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Author Topic: OptimFROG.dll  (Read 10535 times)

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Offline ACH0002

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10 March 2017, 08:33:52
Hallo Dan,

first of all: Thank you for your great AddOns.

Now I have a question. I just have installed Orbiter 2016. I never have had trouble with older versions. But now I very often get the message: "OptimFROG.dll not found". Mostly when in Orbit and switching from inside to outside. It must have something to do with OrbiterSound.

Any idea?

Thank you and best regards

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #1 - 10 March 2017, 20:44:33
First off. do you have an error log? it should be located in the main orbiter directory named "Orbiter.log".
Secondly, can you please provide me the specs of your computer? as in RAM, video card, etc.


Offline ACH0002

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Reply #2 - 11 March 2017, 01:18:31

and many thanx for answering.

System: XP Professional with Service Pack 3
PC: AMD Athlon IIX4 640, 3.01 GHz, 3,00 RAM, AMD Radeon HD 5670

Orbiter log:
**** Orbiter.log
000000.000: Build Aug 28 2016 [v.160828]
000000.000: Timer precision: 2.79365e-007 sec
000000.000: Found 1 joystick(s)
000000.000: Module AtlantisConfig.dll .... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module AtmConfig.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module DGConfigurator.dll .... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module ScnEditor.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module D3D9Client.dll ........ [Build 160830, API 160828]
000000.000: Module OrbiterSound.dll ...... [Build 121120, API 100830]
000000.000: **** Creating simulation session
000000.000: D3D9: [DirectX 9 Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9: 3D-Adapter = AMD Radeon HD 5670
000000.000: D3D9: MaxTextureWidth........: 8192
000000.000: D3D9: MaxTextureHeight.......: 8192
000000.000: D3D9: MaxTextureRepeat.......: 8192
000000.000: D3D9: VolTexAddressCaps......: 0x3F
000000.000: D3D9: NumSimultaneousRTs.....: 4
000000.000: D3D9: VertexDeclCaps.........: 0x3FF
000000.000: D3D9: XNA Math Support.......: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: Vertex Texture.........: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: Shadow Mapping.........: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DFMT_A16B16G16R16F...: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DFMT_A32B32G32R32F...: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DFMT_D32F_LOCKABLE...: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DFMT_A2R10G10B10.....: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_DEC3N........: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_2....: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: D3DDTCAPS_FLOAT16_4....: Yes
000000.000: D3D9: Available Texture Memory = 1060 MB
000000.000: D3D9: [3DDevice Initialized]
000000.000: D3D9: [Loading Constellations]
000000.000: D3D9: [D3D9Client Initialized]
000000.000: Joystick throttle: Z-AXIS
000000.000: Joystick throttle control detected
000000.000: Module Sun.dll ............... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
000000.000: Module Mercury.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
000000.000: Module Venus.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module VenusAtm2006.dll ...... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
000000.000: Module Earth.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module EarthAtmJ71G.dll ...... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
000000.000: Module Moon.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
000000.000: Module Mars.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module MarsAtm2006.dll ....... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
000000.000: Module Phobos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Deimos.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Galsat.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Jupiter.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
000000.000: Module Io.dll ................ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Europa.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Ganymede.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Callisto.dll .......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Satsat.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
000000.000: Module Saturn.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
000000.000: Module Mimas.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
000000.000: Module Enceladus.dll ......... [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
000000.000: Module Tethys.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
000000.000: Module Dione.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
000000.000: Module Rhea.dll .............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
000000.000: Module Titan.dll ............. [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
000000.000: Module Iapetus.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
000000.000: Module Uranus.dll ............ [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
000000.000: Module Miranda.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Ariel.dll ............. [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Umbriel.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Titania.dll ........... [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Oberon.dll ............ [Build ******, API 060425]
000000.000: Module Neptune.dll ........... [Build 160828, API 160828]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
000000.000: Finished initialising world
000000.000: Module DeltaGliderIV.dll ..... [Build 140107, API 100830]
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: VESSEL::CreateVariableDragElement
000000.000: At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
000000.000: Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
000000.000: future versions of Orbiter.
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: oapiTriggerPanelRedrawArea
000000.000: Replaced by VESSEL::TriggerPanelRedrawArea
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: Finished initialising status
000000.000: Finished initialising camera
000000.000: Finished setting up render state
000000.000: D3D9: [Scene Initialized]
000000.000: Finished initialising panels
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: VESSEL::GetHorizonAirspeedVector
000000.000: At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
000000.000: Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
000000.000: future versions of Orbiter.
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000000.000: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: VESSEL::GetShipAirspeedVector
000000.000: At least one active module is accessing an obsolete interface function.
000000.000: Addons which rely on obsolete functions may not be compatible with
000000.000: future versions of Orbiter.
000000.000: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000013.607: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000013.607: >>> WARNING: Obsolete API function used: oapiBlt
000013.607: Colour key argument not supported by graphics client
000013.607: ---------------------------------------------------------------
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Something is attempting to delete a texture (DGIV\DeltaGliderIV) that is currently used by a mesh. Attempt rejected to prevent a CTD
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Something is attempting to delete a texture (DGIV\DeltaGliderIV) that is currently used by a mesh. Attempt rejected to prevent a CTD
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Something is attempting to delete a texture (DGIV\DeltaGliderIV) that is currently used by a mesh. Attempt rejected to prevent a CTD
000782.238: D3D9: [Session Closed. Scene deleted.]
000782.238: D3D9: [Destroy Render Window Called]
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: UnDeleted Surface(s) Detected
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Surface 0x6A56D90 (DGIV\skin\ESA 2\ (2048,2048)
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Surface 0xB0CECA8 (DGIV\skin\ESA 2\ (2048,2048)
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Surface 0xB0CEFB8 (DGIV\skin\ESA 2\ (2048,2048)
000782.238: **** Closing simulation session
000782.238: D3D9: ERROR: Invalid Window !! RenderWndProc() called after calling clbkDestroyRenderWindow() uMsg=0x96F8E4

