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Author Topic: [Closed] BETA 2 Of deltaGliderIV (second beta release)  (Read 22041 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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Reply #25 - 30 December 2006, 07:21:44
Thanks travis, before doing such things I want to find first why value are changed by
something that is in no way related... may hide something worse than failures.

I'll try first to reproduce this bug, I'll let you know.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #26 - 30 December 2006, 07:34:15
Damn... no problems for me, work perfectly.

Scenery with two dgIV in orbit near iss, one is set on
Meshskin "medical" and the other on "Meshkin transworld"
I then "force" to mining or medical with dg4config
it work flawlessly, no failures....

Maybe we can exchange our scenario: you try mine, I try yours ?.

Here's mine:

Contains the latest simulation state.

  System Sol
  Date MJD 60246.8408773311

  Ship GLIV2

  MODE Cockpit
  FOV 50.00

  TYPE Orbit

  TYPE Docking
  NAV 0

  TYPE Map
  REF Earth


  STATUS Orbiting Earth
  RPOS -6536299.63 -690045.27 1461622.41
  RVEL -1188.829 7370.272 -1849.256
  AROT 109.61 -8.54 80.06
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000
  IDS 0:588 100 1:586 100 2:584 100 3:582 100 4:580 100
  XPDR 466
  STATUS Orbiting Earth
  RPOS 3505960.74 345644.70 5653870.78
  RVEL -6576.665 247.758 4065.939
  AROT 0.00 -44.99 90.00
  IDS 0:540 100 1:542 100 2:544 100
  XPDR 482
  STATUS Orbiting Moon
  RPOS -1571101.99 1593312.66 2488.13
  RVEL -1054.001 -1039.132 -0.555
  AROT -0.00 -0.00 -164.07
  VROT 0.00 0.00 10.00
  IDS 0:560 100 1:564 100
  XPDR 494
  STATUS Orbiting Earth
  RPOS -6536296.56 -689870.96 1461597.60
  RVEL -1188.648 7371.919 -1849.829
  AROT -70.39 8.55 -80.06
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000 2:0.983
  IDS 0:45 100
  NAVFREQ 466 588
  XPDR 0
  MeshSkin Medical
  NOSECONE 1 1.0000
  GEAR 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  INNERDOOR 0 0.0000
  COCKPIT 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORL 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORR 0 0.0000
  RightTurboPack 1
  LeftTurboPack 1
  StartPower_ext 0
  StartPower_batt 0
  StartPower_cell 0
  Apu_start 2
  Gen1 2
  Gen2 2
  GenSelector 1
  PowerHud 2
  PowerMfd 2
  PowerRadio 2
  PowerAirlock 2
  PowerEngine 2
  PowerLifepack 2
  PowerAp 2
  PowerMainBus 2
  PassengerSeat 1
  Strobe 1
  HydGearPress 0
  LevelBatt 100.0002
  Emergency_power 10000.0000
  Force_Canopy 0
  VoltageStartBus 0.0000
  VoltageGen1 96.2820
  VoltageGen2 96.2819
  VoltageGenBus 96.2820
  ExtFuelHatch 0
  ExtFuelValve 0
  DockFuelValve 0
  FuelInputSelector 0
  XFeedFuel 0
  DumpMainFuel 0
  DumpRcsFuel 0
  HoverValve 2
  MainValveL 2
  MainValveR 2
  RcsValve 2
  AirIntake 0
  TurboPump 0
  ComputerDisplay 3
  HudMode 0
  O2tankALevel 103.4263
  N2tankALevel 100.0000
  O2tankBLevel 100.0000
  N2tankBLevel 100.0000
  DockInputValve 1
  ExtInputValve 0
  InputSelector 2
  ButtonTankAO2 2
  ButtonTankAN2 1
  ButtonTankBO2 2
  ButtonTankBN2 1
  ButtonAFan 2
  ButtonAFilter 2
  ButtonACooling 2
  ButtonAMoist 2
  ButtonBFan 2
  ButtonBFilter 2
  ButtonBCooling 2
  ButtonBMoist 2
  Radiator 0
  ShipControl 3
  LifeDisplay 3
  CabinO2Level 21.3935
  CabinCO2Level 600.0000
  CabinTempLevel 21.2000
  CabinPressure 14.7000
  CabinMoistLevel 36.0000
  CabinDustLevel 0.0000
  CabinO2Setting 21.4000
  CabinTempSetting 21.2000
  CabinPressSetting 14.7000
  O2ConsumptionSetting 1
  AntennaTarget no_target
  NoOneOnBoard 0
  NoPilotOnBoard 0
  PassengerNumber 2
  PilotName Capt_John_Doe
  PilotAge 37
  BasePilotPulse 60.0000
  Passenger1Name Bevan_Aneurin
  Passenger1Age 27
  Passenger1BasePulse 66.0000
