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Author Topic: auto dock  (Read 2321 times)

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Offline Atty29

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27 July 2010, 15:36:19
ok when using the auto dock from DG-IV2 to dock with the Arrow it come in strait which means it fly’s through the Arrow to come in level with the docking port how do I (or someone with more programming skill then my 0 skill level) make it so that the DG-IV2 come in under the Arrow 10m away from the dock then ascends up level then moves forward to dock

See crude illustration below

Offline Bibi Uncle

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Reply #1 - 28 July 2010, 15:21:30
The autopilot of DG-IV2 always go straight forward. It would be very hard to make it pass the mesh of the model. The best way to achieve a docking with the Arrow is to make it manualy. You can start the autopilot then, before it pass trough the Arrow, you clear the program and finish the docking by yourself. That's not too hard. It also learns you a very interesting manoeuvre in space.

Good luck ;)

Message modifié ( 13-10-2010 02:09 )

« Last Edit: 28 July 2010, 15:36:59 by Bibi Uncle »

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Offline tofitouf

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Reply #2 - 28 July 2010, 15:36:59
that's right bibi. but i've been working on an autopilot that does the thing. But I'm now<too busy on the challenges to go on. i'll do it later.

« Last Edit: 28 July 2010, 15:36:59 by tofitouf »

PC en rade, codage en panne.... Nom de Zeus