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Author Topic: MTKS-SAT a payload for the DGIV  (Read 11717 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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17 January 2007, 16:19:59
As said DGIV will be delivered with somes payload available, at least one cargo container, turbopack of course
and one new satellite the MTKS-SAT (can be meteo or whatewer you want)

Work in progress:

Deploying solar panel:


Now the neat idea: (you'll tell me if you find it cool)

To activate this sat you must grapple it with a Ummu and type a set of commands
wich will activate the systems. You must NOT set focus to satellite but keep the focus
on Ummu... this one will send command to the satellite.

You grapple the satellite with Ummu you type then:
F12 345 F11  -> power up
F12 456 F11  -> deploy solar panel (you see them deploying)
F12 875 F11  -> uncover telescope

Etc etc...

At the end you'll receive a text message "power up completed, satelitte fully operational"

This can add some fun as you need to go out with the mmu and follow
a check list to power up the sat.... noob that don't read doc will never
get it running, after 10mn I can post a message "You messed a 60 mo$ Satellite" :)

What y a think ? worth programming ?
(principe work, just need some more work)


Message modifié ( 17-01-2007 16:55 )

Offline Pagir

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Reply #1 - 17 January 2007, 16:30:40
Great idea!

Good thing to have a real goal for those space tourists!


(from the french side of the site)


Offline killingsnake

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Reply #2 - 17 January 2007, 16:47:42
DanSteph wrote:

What y a think ? worth programming ?

Honest? I love it! :)

DanSteph wrote:

You must NOT set focus to satellite but keep the focus
on Ummu

Is that with the Antenna? Maybe a new way to use the Data transmitter in the DGIV?:wonder:

Greetings, Snake

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #3 - 17 January 2007, 17:03:34
BTW, what does F11 F12 key in Orbiter ? they are free no ?


Offline Matt50

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Reply #4 - 17 January 2007, 17:27:16
DanSteph wrote:
BTW, what does F11 F12 key in Orbiter ? they are free no ?


Couldnt´t find any function in the doc, but maybe I´m wrong...

Nice idea at all. Comes close to an "If-then-else trigger" we discussed long time ago. To expand the idea vice versa:
What means
1) Start with an empty DG IV
2) Catch the satellite using Ummu
3) Deactivate it (F11/F12 keys)
4) Load it into DG IV (hmm, but how?)
5) Make a safe return
6) If crash at landing same messsage: "You messed a 60 mo$ Satellite" ...and the gear of the DG ofcourse ... or the
whole DG (what comes up to 600 Mio €):badsmile:


Offline AndyMan

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Reply #5 - 17 January 2007, 18:16:34
Dan, on that screenshot, the name says Capt, but the spacesuit is white....?

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 17 January 2007, 18:20:01
I think it's because he was not the captain in command of the ship...


Offline sunshine135

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Reply #7 - 17 January 2007, 19:06:10
DanSteph wrote:
This can add some fun as you need to go out with the mmu and follow
a check list to power up the sat.... noob that don't read doc will never
get it running, after 10mn I can post a message "You messed a 60 mo$ Satellite" :)

:ptdr: ROTFL...I love the idea. The fact that the noob will be asking about how to activate it is enough to add some
entertainment value. Go for it Dan!

"Sun Dog"

Offline EtherDragon

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Reply #8 - 17 January 2007, 19:37:37
I like any idea that gives you a goal to accomplish. Hopefully we'll be able to easily create our own DG4 cargo items
and program them to do things.

Imagine being able to load a custom MFD that collects data from an atmosphere probe, or deploying a high earth
orbit satalite that collects data for solar storms in Earth vacinity. There is a lot that can be done with some custom

In fact, I think I'll make that my next project, when the DG4 is ready, of course. A goal oriented space mission style
MFD that has you transfer passengers, cargo, satalites, etc to various places.


Offline Marvin

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Reply #9 - 17 January 2007, 19:51:19
DanSteph wrote:
What y a think ? worth programming ?
(principe work, just need some more work)


Well, of course!:bave:

What about texturing the grapple area with a control panel? not modelled of course, just a tex.

:ptdr: ROTFL...I love the idea. The fact that the noob will be asking about how to activate it is enough to add some
entertainment value. Go for it Dan!

...and even more posts saying 'read the manual'!:)

This is an empty spot.

Offline Jumperado

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Reply #10 - 17 January 2007, 19:57:23
Amazing as always! Finally a good satellite for orbiter...

A manual input is very good idea, we look for any reason to leave the ship.

But how finally give the antenna a purpose?
You can control the satellite from the ship only if you deploy and sincronize with the satellite using the (yet useless)
antenna. Or go for the manual input if the antenna is broken.
Maybe something for future versions with people adding many payloads based on yours.

How wonderfull would be the planet fullfilled with satellites where you have to fix their random problems (re-boot,re-align,re-unfold) from time to time.
All you have to do is sincronize with your antenna and check their status. Like the Hubble.