  Passenger2Name Capt_Antonio_Rodriguez
  Passenger2Age 20
  Passenger2BasePulse 72.0000
  FailGearFailure 0
  FailGearCollapse 0
  FailLeftMainEngine 0
  FailRightMainEngine 0
  FailHoverEngine 0
  FailRcs 0
  FailSurfaceControl 0
  FailComputer 0
  FailComputerBlueScreen 0
  FailAutopilot 0
  FailExtRadiator 0
  FailAirbrake 0
  FailNoseCone 0
  FailCanopy 0
  FailAntenna 0
  FailLeftTurbo 0
  FailRightTurbo 0
  EmergencyDoor 0
  SpacesuitTimer 0
  EmergencySequenceStep 0
  SecureEject 1
  RetroDoor 1
  HoverDoor 1
  STATUS Orbiting Earth
  RPOS -6536296.58 -689970.91 1461597.61
  RVEL -1188.649 7371.922 -1849.829
  AROT -70.39 8.55 -80.06
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000 2:0.983
  IDS 0:45 100
  NAVFREQ 466 588
  XPDR 0
  MeshSkin Transworld
  NOSECONE 1 1.0000
  GEAR 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  INNERDOOR 0 0.0000
  COCKPIT 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORL 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORR 0 0.0000
  RightTurboPack 1
  LeftTurboPack 1
  StartPower_ext 0
  StartPower_batt 0
  StartPower_cell 0
  Apu_start 2
  Gen1 2
  Gen2 2
  GenSelector 1
  PowerHud 2
  PowerMfd 2
  PowerRadio 2
  PowerAirlock 2
  PowerEngine 2
  PowerLifepack 2
  PowerAp 2
  PowerMainBus 2
  PassengerSeat 1
  Strobe 1
  HydGearPress 0
  LevelBatt 100.0002
  Emergency_power 10000.0000
  Force_Canopy 0
  VoltageStartBus 0.0000
  VoltageGen1 96.2820
  VoltageGen2 96.2819
  VoltageGenBus 96.2820
  ExtFuelHatch 0
  ExtFuelValve 0
  DockFuelValve 0
  FuelInputSelector 0
  XFeedFuel 0
  DumpMainFuel 0
  DumpRcsFuel 0
  HoverValve 2
  MainValveL 2
  MainValveR 2
  RcsValve 2
  AirIntake 0
  TurboPump 0
  ComputerDisplay 3
  HudMode 0
  O2tankALevel 103.4263
  N2tankALevel 100.0000
  O2tankBLevel 100.0000
  N2tankBLevel 100.0000
  DockInputValve 1
  ExtInputValve 0
  InputSelector 2
  ButtonTankAO2 2
  ButtonTankAN2 1
  ButtonTankBO2 2
  ButtonTankBN2 1
  ButtonAFan 2
  ButtonAFilter 2
  ButtonACooling 2
  ButtonAMoist 2
  ButtonBFan 2
  ButtonBFilter 2
  ButtonBCooling 2
  ButtonBMoist 2
  Radiator 0
  ShipControl 3
  LifeDisplay 3
  CabinO2Level 21.3935
  CabinCO2Level 600.0000
  CabinTempLevel 21.2000
  CabinPressure 14.7000
  CabinMoistLevel 36.0000
  CabinDustLevel 0.0000
  CabinO2Setting 21.4000
  CabinTempSetting 21.2000
  CabinPressSetting 14.7000
  O2ConsumptionSetting 1
  AntennaTarget no_target
  NoOneOnBoard 0
  NoPilotOnBoard 0
  PassengerNumber 2
  PilotName Capt_John_Doe
  PilotAge 37
  BasePilotPulse 60.0000
  Passenger1Name Bevan_Aneurin
  Passenger1Age 27
  Passenger1BasePulse 66.0000
  Passenger2Name Capt_Antonio_Rodriguez
  Passenger2Age 20
  Passenger2BasePulse 72.0000
  FailGearFailure 0
  FailGearCollapse 0
  FailLeftMainEngine 0
  FailRightMainEngine 0
  FailHoverEngine 0
  FailRcs 0
  FailSurfaceControl 0
  FailComputer 0
  FailComputerBlueScreen 0
  FailAutopilot 0
  FailExtRadiator 0
  FailAirbrake 0
  FailNoseCone 0
  FailCanopy 0
  FailAntenna 0
  FailLeftTurbo 0
  FailRightTurbo 0
  EmergencyDoor 0
  SpacesuitTimer 0
  EmergencySequenceStep 0
  SecureEject 1
  RetroDoor 1
  HoverDoor 1
  STATUS Landed Earth
  BASE Habana:4
  POS -82.4982414 22.9994604
  HEADING 70.00
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  XPDR 0
  PODANGLE 0.0000 0.0000
  DOCKSTATE 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  STATUS Landed Mars
  BASE Olympus:3
  POS -135.4300000 12.7366196
  HEADING 0.00
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  NAVFREQ 0 0 0 0
  XPDR 0
  GEAR 1 1.0000
  STATUS Landed Moon
  BASE Brighton Beach:1
  POS -33.4375000 41.1184067
  HEADING 0.00
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  XPDR 0
  PODANGLE 0.0000 0.0000
  DOCKSTATE 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000

