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Author Topic: [Closed] BETA 1 of DeltaGliderIV (first beta release)  (Read 36939 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #50 - 28 December 2006, 06:16:04
Glad you solved it ;)

On a side note I reinstalled a line counter addon for VS2005, the DGIV have now 29'829 line of C++ code.

I like counter :)


Message modifié ( 28-12-2006 06:17 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #51 - 28 December 2006, 06:23:16
Ok, my night work list, WARNING this version not available yet... (will see tomorow, 6am here)

Color of checklist and sys message increased, for people that have trouble with low contrast.
Solved mini HUD bug with creation by scenery editor
Solved bug with mini HUD animation
Solved visual crew bug when created by scenery editor
Removed all misc object from scenery editor's list
Solved bug with text in normal Hud with door status.
Solved bug with texture of door when ejection.
Solved bug with seat belt button not working with power failure preventing ejection.

Ummu can't grapple DGIV or others vessel anymore.
External Temperature show now in all hud mod.
Changed text in attachment hud.
Turbopack now keep their fuel level, can be refuel only in DGIV or in base.
Force surface control to off when changing from ROT to TRANS

Thanks all testers for your help ! :beer:


Message modifié ( 28-12-2006 06:25 )

Offline Travis Reed

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Reply #52 - 28 December 2006, 07:12:26
I've managed to convert one of the older DGIII skins for use with the DGIV and it works great!Have to wait 'till I get to the
dayside of the planet to take a screenie though.

Also, I just encountered an odd problem. After Alt-Tabbing away from a full-screen Orbiter with the DGIV orbiting Earth and
returning to it after doing some other stuff, the life support read as having no oxygen remaining (even though all the
related tanks still had over 90% in them). Also, there were indications of a sustained G excess (and the angular velocity
gauges were going crazy *takes a screenie*). The pilot was killed as a result (no other crew aboard).

Here's a screenie of the gauge issue:

And the gauges are stuck like that.

As for the screenie of the skin, that'll have to wait a bit.

EDIT: Also, when the life support thought it was out of air it switched to the pilot's spacesuit (10 hour reserve). Can't remember if the seatbelts were on before this or not.

Post Edited ( 12-28-06 07:13 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #53 - 28 December 2006, 07:41:21
It miss just a layer with the gear color but appart that textures are compatible given that you do
the directory change (I'll provide the layer to copy/past in I'll wait a bit because
I'm not sure I'll not do others changes.

From my experience Orbiter doesn't support very well alt tabing or forced pause
as G and other stuff are based on timestep... this is not DGIV specific but DGIV is
more sensible, for other vessel G are not important.

(The gauge code is still the stock DG code dated from three years)

I'm affraid there not much I can do here.... Well maybe a workaround ?
I'll see that tomorrow... today... after sleep...


Offline JLuc

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Reply #54 - 28 December 2006, 08:57:47
Another little bug!

DGIV don't work with LANDMFD.
When we run LANDMFD/Autopilot, then, it's retrothrust that run


(in french : quand on lance le pilote auto de LANDMFD, il se met à controler les retro fusées)

Offline Travis Reed

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Reply #55 - 28 December 2006, 08:59:43
I didn't notice any change from the 'stock' DGIV gear and my successful skin conversion of the "Space Skin". Though, I
haven't taken a close look at the 'stock' gear yet. Dan, if you like I can zip up and send you what I have and tell you how I
converted it (it's quite easy, doesn't even require editing the image files).

Offline Marvin

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Reply #56 - 28 December 2006, 11:28:33
Dan, I didn't have time to say thanks:top: until now, I was busy crashing DGIVs:badsmile:. Everything working fine!
This is second christmas:gift:!

