Newly Recovered Data form CVR and FDR:
TWE: Ahhhh, S***! Pull UP! Gear Collapse! {Data from FDR shows gear collapse 4 seconds after engaging TP}
{Pilot then acknowledges all errors. 5 seconds later, Engine No. 1 (Left) explodes and shuts down. The DGIV Yaws
to the Left.
DAL: Move over, TWE! You're going to hit me! {FDR shows Pilot Pitches up a vertical speed in excess of 1800 fpm.
{Pilot tries to manuever around the TWE pilot.}
TWE: EJECT! {At this point, the TWE pilot engages Ejection procedure. The canopy and the emergency exits blow of
their Hinges. Due to a bug in the computer, the crew escape first, and the Pilot is ejected at the last second.}
DAL: (Unintelligible) {The DAL pilot accidentially flips backward in his attempt to go up, and flies into the uncontrolled
TWE DGIV's trajectory.} EJECT!! {The DGIV fails to eject because due to either ignorance or the Pilot not properly
completing his Procedures} AHHHHHH! EJECT! EJECT! {The pilot then realises that he does not have Eject enabled,
but It is too late for him to activate it}
At this time, both the FDR's and CVR's data become corrrupt, and no further information is recoverable. But we do
know this:
{The DAL pilot crashes and Explodes into the other DGIV. The DAL crew and Pilot are instantly killed. The TWE crew
gets caught in the blast, leaving 2 dead, and the Pilot, and the other 2 crew members with severe burns, trauma,
and other bodily damage.
RIP DAL Flight 1134, Cape Canaveral to Brighton Beach
Hey, Maybe I could use this as a storyline for a new space movie or something!