Offline Travis Reed

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Reply #27 - 30 December 2006, 07:59:24
Tried your scn Dan, no problems, not a one (even after I remembered to force a skin).

Main difference between your scn and mine is that mine has a DGIV landed and the other in Orbit. Possibly the bug lies in
there (or maybe it's just my particular setup...).

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #28 - 30 December 2006, 08:39:56
Travis Reed a écrit:
Tried your scn Dan, no problems, not a one (even after I remembered to force a skin).
Main difference between your scn and mine is that mine has a DGIV landed and the other in Orbit. Possibly the bug
lies in there (or maybe it's just my particular setup...).

I tried also that... two in orbit opposit side of earth, one on earth landed...
still work perfectly...

If you can post your scn I'll try it, if as I suspect it work on my computer it might be something
in your installation that induce this effect... back to 1st step.

See you after sleep...


Offline Artlav

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Reply #29 - 30 December 2006, 08:49:43
Wasn't able to reproduce this bug yet, but found a new one:
If you set the EPU to ON in scn, it will remain ON wherever you are.

Travis Reed:
Try reproducing the bug with default skins,
Posting the config.cfg,
Posting the converted skins.

Ideally, post the whole enviroment: Config/*, Scenarios/*, Sound/DeltaGliderIV/*.cfg, /*.cfg, System specs.
That may help DanSteph to find it.

Offline Redburne

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Reply #30 - 30 December 2006, 13:02:01
Just a quick note: I, too, get the

Welcome aboard
Gear collapsed
Hover engine failure
when loading an on-orbit scenario (created using Reverend's original recipe, launching from Mars, entering a generous 300 x
800k orbit and quitting).

There is definitely only one DGIV in the scenario.

Will join the hunt now ... ;)

Offline reverend

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Reply #31 - 30 December 2006, 13:44:09
I finally got the time to test some more...