This is an empty spot.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #57 - 28 December 2006, 13:52:26
JLuc a écrit:
Another little bug!
DGIV don't work with LANDMFD.
When we run LANDMFD/Autopilot, then, it's retrothrust that run

Sorry that might be a LandMFD bug, retro thruster are declared with Orbiter standard
group "THGROUP_RETRO" wich cannot be confused with "THGROUP_MAIN"

Travis: yes conversion is easy, just a matter of renaming textures, jpg
and putting them in skin directory. As said I'll put a psd with the missing gear
part. (it's not absolutely serious, but you loose some neat details)


Offline wolfast

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Reply #58 - 28 December 2006, 15:08:41
Dan, Im getting weird numbers ( NAME_NAME%^$@*&) after the crews names when I name a custom
crew..... has this been addressed, also, the Captain must have CAPT_xxxxxx... befor the name to leave and return
the glider during a EVA?

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Offline Kemo

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Reply #59 - 28 December 2006, 18:47:36
Hey Dan, Will the alpha release of the DG4 include a fully automated reentry autopilot and other automated things? I'm feelin
lazy this week. :drink:

Lets light this candle!

Offline Confabulous

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Reply #60 - 28 December 2006, 18:53:47
Great upgrade of DGIII Dan, really fantastic! One tiny thing, probably is more of an Orbiter problem, if you dock 2 DGIVs and
turn off both APUs (no emergency power), both External Power Units will work! Just wondering where all that power is coming
from. It'd be fine if you could power both from one APU or emergency power, maybe there's batteries there that aren't seen by
us? It's very minor really.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #61 - 28 December 2006, 19:12:42
Sorry about EPU, no way to access private value, I can do workaround but it's to complicated
just for the result.

For those that have name problem with Dg4config.exe can you test this one please ?



Offline zarb-dusk

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Reply #62 - 28 December 2006, 19:24:38
DanSteph a écrit:


It is the same as the first which you giving for the alpha tester or it's an other??

Offline wolfast

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Reply #63 - 28 December 2006, 19:54:36
DanSteph wrote:
Sorry about EPU, no way to access private value, I can do workaround but it's to complicated
just for the result.

For those that have name problem with Dg4config.exe can you test this one please ?


Will test when I get home....

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #64 - 28 December 2006, 19:57:58
I'll post soon a new version that will add automatically "Capt" before the pilot name if missing.
Without this once evaed and return the guy is not pilot anymore and the ship can't be


Message modifié ( 28-12-2006 19:58 )

Offline Krytom

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Reply #65 - 28 December 2006, 20:13:57
DanSteph wrote:
I'll post soon a new version that will add automatically "Capt" before the pilot name if missing.
Without this once evaed and return the guy is not pilot anymore and the ship can't be


That happened to me, just thought I'd say so.

Also as far as I can tell the new config works without causing the strange name problem. :)

Offline Quick_Nick

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Reply #66 - 28 December 2006, 21:14:25
wolfast wrote:
Dan, Im getting weird numbers ( NAME_NAME%^$@*&) after the crews names when I name a custom
crew..... has this been addressed, also, the Captain must have CAPT_xxxxxx... befor the name to leave and return
the glider during a EVA?

I'm getting some strange characters after the hover door and retro door info in the top left corner.


Offline Twilight

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Reply #67 - 28 December 2006, 21:31:36
New config is working it appears, good job Dan.

About the EVA the pilot thing, I always designate a co-pilot with CAPT before his name just incase of that ^.^ (or
incase the pilot becomes ill and can't continue flying, stupid fish dinners ;] 50 points to anyone who can guess the

Offline wolfast

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Reply #68 - 28 December 2006, 21:35:33
Twilight wrote:
New config is working it appears, good job Dan.

About the EVA the pilot thing, I always designate a co-pilot with CAPT before his name just incase of that ^.^ (or
incase the pilot becomes ill and can't continue flying, stupid fish dinners ;] 50 points to anyone who can guess the
LOL... Great minds think alike...LOL

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Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #69 - 28 December 2006, 21:48:18
Travis Reed wrote:
I didn't notice any change from the 'stock' DGIV gear and my successful skin conversion of the "Space
Skin". Though, I
haven't taken a close look at the 'stock' gear yet. Dan, if you like I can zip up and send you what I have and tell you
how I
converted it (it's quite easy, doesn't even require editing the image files).

