i understand Dan.
the lack of reaction is very hard to live, most after hours and days and weeks, and months of hard working !
There was much release in short time : Orbbitersound 4, which adds very much daily in all orbiter daily things, then, in the next days / weeks in November/ December : UCGO, Arrow, big big updates !
When Albert Einstein wrote the relativity, in about 1902 and 1905, in which there is all that is changing our wold today, so one of the most important thing of the XXe century, ...... the first returns happened only a few months after...
Well... few months... lots of few months, to be more precise..... well, even some years....
....in 1921.
So this happens when we are doing big things : the silence is the first reply.
And so, what happens to all those who have no voice, but believe they are artists, and postulate at "TV reality "art" contests".... all their friends are kindful and say him : "yes". Because they know that it's the time NOW for say "yes".
So maybe the secret is to have many interest center, so that when this is bad somewhere, there is always one thing which goes well.
sorry for word by word english, i am working hard too (on some stuff ) and my brain is very, very tired