I start a new thread to not polluate anymore the Deltaglider "thread"Well, let me introduce the "SymphonyIV" base a advanced base that is in fact
a vessel. This open a whole set of new possibilities for Orbiter base.
-Virtual cockpit with base control airlock, solar panel etc etc (not decided yet but perhaps with ressources control,
energ, crew managment etc etc)
-Sound, ambiance and voice of controller.)
-Skin support (personnalisated top)
-Animated solar panel that follow the sun
-Animated Airlock
-Animated pad light that change if a vessel is in approach or landed
-Possibility of entering in base with U-Mmu and EVA from base.
-3d radar that work.
-Can be spawn everywhere with the Orbiter editor. (must be on a surface anyway)
Well!... ton of new feature... I'll write here regulary to show new
screenshots and give news.
Release time ? bah don't know... tuesday ?
Alpha and beta within some week.
Some screenshots to introduce SYMPHONY IV: (take care some are old)
Some external view:
A Mmu spying the bar from outside:
Top Skin support: (show alos the solar panel that follow the sun)
A close view of the main airlock door with the new UMmu (also in work)
Open day and night (lighting)
A view of the virtual cockpit... secondary controller screen display will change just for eyes candy,
the right bigger screen will be your screen where all your base control will be displayed (for now
all screen show garbage just for testing, they don't work yet)
Can be put everywhere here on phobos: