I can having problems getting the eva person to face the direction I want them to face when I exit the vessel. from the SDK:
// SetMembersPositionOrientationOnEVA
// We define here were the Ummu will appear when they make an EVA
// first parameter is position second is orientation, take care not to make
// them appear to high on ground (will fall and die) or to low (Orbiter "light speed" bug)
Crew.SetMembersPosRotOnEVA(_V(0,0,3),_V(0,0,0)); // 3 meters in front of ship (z) facing direction of ship (vessel local
I can place the eva person but it is the direction. I want it to face -Z and another +Y looking up.
NEW INFO: I played with the values and 0,3,0 had the person face in -z. It seemed that if I did a 0,1,0 they were about 15 degrees. I got _V(1.5,0,0)); put the eva person on therir back looking up.
Post Edited ( 08-12-08 01:50 )