I made a completely clean version of 2006P1.  No other addons installed.
Installed DGIV (2nd Release)
I made no configuration changes to the DGIV, nor any scenario edits.
The only setting in orbiter I changed was the video driver.

I then loaded the DGIV Mars scenario.  Launched into Polar Orbit ~ Rad 4M.
Performed a QuickSave
Quit (CTRL+Q)

Then, Ran the (Current State).scn Scenario.  I get the gear/hover failure.
I then quit, and loaded the QuickSave'd scenario.  I also get the gear/hover failure.

No other addons are present, completely clean unmodified Orbiter installation.

Here's the scenario that was QuickSave'd, hope this helps.
Code: [Select]
Orbiter saved state at T = 1507

  System Sol
  Date MJD 51985.5591829748

  Ship GL-02

  MODE Cockpit
  FOV 50.00

  TYPE Surface

  TYPE Orbit
  PROJ Ship
  FRAME Ecliptic
  REF Mars

  TYPE Surface

  STATUS Landed Earth
  BASE Habana:2
  POS -82.3988276 22.9994604
  HEADING 174.13
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  NAVFREQ 0 0 0 0
  XPDR 0
  GEAR 1 1.0000
  STATUS Landed Earth
  BASE Habana:4
  POS -82.3982414 23.0005396
  HEADING 70.00
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  NAVFREQ 0 0 0 0
  XPDR 0
  GEAR 1 1.0000
  STATUS Landed Earth
  POS 59.3884800 23.4272000
  HEADING 43.18
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  XPDR 0
  PODANGLE 0.0000 0.0000
  DOCKSTATE 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  GEAR 0 0.0000
  STATUS Orbiting Mars
  RPOS 2546030.59 3044469.43 949270.70
  RVEL -1558.648 1950.146 -2056.925
  AROT 136.38 28.68 44.48
  PRPLEVEL 0:0.705 1:1.000 2:0.983
  IDS 0:45 100
  XPDR 0
  MeshSkin Mining
  NOSECONE 0 0.0000
  GEAR 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  INNERDOOR 0 0.0000
  COCKPIT 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORL 0 0.0000
  TURBODOORR 0 0.0000
  RightTurboPack 1
  LeftTurboPack 1
  StartPower_ext 0
  StartPower_batt 0
  StartPower_cell 0
  Apu_start 2
  Gen1 2
  Gen2 2
  GenSelector 1
  PowerHud 2
  PowerMfd 2
  PowerRadio 2
  PowerAirlock 2
  PowerEngine 2
  PowerLifepack 2
  PowerAp 2
  PowerMainBus 2
  PassengerSeat 1
  Strobe 1
  HydGearPress 2
  LevelBatt 100.2099
  Emergency_power 10000.0000
  Force_Canopy 0
  VoltageStartBus 0.0000
  VoltageGen1 96.2008
  VoltageGen2 96.1198
  VoltageGenBus 96.2008
  ExtFuelHatch 0
  ExtFuelValve 0
  DockFuelValve 0
  FuelInputSelector 0
  XFeedFuel 0
  DumpMainFuel 0
  DumpRcsFuel 0
  HoverValve 2
  MainValveL 2
  MainValveR 2
  RcsValve 2
  AirIntake 0
  TurboPump 0
  ComputerDisplay 50
  HudMode 0
  O2tankALevel 103.1654
  N2tankALevel 100.0000
  O2tankBLevel 100.0000
  N2tankBLevel 100.0000
  DockInputValve 0
  ExtInputValve 0
  InputSelector 0
  ButtonTankAO2 2
  ButtonTankAN2 1
  ButtonTankBO2 2
  ButtonTankBN2 1
  ButtonAFan 2
  ButtonAFilter 2
  ButtonACooling 2
  ButtonAMoist 2
  ButtonBFan 2
  ButtonBFilter 2
  ButtonBCooling 2
  ButtonBMoist 2
  Radiator 0
  ShipControl 5
  LifeDisplay 3
  CabinO2Level 21.3928
  CabinCO2Level 600.0000
  CabinTempLevel 21.2000
  CabinPressure 14.7000
  CabinMoistLevel 36.0000
  CabinDustLevel 0.0002
  CabinO2Setting 21.4000
  CabinTempSetting 21.2000
  CabinPressSetting 14.7000
  O2ConsumptionSetting 1
  AntennaTarget no_target
  NoOneOnBoard 0
  NoPilotOnBoard 0
  PassengerNumber 4
  PilotName Capt_John_Doe
  PilotAge 38
  BasePilotPulse 74.0000
  Passenger1Name Daniel_Whats
  Passenger1Age 45
  Passenger1BasePulse 60.0000
  Passenger2Name Michael_Proud
  Passenger2Age 34
  Passenger2BasePulse 69.0000
  Passenger3Name Capt_Chiken_Have
  Passenger3Age 43
  Passenger3BasePulse 63.0000
  Passenger4Name Joe_Cook
  Passenger4Age 54
  Passenger4BasePulse 83.0000
  FailGearFailure 0
  FailGearCollapse 0
  FailLeftMainEngine 0
  FailRightMainEngine 0
  FailHoverEngine 0
  FailRcs 0
  FailSurfaceControl 0
  FailComputer 0
  FailComputerBlueScreen 0
  FailAutopilot 0
  FailExtRadiator 0
  FailAirbrake 0
  FailNoseCone 0
  FailCanopy 0
  FailAntenna 0
  FailLeftTurbo 0
  FailRightTurbo 0
  EmergencyDoor 0
  SpacesuitTimer 0
  EmergencySequenceStep 0
  SecureEject 1
  RetroDoor 1
  HoverDoor 1
  STATUS Landed Moon
  BASE Brighton Beach:1
  POS -33.4375000 41.1184067
  HEADING 0.00
  PRPLEVEL 0:1.000 1:1.000
  XPDR 0
  PODANGLE 0.0000 0.0000
  DOCKSTATE 0 0.0000
  AIRLOCK 0 0.0000
  GEAR 0 0.0000
  PAYLOAD MASS 426.6 0