Cant wait to put my hands on it.
With all those new DGIV compatible addon's (satellitte, base), all I miss is a space station fully compatible with Dan's
system. ;) and DGIV random failure of course... eject eject eject

Post Edited ( 01-17-07 22:24 )

Offline Hubleman

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Reply #11 - 17 January 2007, 19:59:59
Amazing Dan. Your Deltaglider is by far the best aircraft made for orbiter and the most operational. Go for it! :)

Offline FetDaniel

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Reply #12 - 17 January 2007, 22:14:57
DanSteph wrote:
Now the neat idea: (you'll tell me if you find it cool)

To activate this sat you must grapple it with a Ummu and type a set of commands
wich will activate the systems. You must NOT set focus to satellite but keep the focus
on Ummu... this one will send command to the satellite.

You grapple the satellite with Ummu you type then:
F12 345 F11  -&gt power up
F12 456 F11  -&gt deploy solar panel (you see them deploying)
F12 875 F11  -&gt uncover telescope

Etc etc...

At the end you'll receive a text message "power up completed, satelitte fully operational"

This can add some fun as you need to go out with the mmu and follow
a check list to power up the sat.... noob that don't read doc will never
get it running, after 10mn I can post a message "You messed a 60 mo$ Satellite" :)

What y a think ? worth programming ?
(principe work, just need some more work)

I must say I'm stunned by all your small and nifty additions you make in such short time, and when I thought DGIV
was done, you make a cargobay?!!!? :wor: :bave:

To the topic..

Personally, I find this idea marvelous. Although my "vision" is probably outside your scope I think it's still good
enough to be discussed. ^^

Your idea is good and will give an exciting feeling, since the operation is done trough mmu.


I have always loved mmu and think that broadening the abilities the mmu offers with turbopack and etc. was an
incredible idea. Just from trying the beta I changed my opinion from seeing the turbopack as a "fun toy" to an actual
vehicle for the otherwise slow mmu. It felt like it wasn't just a scenic ability to go eva anymore, you could do things.
And I have fantasized about the Symphony station and and universal mmu, giving this ability to travel further use.

Space in MMU.

It's a bit frightening, it's black, it's silent except from our breathing. The DGIV stands like a tincan, and worthless
without the captain, if he is the person EVA:ing.
Even if DGIV is set in the future, space is still something not taken lightly(I think, Dan opinion is the law in this I
guess;P), and it is dangerous.
The interface the mmu offer a feeling of fragility in space, and the comparably big components it proposably could
operate on and enter, gives us the perspective of a man in space, drifting close to his safe vehicle. The mmu has
given us the closest thing in my opinion to feel like spacewalking astronauts! =)

To not be able to just jump into the satelite (change focus to) immediatly, further makes the the astronauts more
alive, since only they and not some omnipresent player can operate! =))

Conclusion of background thoughts. Since the fun part of the mmu, is that it tells us that it's not the hardware, but
the ("softestware";P) human inside that makes things happen. So it feels like the player is the astronaut, not the
vehicle. This is the best part of DGIV in my opinion. :)

And then you came with this idea, you surely are creative. ;) :top:

My idea regarding your suggestion:
1.The lifeless satelite is moved into position, and the astronaut enters the correct codes using the interface Dan is
envisioning, moving fast above the celestial body which we are "preferably" orbiting (the way down is otherwise fast
and ouchy). When the power has been started on the satelite, and proposedly an antenna and other vital systems,
the astronaut drifts back into the Deltaglider.
So far so good.
2. Using the antenna, the pilot of DGIV can now operate on the software and some of the systems not requiring
hands on operation, like attitude control (telescope) and small nifty things.
This is perhaps not something you want to spend time on, since you have more important things to do. That is why
the third suggestion comes in. (my vision).

3. Many things was custimisable in DgIII, and more so in DGIV. The visionary concept I have is to make a standard for
objects operatable by UMMU and DGIV. So resource effeciently, this fun branch could be devoloped by others.

Something similar to Ummu?

It would include nothing more but a small and easy console interface which is only for either mmu operation, and/or
antenna manipulation, for the object in question.
Any further system would be have to be made by another devoloper.

If the satelite is monitoring any info, or communication, it could be accessible and shown in text on the mmu display if
there are any kind of monitoring device on the object (adjustable), otherwise on the DGIV if there is an antenna
(adjustable). This is mostly for adding to the experience, and makes the ability to make missions more colorful.

This will be perfect for cargo the DGIV could launch. Satelites, etc. Only the imagination of the devoloper is the limit of
the cargo design, and by making the cargo operatable by your addon, it deepens your power and your future world
domin.. Hrm.. :lol:
Standards has been benificial before in orbiter, making the efforts of more than one bigger.

