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streb2001 wrote:"APU Unit" is tautological, a bit like "LCD Display" or "PIN Number".
If you add a new DGIV with the scn editor and dock it with a ship or station it will be docked with the nose cone closed causing nose malfuction. Is there any way you could change this Dan ?!thanks,Hugo
reekchaa wrote:fast tip: It's easy to forget that a winged ship simply *stalls* in thin atmosphere, even when going 20,000,000 miles per hour. By pulling up sharply, past the 40degree mark, the ship just drops faster and burns hotter. It's stalling. Falling. Leveling out more to the horizon, you'll start to rise. It takes a lot of time in thin atmosphere to carefully dissipate all the friction-heat before you can get deeper in. Piece that along with a shallow reentry angle ('D'isplay-'2' & 'D3' on the console to verify) and that's all I need to do it.
DanSteph wrote: -First deorbit with a a reentry around 1.2°-1.6° (D2 for reentry angle on computer)-Then you can accelerate time w/o autopilot until 130 km altitude or a bit less.-engage pro104spec40 and watch closely the vertical speed on mini hud or surface MFD.Vertical speed will decrease slowly from -190 m/s to -180 m/s until you arrive around 70 km high.The goal now is to maintain more or less -30 -50 m/s vertical speed using INVERSE logic.It work like this: with more AOA the vessel stall and the vertical speed DECREASE (You fall more), with less AOA you start to get some lift and the vertical speed INCREASE (You fall less).AOA control vertical speed but in inverse logic: raise nose to dive, lower nose to get lift.The "center point" move as you descend at first it's around 40° (45° ou fall, 35° you get lift)then at lower altitude this point decrease (at 30° you fall, at 25° you get lift)The goal is to stay the most time possible around 60km high to spend your speed.The key is to manage vertical speed with AOA and watch your temp... higher temp lower verticalspeed... and don't let your vertical speed get out of control. Gently with AOA.Some time the autopilot is a bit weak (I'll rework it) especially at lower AOA & Altitude , you can help ita bit with joystick.If you're good at this you can try to maintain a nose temp of around 1200C° all the time varying your vertical speed beetween -30 m/s -140 m/s with the AOA, this optimise the braking, it take less time.
Genesis wrote:I hate to break it to you Mr. I-don't-read-a-person's-post, but the reentry problem isn't with the DG III. It's with the DG 4........Travis are you retarded or challenged in some way?[ADMIN] This above is unnaceptable here, please cool down ! Ban warning !
tritoch a écrit:why does the game crash or have no deltaglider?
Marvin a écrit:Now to my bug: When I tick 'pilots death disables ships control' in the DGIV-config and then kill my crew I can't use time acceleration any more. On any other vessel I can. This was also on the first beta, I tried it. This didn't happen on DGIII as far as I remember.
AndyMan wrote:- Flying characteristics: It seems that the DGIV's Cl curve maxes out at about 15 degrees angle of attack. Beyond 15 the spacecraft stalls fairly critically. However, it is usually difficult to push the nose farther than 15 degrees AoA in most flight regimes.
AndyMan a écrit:- Turning while taxiing is very choppy, in that it turns several degrees instantly, then waits a second, then turns several more degrees instantly. I don't know if this is something you can fix, but just letting you know.
AndyMan a écrit:- RCS Auto: The auto setting kicks it into RCS instead of aerosurfaces at a fairly high speed. If I turn it to straight aerosurfaces, I can get much higher control. (I found this out while pondering stalls and slow-fight the other day.) I can keep fairly good control of the spacecraft all the way down to 100 m/s with the ailerons and elevators, but when RCS kicks in, it becomes much more difficult to fly.
Cairan a écrit:Eject! Eject! Eject!My quick comment: When you eject, the autopilot should be kept running... If the flight computer is still running, it should keep the DG at least wings level in flight... Just my 2 cents.