Offline SilvaHeed

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Reply #32 - 30 December 2006, 13:53:40
I've downloaded this great addon this morning, and so far I've had no major problems.  The only minor problem I've had is
that the "2" and "8" keys used to change your speed during the "hold speed" autopilot (alt-2) are also the pitch up and down
keys! During my descent to the runway, instead of adjusting my pitch, the speed of the autopilot was changing.
I know that I wouldn't have this problem if I had my joystick plugged in, but I don't always have it activated, and there are
probably other Orbiter users who don't have joysticks at all.
Any chance of using keys "7" and "1" for instance?

Anyway, I'm off to play in my new ship again (and maybe crash it again just for a laugh!)

Offline Redburne

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Reply #33 - 30 December 2006, 14:41:38
reverend wrote:
Here's the scenario that was QuickSave'd, hope this helps.
Yes, this scenario does cause the bug for me, too.

One additional note:

After copying and pasting between several working and non-working versions I can offer two new observations:

1. The bug is independent of the values in the DGIV state in the scenario!

I replaced parts (everything except the POS/VEL/ROT values) and also the whole DGIV section with the lines from Dan's working
scenario, and it did not change anything.

2. The error can be switched on and off in Reverend's sample scenario!

Move one of the two ShuttleA sections directly before the DGIV section -> Error. Move it somewhere else (at the end of the
SHIPS section, or simply before one of the two regular DGs), and there is no error.

Could it be a scenario parsing error? Either in the DGIV or the ShA?

Offline Quantum Burrito Meal

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Reply #34 - 30 December 2006, 15:21:26
DanSteph wrote:
Quantum Burrito Meal a écrit:
I get a CTD when grappling a turbopack with a DGIV

Sorry, can't do anything with so few info...
was it grappled to a mmu , on earth, orbit,  other ?Targeted by another mmu ?
can you reproduce it ?

