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Author Topic: An idear  (Read 9958 times)

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Offline woo482

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25 May 2007, 20:09:29
why dosent some one make a ummu tent? It wold be good for mars missons so you cold camp?

Post Edited ( 05-25-07 20:23 )

Offline R Groszewski

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Reply #1 - 25 May 2007, 22:00:47
Or you could make an inflatabe Hab Module with a mini-control panel on the inside that can be Stored in the DGIV
Cargo, and brought out to dock with the DGIV, giving it a roomier, more comfortable feeling. (Lol, that could be where
the DGIV microwave could be...)

"Air Force Four-Five, it appears your engine has...oh, disregard...I see you've already ejected." -Heard on Scanner, KORD

Offline woo482

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Reply #2 - 25 May 2007, 22:19:20
yes I want somethink like that but on the ground and in the air maby a a landing gear on the tent and then it can be both can
some one do it or not?

Offline woo482

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Reply #3 - 25 May 2007, 22:23:39
can some one do it it wold be cool?

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #4 - 25 May 2007, 22:24:43
I bet I could do it if I tried...  

Okay you convinced me I will try (unless someone else does it before me).  What kind of tent would you like?  Include
a pic if you can.

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Offline woo482

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Reply #5 - 25 May 2007, 22:27:27
well I cold do a goodle sketch up of it I will upload it to filefront ok I might be a while and it wont look pearfect ok?

Offline woo482

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Reply #6 - 25 May 2007, 22:29:21
why dont you try I want some think that a ummu can carry and you have to press some think to open it and ummus can go in side
and it gose in the dg ok?

Offline woo482

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Reply #7 - 25 May 2007, 22:32:27
sorry but I cant sketch it can you do a good one that is inflateable?

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #8 - 25 May 2007, 23:12:16
Use the edit button, don't triple post.  

woo482 wrote:
why dont you try I want some think that a ummu can carry and you have to press some think to open it and ummus
can go in side
and it gose in the dg ok?

Whoah, I thought you meant only a simple tent, no animation or special dlls.  I don't know how to write one line of
BASIC let alone make an animation or even buttons...  If anyone else wants to then be my guest.  

What I can do is make a seperate mesh for the tent while it's inside the DGIV bay and another for while it's out.  That
way it will look different while it's in the DGIV (deflated) than when it's outside (inflated).  

If you can't get a sketch look up "tent" on Google images and give me the link to the closest thing you can find.  
Otherwise I'll be forced to use my imagination.  ;)

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Offline R Groszewski

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Reply #9 - 26 May 2007, 04:15:19
Woo482, I am open for any beta testing. My Ummu Crew has been through soooo much, They wouldn't mind being
half-frozen to death, in some god-forbidden deserted "sea of rust" reigon of Mars. But I like the Idea of a multi-
purpose, ground or space hab module.

"Air Force Four-Five, it appears your engine has...oh, disregard...I see you've already ejected." -Heard on Scanner, KORD

Offline MattNW

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Reply #10 - 26 May 2007, 05:19:25
This same subject came up in  woo482's other post about an escape module for the DGIV. I suggested a tent like payload for
the DGIV that activates similar to the satellite and inflates into a pressurized emergency life raft with Ummu capabilities.
The only drawback is this will require animation and a .dll just as the satellite does.

I know nothing about .dll files but a rough workaround for someone who knows what they are doing might be to take the sample
Ummu code for the ShuttlePB in the Ummu SDK and adapt that to an animated mesh that will fit in the cargo bay and then
inflate on activation.

I'm a step ahead of Nouzy. I used to do some TRS80 Color Computer basic about 20 years ago. Just enough to know that C++ is
completely out of my league if I want a project like this to be done before DGVII is released. :badsmile:

Offline woo482

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Reply #11 - 26 May 2007, 10:19:52
can some one do it it wold be good for all of us?

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #12 - 27 May 2007, 02:52:08
I'm on it.  Never used UMMU before though, but it shouldn't be that hard.  :siffle:

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Offline R Groszewski

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Reply #13 - 27 May 2007, 04:56:15
Woo482, How about forming a Beta Team? I'll try to help as much as I can... I'm a go-fer. (Heh, R, go fer this! R, go
fer that) ;)

"Air Force Four-Five, it appears your engine has...oh, disregard...I see you've already ejected." -Heard on Scanner, KORD

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #14 - 28 May 2007, 02:05:45
Progress Report:  

Mesh for both in bay and out of bay tent is completed and scaled.  The in bay mesh is now positioned perfectly, bad
thing is that it looks something like the generic DGIV payload (not my intention) but I would say it's okay.  

No textures yet.  I made a test texture (just a simple one color texture) at 512x512, made a .dds, unfotunately I can't
seem to get it to work...  I put the dds file in the textures folder, specified path in .msh file and still...  Do I have to
apply the texture to the mesh while still in Anim8 or?  Because that doesn't work for me either for some reason.  I load
the texture into Anim8 or, select the mesh I want to apply it to, and click apply.  Nothing happens.  By the way I'm
using Msh_Maker V2.1 to convert .3ds to .msh.  Any ideas?  

I also need to tune the landing points of the out of bay mesh.  I put the landing points in the config file, right?  

Sorry guys, I'm a noob compared to most of the add-on makers.  If anyone else wants to take this up I will not be
offended, go for it, please.  You'll probably make it 10 times better than me anyway.  Also if someone wants to help me out with it, pm me and I'll upload my work so far for you to download.  

