Is there any vehicle PDF and Cargo PDf doc in the Developer documentation?
Corrected intro:
What is UCGO ?
UCGO is meant first to set a new transportation and payload standard in Orbiter. Beside the default addons that it contains
(2 vessels, 8 cars, 21 cargoes ) authors can in no time add new compatible cars and cargo without one programming line and
vessels developer can also in no time add cargo support to their vessel using a simple C++ SDK. Vessels and cars can exchange
cargoes, cargoes can be used as resources for other addons, unpack in various object as base module, table chair whatever but
also spawn active vessel. Therefore possibility for cargoes are endless. UCGO open a whole new set of possibility bringing
more life and goal in Orbiter.
Corrected Developer documentation:
Create or skin Vehicle
•What: Cars, rovers, landspeeders, boats etc. etc.
•Requires: meshes, texture, config file, sounds.
•Note: Can be manned or unmanned, can carry cargoes or be spawned by unpacked cargoes (interesting for rovers).
•No programming
Click here to open the Vehicle PDF doc
Create or skin Cargo
•What: Cargo for UCGO (resource, unpackable or vessel cargo)
•Requires: meshes, texture, config file.
•No programming
Click here to open the Cargo PDF doc
Make your vessel cargo compatible
•What: Allow your vessel to carry and consume UCGO cargos
•Requires: C++ programming. (SDK available)
•Note: A complete walkthrough with code ready to copy/past is available. If your vessel is already done adding Cargo take
about 20 minute only.
Click here to open the UCGO SDK folder
(contains readme, code example, SDK lib and header)
Click here to open the C++ SDK PDF
Make your vessel UMmu 2.0 compatible
• What: Allow your vessel to carry UMmu crew
• Requires: C++ programming. (SDK available)
• Note: A complete walkthrough with code ready to copy/past is available. If your vessel is already done adding UMmu take
about 20 minute only.
Click here to open the UMmu SDK folder
(contain code example, SDK lib and header)
Click here to open the UMmu SDK PDF