No offence Travis. Here's a How-To for those who haven't figured out how to upgrade the DG 2005 skins to the DGIV.
This is offered with the intent of decreasing Dan's workload on this excellent upgrade.

1.  Locate and open the DGIV SKIN folder (it's in Orbiter 060929\textures2\DGIV)
2.  Create a new folder, name it for the skin you wish to add and place it in the DGIV SKIN folder
3.  Copy from one of the other SKIN folders to the new folder (I used the medical ship as the donor since
     it has the most bland surface textures but I have no idea if this is critical)
4.  Locate and open the .zip file of the skin you wish to add. Open the textures2 folder and copy all three .dds
     files to the new folder. Maintain the structure and rename them,, and
5.  Copy the .jpg from the .zip file of the skin you wish to add (it's in Sound/deltagliderIII/SKIN_IMAGE) to the new
     folder and rename it preview

The DG4 config will now recognize the added skin(s) and the ship will have all the upgraded features of the DGIV.

I hope this helps.
Thanks again to Dan,


Offline Travis Reed

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Reply #70 - 28 December 2006, 23:05:55
Ben sisko wrote:
Travis Reed wrote:
I didn't notice any change from the 'stock' DGIV gear and my successful skin conversion of the "Space
Skin". Though, I
haven't taken a close look at the 'stock' gear yet. Dan, if you like I can zip up and send you what I have and tell you
how I
converted it (it's quite easy, doesn't even require editing the image files).

No offence Travis. Here's a How-To for those who haven't figured out how to upgrade the DG 2005 skins to the DGIV.
This is offered with the intent of decreasing Dan's workload on this excellent upgrade.

1.  Locate and open the DGIV SKIN folder (it's in Orbiter 060929\textures2\DGIV)
2.  Create a new folder, name it for the skin you wish to add and place it in the DGIV SKIN folder
3.  Copy from one of the other SKIN folders to the new folder (I used the medical ship as the donor since
     it has the most bland surface textures but I have no idea if this is critical)
4.  Locate and open the .zip file of the skin you wish to add. Open the textures2 folder and copy all three .dds
     files to the new folder. Maintain the structure and rename them,, and
5.  Copy the .jpg from the .zip file of the skin you wish to add (it's in Sound/deltagliderIII/SKIN_IMAGE) to the new
     folder and rename it preview

The DG4 config will now recognize the added skin(s) and the ship will have all the upgraded features of the DGIV.

I hope this helps.
Thanks again to Dan,


That's almost exactly how I did it. I didn't unzip a new copy though, just took the dds files from the already existing DG3.
I used the stock (the one used for the default DGIV skin).

Offline Confabulous

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Reply #71 - 28 December 2006, 23:38:48
Quick one - with two DGIVs docked in a stable orbit, if the time accel is set to 100x the accel stops after a few secs giving
the 'burnup' message at the bottom of the screen, without killing the crew or affecting the orbit.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #72 - 29 December 2006, 00:55:19
Twilight a écrit:
Oh, not sure if this is another one, but undocking with both airlocks open kills all crew instantly, even with spacesuits
on. I don't think this is intentional as you can force the cockpit open and survive.

I reviewed the code and didn't found any line that can do that, then I tested myself undocking
with both airlock door open and crew with spacesuit and it worked as expected. They switched
on spacesuit and were still alive. I mark this bug as non-existent unless you can reproduce it...


Offline Twilight

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Reply #73 - 29 December 2006, 01:01:19
*just reproduced it*
It seems to be a special situation, if you have only External power, and the Seatbelt light is on, then you undock
(losing external power) the seatbelt light then turns off, and you die without pressure.

If you have another power source, then you're fine.

EDIT: Though, in the top situation, you still see the spacesuits on in external view.

Post Edited ( 12-29-06 01:03 )

Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #74 - 29 December 2006, 01:10:29
I still have the .zip files for the NASA and ESA skins so I took the .dds' from the source. I'm tempted to use that line
about great minds thinking alike :)
