Wow, Tuesday finally came! UCGO is here and, I must say, this is some awesome work! This, along with the UMmu and DGIV are definite must-have downloads for Orbiter. I've been flying the DGIV and UMmu for a while now, and it's cool to have some other vehicles that interact with them and expand the experience.
I do have a question though. The Arrow's a massive beast of a ship, and 40 cargo is a lot of hardware. It seems that
restocking or offloading an Arrow when it's orbiting a planet without an atmosphere is pretty easy...I found the modified
Shuttle A hauls 18 cargo, so two Shuttle A launches will almost do it. Add a DGIV to take up the remaining 4 cargo and some crew to fly it, and you're fully loaded and ready to go! Of course, you can always land the Arrow at a base to stock up, too.
Stocking up or unloading in Earth orbit is a different matter though. Neither the Arrow nor the Shuttle A are meant to fly
in an atmosphere, so, as far as I'm aware, all that's available to haul cargo is the DGIV. At only 4 cargo per launch, we're
talking 10 DGIV launches to stock up an Arrow...pretty tedious work. Of course, I could always just edit the scenario to
magically make cargo appear on the Arrow, but that seems like cheating and takes all the fun away, right?
Anyway, here's my anybody working on any sort of heavy-lift vehicle to haul cargo between Earth and the Arrow? Is there anything already out there that I'm not aware of?
Maybe something that can haul a bunch of cargo could be also modified to carry a bunch of crew instead...or maybe a cargo module could be made that seats one UMmu. Just speculating.
Anyway, just throwing the ideas out there. Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of free time, so I probably couldn't put in the effort needed to make a quality Orbiter add-on. I'm just throwing the ideas out there, and hoping that somebody will take them and run with them.
Whenever I'm running Orbiter, I'm usually using some sort of Dan Steph add-on. Congrats on the UCGO release, and keep up the good work!
Post Edited ( 02-21-10 22:52 )