OrbiterSound 4.0 (3D) Build Nov 20 2012 01:00

Orbiter version: 160828
Error CoInitialize
Advanced OrbiterSound settings: (Edit: 'Sound/cfg/Editable_Advanced_Configuration.cfg')
Primary buffer         22050hz 16bits  (default 22050/16)
DopplerFactor         1.00      (default 1.00)
VaccumAttenuationFactor      1.00      (default 1.00)
SoundDistanceFactor      1.00      (default 1.00)
MaxSoundProcessPerSecond   60      (default 60)
MaxAnimCheckPerFrame      10      (default 10)
PlayWhenOrbiterInBackground   false      (default false)
WriteInLogAllLoadedSound   false      (default false)

Orbiter directory:  D:\Eigene Dateien\Orbiter 2016 1.0\
Listing planets winds and bases sounds:
  6 planet wind sound found
  4 bases sound found
Passed initModule - Ok
Vessel GL-01 requested an ID, returned= 0 OK
Attempting RenderViewport initialisation...
Attempting GetStartValue initialisation...
Passed GetStartValue - Ok
Initialising directsound...
   Sound hardware capabilities: Driver is certified.
   Maximum hardware mixing buffers: 33.
   Maximum hardware 3D buffers: 32.
5.1 (5 speakers with subwoofer).
   Attempt to create Primary buffer: 22050hz 16bits 3d: yes
   3D primary buffer initialised OK
directsound initialised - OK
Passed RenderViewport - Ok
Attempting Mp3 initialisation...
M3U list found attempting loading it.
MP3 found in playlist =  1
Mp3 initialised - Ok
Focus changed attempting to load vessel wave
Info: No sound config found for class:  DeltaGliderIV
Focus changed load vessel wave - OK
Attempting to load Mp3...
Mp3 loaded - OK
Attempting to play Mp3...
Mp3 is playing - OK
Attempting to load Mp3...
Mp3 loaded - OK
Attempting to play Mp3...
Mp3 is playing - OK
Attempting to close viewport...
Attempting to kill DirectSound...
Wav files Statistics:
Nbr of wav loaded during simulation: 136
Nbr of wav re-used from memory: 2 (not loaded from disk so not counted in wav loaded)
Max nbr of wav in memory in same time: 98
Nbr of wav failed to load: 0
Nbr of wav not unloaded at exit: 0
DirectSound killed - OK
Passed CloseRenderViewport - Ok
Exited to Orbiter Launchpad - OK

Passed ExitModule - Ok

Offline jgrillo2002

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Reply #3 - 11 March 2017, 07:06:52
Well from the looks of it, there isnt anything wrong but Im surprised that you are still using XP.
Turtle91 just posted your topic at the OF
and I think he may be on to something. Check it out.