIV payload just need a mesh with a config file, the config file
(wich remain simple to do) will be explained in documentation.
Basically this config file just tell the DGIV wich mesh to use and  it's position
in the bay. Alternatively one can declare a module to use with this mesh,
an alternate mesh to use when the payload is inside bay, docking port,
grappling point etc etc...

Twilight a écrit:
One tiny thing, I believe it's pressurized, not presurized

Ooops, corrected.

If I have time I'll also adapt my "download/upload script" of FsPassengers here
so one can upload "addon" for DGIV (skin, payloads) without the need that
I update a post or the download page. Sort of orbithangar but only
for DGIV (or Orbitersound) add-ons.

You can see the download gallery here:

And the upload page here, no need to register to upload. Will work same here.


How look a config file for payload:

; === Configuration file for Satellite MTKS-SAT ===
; MTKS-SAT satellite addon copyright by dansteph, visit
; see doc in doc/dgIV for deploying, need UMMU and sequence of key.
ClassName = MTKS-SAT
Module = MTKS-SAT
MeshName = DGIV/mtkssat
MeshInBayName = DGIV/mtkssatBay
DGIVBAYPOSITION = 0.00 0.80 -1.60
Size = 3.0
Mass = 547; empty mass [kg]
MaxFuel = 40  ; max fuel mass [kg]
Isp = 0        ; fuel specific impulse [m/s]
MaxMainThrust = 0
MaxRetroThrust = 0
MaxHoverThrust = 0
MaxAttitudeThrust = 0
CameraOffset = 0.0 .0 0.0
CW = 0.3 0.3 0.3
LiftFactor = 0.0
CrossSections = 0.21 0.21 0.43
EnableFocus = true
TouchdownPoints = 0 -0.61 1 -1 -0.61 -1 1 -0.61 -1
; === Attachment specs ===
P 0.0 0.0 -1.36  0 0 -1  0 1 0  DGIVCPL

Message modifié ( 23-03-2007 22:38 )

Offline jer11

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Reply #5 - 24 March 2007, 00:00:39
Wow! :bave: could it resupply the ISS just like the progress spacecraft? ...why that is not pressurized?

Age 13

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 24 March 2007, 01:13:13
jer11 a écrit:
Wow! :bave: could it resupply the ISS just like the progress spacecraft? ...why that is not pressurized?

Item carried doesn't need that, some other containers will be pressurized...


Offline yoann

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Reply #7 - 24 March 2007, 01:20:27
huaaaa, i love

    Luke, je suis ton pere            kchuuu  pchiiiii

Offline ar81

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Reply #8 - 24 March 2007, 03:18:55
I just wonder if you are going to add some tolerance for cargo.
I just can imagine a DGIV carrying some glass objects and crashing at slow speed.

I also wondered if there could be a way to include the engine settings in the scenario, so one could setup a DG using an
external app.  I also wondered if there could be some 'health level' for passengers.  If people suffer O2 problems for some
time, they may not die, but they may require urgent medical attention.

I just wonder if cargo could have some 'health indicator' and behavior, so you can carry wounded people, or people with
disease and you can say if they die or not.  It also means some cooling of the cargo bay, and also O2 consumption.  It also
would mean that the cargo doors shouldn´t be pure metal for people may feel claustrophopia in the cargo  bay.

I also wondered if a small craft or sat could be deployed or if multiple payloads could be added to DGIV.  For example you
want to bring a tank of water, but it is a cylinder, so you need a structure to attach it.

Also, if cargo is dangerous, it may cause damage.  For example, if you carry unstable chemicals or if you have an accident
like the one on MIR, ship may be affected too.

I also wonder if is there a way to fold DGIV wings to accomodate it into a bigger cargo container, let's say for Greg's BSP,
or a space freighter or an aircraft carrier.  I wonder if DGIV could have grapple and attachment points to be caught by an
STS mission.

Folding wings could be useful if you are going to transport many DGIVs from one planet to another, to fulfill the market demand.

Just some ideas...

Offline Louis Wu

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Reply #9 - 24 March 2007, 03:19:39
Outstanding Dan!! I'm pretty sure I won't be selected for beta testing, even though I'm learning to fly better all the

I can't wait either way!!

You don't have to think fast if you move slow. -- Red Green

Offline aus_pilot

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Reply #10 - 24 March 2007, 04:40:06
Outstanding work. Glad to hear you're feeling in better health. It certainly appears that I'll have to extend the testing
plans I had for the DGiv.. Looking forward to it.


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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #11 - 25 March 2007, 05:56:08
Latest images:

Designing New skin for container is not hard :

Ummu or other things that can attach (arm ?) can grapple it from top, on the bottom there
is a docking port:

This show a feature of DGIV cargo: one can have different mesh for payload
grappled or released, here as it is grappled I have done a litle connector with wires
connected to DGIV:

And here releeased it show the connector without wire...


Message modifié ( 25-03-2007 05:58 )

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #12 - 25 March 2007, 06:05:48
The MMU is supposed to move this massive thing?! He better have a tough spacesuit and a good grip.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 25 March 2007, 06:14:31
Depend what is inside no problem, 2 ton can be moved without problem,
container doesn't weight as the titanic :)

In space moving things is not the problem, iniertia is...

Anyway I don't think DGIV can launch more than 4-5 ton, I must
make launch test...


Message modifié ( 25-03-2007 06:15 )

Offline jer11

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Reply #14 - 25 March 2007, 08:22:18
cool! the container is 0 kg! bcause it is in zero gravaty (0g) :) ;) How many contaiers can a space shuttle hold?

Age 13

Offline Krytom

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Reply #15 - 25 March 2007, 08:57:53
jer11 wrote:
cool! the container is 0 kg! bcause it is in zero gravaty (0g) :) ;) How many contaiers can a space shuttle hold?

No, it still has a mass, it just weighs 0 Newtons.
This has to be for Newton's laws to take effect.

And I'm not sure if 'the space shuttle' can hold multiple cargoes. I think it might have been done in one mod somewhere......

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #16 - 25 March 2007, 10:09:49
Well the MMU will have to get it moving. His body will be squishing up against it, slowly starting to move it. Then
stopping it is even harder, either he has to get around to the other side or get a good grip and hold on.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #17 - 25 March 2007, 13:24:05
Well, as it's 2035 we can cheat a bit...

First there is a grapple point on the container at the place of Ummu, we might just say that
the astronauts is grappled to this point (on the front of the "front box" of his
spacesuit, we can imagine a steel bar here, so it's solid grappling)
So no need Arm to move it.

Second his spacesuit have intteligent thruster, you enter payload mass, CG shift
and you can enter command like "stop movement relative to..." etc etc, it will
handle all the strange side effect of shifted CG and mass.

Of course maybe I can add RCS to container, but I have also several idea: an Arm
inside DGIV to handle payload, a crane container on earth to load them in dgIV etc etc...

But oddly I work still september on Orbiter, I can't sustain more time anymore,
I'll hurry and do my best in the limit of the small time left so I'll need to cut in
possible feature.

Crane, arm and other things might be done for DGV :)

Still I believe all new features can already lead to funny missions....

"You are docked at ISS with DGIV. A nuclear container is out of control and
on a reenter trajectory, it will not burn completely and will probably contaminate
large area on earth. Save the container !!!"

The guy must hurry, make EVA, handle turbopack etc etc...


Message modifié ( 25-03-2007 13:26 )

Offline Tachyon

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Reply #18 - 25 March 2007, 18:08:04
Your payload arms was exactly what I was thinking as well. Four small arms that extend from the turbopak forward
and provide the actual mechanical connection point. Awesome idea having a intelligent thruster or "suit-puter" to
handle the thrust calc as I would think this to be almost too cumbersome for the human astronaut. Once grappled to
the cargo pod you could have to enter in the link code linking your system to that of the cargo pod .... then weight
data and so on.....

"maybe I can add RCS to container"   yet another use for the AE35 data link !!! it could utilize the "remote vehicle"
function via a DGIV looking interface. Then joystick and/or kybd control.

"I'm getting excited again !"   :hot: :applause:

My god - it's full of stars !

Offline ar81

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Reply #19 - 25 March 2007, 18:33:10
If containers had some small thrusters with small tanks that are refilled when docked to a ship/station/astronaut, you
wouldn´t need to push it with an MMU.  Also, if DG had an RMS arm, it would be easier to bring cargo.

The problem of load IMHO would be...
1.Landing gear structural resistance,mostly for landing.
2.It would take a longer runway to take off.  Or if weight is superior to lift at a speed where gear will break on the floor,
it won´t take off at all.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #20 - 25 March 2007, 20:54:06
Love it, love it!!


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #21 - 25 March 2007, 23:58:44
Such imaginations, lol. I was thinking you could just thrust the MMU and pretend the box was thrusting at the same
time or the other way around.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #22 - 26 March 2007, 09:44:13
Ok, done with container...

Tool, medical unit, nuclear power plant and various, there is choice, maybe a food container also ?

Various content and weight:

And still also the MTKS scientific sat, I hope peoples will design more payload active or not:


Message modifié ( 26-03-2007 09:47 )

Offline willy88

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Reply #23 - 26 March 2007, 10:21:08
Hey, how about a spare fuel tank?


Offline dziwigor

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Reply #24 - 26 March 2007, 11:48:32
WOW :)

About these cranes, arms, etc:
i guess MMU is unable to load/unload cargo while landed so I wonder if it would be difficulf to make DG having multiple
attachment points. ieg. left, center, right. then:
-it could carry two containers, and a crane or arm in the middle, used to load/unload them. crane could be operated by MMU or
via MFD using its buttons to rotate joints and perform operations like "move to left cargo and grapple", "move to right cargo
and grapple" "grapple", "release" and "pack arm inside bay". and in the middle of MFD wireframe  image of DG, crane and cargo.
i mean crane made by _US_ - DG fans, not by our guru Dan :)

another thing: this crane could be used to deploy rover, MMU could board it and drive around... :)

hmm... i need to learn how to write modules :D

another thing is: can MMU climb on DG wing and walk there while landed?... this could also be cool :) but i guess it would be
difficult to achieve...

feature to add to MMU: "stand up". while playing with DG3 i sometimes ended up with MMU's lying helpless on the ground...

also i think that cargo consuming O2 or adding fuel would alco be _very_ good idea :)