Two further branches of this idea is:
1. Damage repairs. This system module could be applied to the DGIV as well. Making the operate on DGIV show the
same console, but some options regarding the damage. This is a biggy, and I discuss this since I thought a little
different. What if you could perhaps fix the broken gear or other think like antenna or radiators by removing them
and seal the halfopen doors for the component. So at least you can reenter a little bit better and do a belly landing
and still survive at least?
Then there is the even more sophisticated damage idea: What if reentry or launch at certain times, like high stress on
wings or high temperatures, but still lower than maximum makes small damage? A variable for wear on the body that
could only found when analysed by a astronaut checking the hull. So, bad reentry on earth made wing wear go from
0 to 0.5. Now the temperature tolerance has been lowered by X centigrades. I guess it's one of those things that if
ever, would have to wait until summer or later. Problem as I see it is: since the wear increases and becomes more
and more risky, there has to be some solution. On a base like symphony, it could be repaired, for example, using the
interface of symphony base on a landed DGIV. These could be none standard, since it adds to difficultly.

2. Radio system. Perhaps the smallest idea. It is applied only to vessels with radio parameters and DGIV.
What if you could control other vessels trough DGIV? A big lumbering mothership, ISS, a fast moving probe?
A small DLL, which gives the developer of an addon the ability to functions of the ship usable by a remot DGIV.

I understand that you have thought much much more about your addons than I have, have limited time and perhaps
you know that this is not a fun thing really. You have to this point shown good feeling for what people like versus
time programing.
Many come and write about things that sound fun, but you realise are not fun or more importantly, those things
weren't what YOU wanted. :) And that is what matters, the same with Martin and orbiter.
And suggestions alone are perhaps tiring?.. (Especially these big and stupid dreamy ones like mine..)
*ducks and covers*

*I'm sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors*

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 17 January 2007, 23:43:47
This satellite was done to test an idea I add regarding damages and repair.
Such things will not be done for DGIV but why not for DGVI ?
if the system of MTKS work flawlessly on almost all computer something
like that can be done for repair... (Orbiter forbid keyboard reception when
you don't have focus, so I used a plain win32 hack, same used in keyboard
logger in fact)

About DGVI Repair and damage:

You EVA... you go near the DGVI area that cause problem (AE35, engine)
and you have to type careffuly a list of command, you go elsewhere type
command etc etc.... Repairing a system therefore would be demanding
in mean of EVA. Why not also a "toolbox bay" you open it, pick one tool
go in one area, type command, go back pick another tool etc etc...

Just an idea...

Reminder:  This will not be done for DGIV ;)

MTKS-SAT almost finished, mesh completed, animation completed (optic cover and solar panel)
code 80% done...


Message modifié ( 17-01-2007 23:52 )

Offline n122vu

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Reply #14 - 18 January 2007, 01:32:26
This is an awesome idea!  I can't wait to get it off the ground!

DanSteph wrote:
This satellite was done to test an idea I add regarding damages and repair.
Such things will not be done for DGIV but why not for DGVI ?

DGVI?  Are we skipping the DGV, or do we have to wait for 2 more iterations of the craft before we can get our hands
on the MTKS? :(

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #15 - 18 January 2007, 08:20:04
MTKS will be available for DGIV and soon for testing, howewer failure and damage
will NOT be available for DGIV...


Offline aus_pilot

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Reply #16 - 18 January 2007, 12:51:46
Looks good, Dan. Can't wait to take it to orbit.

I really like the idea of having to go EVA and power the sat up.


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Offline FreeLancer TonyZ

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Reply #17 - 19 January 2007, 03:22:53
DanSteph wrote:
BTW, what does F11 F12 key in Orbiter ? they are free no ?


First.. let me say that this is the first time in my 46 years that i have ever actually posted in any news group although
i have owned and operated computers since their inception.
Second... i have been impressed by both Dr. Schweiger's and your work for a number of years now.I have operated
many,many add-ons for Orbiter from versions 02 to now, and yet i always come back to the DG series of yours as my
favorite and "dare i even say"  absolutely necessary addons for Orbiter as well as  Orbitsound 3.0.
Now to the core of the post. As you are no doubt aware,the latest version of Orbiter P1 allows for support of the
TrackIR headtracking hardware for virtual cockpits and views.While TrackIR is running in the background of Orbiter it
uses both F9 and F12 for its Controls. Therefore for those people who use these units and still want to use your add-
ons, perhaps F10 and F11 Would be a better choice for the computer program control codes for the satellite.This is of
course only a suggestion and you should feel free to do as you see fit but for those of us who use this hardware any
consideration would be appreciated.
Third... on a completely different note i would just like to say thanks for all your very hard and often unappreciated
work for all of us out here.I have spent quite a few hours reading posts and keeping apprised of developments here
and on orbiter and am eagerly awaiting the final releases of the DG 4 and Symphony base and whatever else your
fertile imagination can concieve.

thank again

Post Edited ( 01-19-07 03:24 )

« Last Edit: 19 January 2007, 05:06:11 by FreeLancer TonyZ »

Offline n122vu

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Reply #18 - 19 January 2007, 05:06:11
***Edited post to remove question I answered on my own.***


Looking good so far.  Have successfully deployed without any issues, except for the previously posted issue when viewing the grappled satellite from the virtual cockpit.  



Post Edited ( 01-19-07 05:17 )

« Last Edit: 19 January 2007, 05:06:11 by n122vu »