So things left to do:  

-See what to do about the textures
-Fix landing points
-Impliment UMMU

Post Edited ( 05-28-07 02:10 )

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Offline woo482

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Reply #15 - 28 May 2007, 13:46:13
good are you still working on this? I cant wait for my first moon landing and seting up a base thar

Offline Delta Glider3 lover

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Reply #16 - 28 May 2007, 18:39:04
Nouzy wrote:
Progress Report:  

Mesh for both in bay and out of bay tent is completed and scaled.  The in bay mesh is now positioned perfectly, bad
thing is that it looks something like the generic DGIV payload (not my intention) but I would say it's okay.  

No textures yet.  I made a test texture (just a simple one color texture) at 512x512, made a .dds, unfotunately I can't
seem to get it to work...  I put the dds file in the textures folder, specified path in .msh file and still...  Do I have to
apply the texture to the mesh while still in Anim8 or?  Because that doesn't work for me either for some reason.  I load
the texture into Anim8 or, select the mesh I want to apply it to, and click apply.  Nothing happens.  By the way I'm
using Msh_Maker V2.1 to convert .3ds to .msh.  Any ideas?  

I also need to tune the landing points of the out of bay mesh.  I put the landing points in the config file, right?  

Sorry guys, I'm a noob compared to most of the add-on makers.  If anyone else wants to take this up I will not be
offended, go for it, please.  You'll probably make it 10 times better than me anyway.  Also if someone wants to help me out
with it, pm me and I'll upload my work so far for you to download.  

So things left to do:  

-See what to do about the textures
-Fix landing points
-Impliment UMMU
that woyld be a good idea, I could use that for a safe place for the MMu's when their ship crashes.

Offline Evan

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Reply #17 - 28 May 2007, 18:50:54
I'll help beta. If you want me too of course.

Offline MattNW

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Reply #18 - 29 May 2007, 01:08:54
I think you have to define the textures in Anim8_or to get their placement correct. That's a total guess since I've never
learned the program myself. Closest thing that I have done is Easy Object Designer for FS2004 and you have to do that in it.
I'd imagine you will need to do the same in Anim8_or.

If you can get some rough textures and send them to me I can spruce them up some with text and features. Just indicate where
you will be placing the airlock and windows. I was imagining since this is an inflatable shelter that the airlock will be
mostly just a double or triple zipper mechanism.

Got a book around here somewhere that shows this. Might be good for a texture pattern.

Offline MattNW

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Reply #19 - 31 May 2007, 00:06:32
No need to worry about coding a module for the pressure tent. Computerex has written a module that makes Ummu universal.

It's still an Alpha and has a few CTD bugs but it works most of the time. It doesn't matter if the ship is a Spacecraft3 or
has a dedicated module UMMUFA works with almost all ships or will eventually.


Any progress with the textures? I just downloaded Anim8_or and found a texture tutorial. If you are still having trouble send
me the files and maybe between the two of us we can figure it out.

Animator Texture Tutorial:

Remove the "-" of course.

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #20 - 01 June 2007, 21:29:07
Man guys I'm really sorry for not being here for long, it was a VERY long week with all my assignments this week and
problems with my computer.  Now that the week is over and everything is fixed, I am getting back to work.  I'm
surprised no one else has stepped up to the plate to take over.  I'll take a look at the links you've given me and try to
advance this thing.  

I almost forgot, I'll post some pictures of the mesh so you can give me your ideas about it.  It isn't much to tell you
from now.

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Offline MattNW

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Reply #21 - 01 June 2007, 23:29:56
I'd love to give it a try but if you can get animation in it, you are way ahead of me on Anim8_or. So far I can create
spheres and cubes but that's about it. If you want however I can help on the textures. Just send me the file in .psd and I
can work on them with Paint.Net.

Here's the book cover I mentioned a couple posts back. In this the people are wearing an emergency space suit. The idea is
that a balloon type suit will be a universal fit. It doesn't show it but there's also an emergency airlock which is much
bigger but still inflatable plastic. It has triple zippered flaps at both ends. You unzip zipper one and climb inside then
zip it up. Next you unzip zipper two and so on keeping the air trapped inside the enclosure. Getting out is the same thing
except you squeeze the air out of each section before moving on to the next.

To move you simply hold on to hand holds and bounce. The bottom of the suit is tough enough to prevent puncture and abrasion.
The suits are really only designed for one use but of course the Loonies will use them until they become unsafe. "Waste not
want not". You can tell that Gerrold was heavily influenced by Heinlein.

Bouncing Off The Moon by David Gerrold

Offline lord wolf

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Reply #22 - 02 June 2007, 22:20:49
i voulenteer to help you beta test it

sorry but i wasnt here for a while but i went on holiday

Offline Nouzy

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Reply #23 - 03 June 2007, 23:50:03
Picture as I promised:  

Good?  Bad?  Bigger?  Smaller?  Other shaped?  Give me thoughts.  I will try to make it more cleaner looking if it looks
to cubic or messy to you.  

By the way MattNW, I can't get animation into it.  That's what I said before that I can't do that, but what I can do is
make two seperate meshes that look different, and instead of being animated, it'll just change from one to the other

I have also another problem with this, the tent keeps jumping up and down uncontrollably when I release it.  The
only way to stop it is to put Orbiter in 10x time acceleration.  How may this be solved?

" 'Riveting.' -Publisher's Weekly"  What a thorough quote.

Post Edited ( 06-03-07 23:52 )

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Offline woo482

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Reply #24 - 04 June 2007, 11:58:00
it good :)