My bet is that it was targeted by another mmu this bug was solved but not in your version.



Nope, if I drop it then immediately grapple it, it CTDs

Proud creator of two (2) addons

One of which is soon to be out of date, and one is not yet useable. Great Success!

Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #35 - 30 December 2006, 15:24:18
Quantum Burrito Meal wrote:
I get a CTD when grappling a turbopack with a DGIV

With a clean install of 060929 containing:
OS 3.0
High Res planets
Moonbase Alpha
New Eagles 022604

I also get a CTD when trying to grapple the Turbopack to its stowage on the DGIV. This occurs consistently in two
scenarios I've used to test (Landed KCS departure to ISS and Whats Cool-Ejection in Space). I also have no
breathing sounds in the MMU or MMU RCS sounds. Curiously this only occurs with the Beta 2 release but not with the
first Beta release.

Here's the Orbiter Log:

The textures noted as missing are in the Textures2 folder

**** Orbiter.log
Build Sep 29 2006 [v.060929]
Devices enumerated: 6
Devices accepted: 5
==> RGB Emulation
==> Direct3D HAL
==> Direct3D T&L HAL
==> Direct3D HAL (ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 Series)
==> Direct3D T&L HAL (ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9700 Series)
Found 0 joystick(s)
Module AtlantisConfig.dll [API v.060425]
Module DGConfig.dll [API v.060425]
Module ScnEditor.dll [API v.060425]
Module OrbiterSound.dll [API v.041022]
Module MapMFD.dll [API v.050206]
Module Framerate.dll [API v.050206]
Module FlightData.dll [API v.050206]
Module ExtMFD.dll [API v.060425]
Module CustomMFD.dll [API v.060425]

**** Creating simulation session
DirectDraw interface OK
Direct3D interface OK
Zbuffer: 32 bit
Render device: Fullscreen 1280 x 800
Device has hardware T&L capability
Module Sun.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(E) Sun: Precision 1e-006, Terms 554/6634
Module Mercury.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Mercury: Precision 1e-005, Terms 167/7123
Module Venus.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Venus: Precision 1e-005, Terms 79/1710
Module Earth.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Earth: Precision 1e-008, Terms 2564/2564
Module Moon.dll [API v.041022]
ELP82: Precision 1e-005, Terms 116/829
Module Mars.dll [API v.060425]
VSOP87(B) Mars: Precision 1e-005, Terms 405/6400
Module Phobos.dll [API v.060425]
Module Deimos.dll [API v.060425]
Module Galsat.dll [API v.041022]
Module Jupiter.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Jupiter: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1624/3625
Module Io.dll [API v.041022]
Module Europa.dll [API v.041022]
Module Ganymede.dll [API v.041022]
Module Callisto.dll [API v.041022]
Module Satsat.dll [API v.050206]
Module Saturn.dll [API v.060425]
VSOP87(B) Saturn: Precision 1e-006, Terms 2904/6365
Module Mimas.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Mimas: Terms 113
Module Enceladus.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Enceladus: Terms 33
Module Tethys.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Tethys: Terms 101
Module Dione.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Dione: Terms 59
Module Rhea.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Rhea: Terms 68
Module Titan.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Titan: Terms 100
Module Hyperion.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Hyperion: Terms 595
Module Iapetus.dll [API v.050206]
SATSAT Iapetus: Terms 605
Module Uranus.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Uranus: Precision 1e-006, Terms 1827/5269
Module Miranda.dll [API v.060425]
Module Ariel.dll [API v.060425]
Module Umbriel.dll [API v.060425]
Module Titania.dll [API v.060425]
Module Oberon.dll [API v.060425]
Module Neptune.dll [API v.050206]
VSOP87(B) Neptune: Precision 1e-006, Terms 391/2024
Module Triton.dll [API v.060425]
Finished initialising world
Module DeltaGliderIV.dll [API v.060425]
Finished initialising status
Finished initialising camera
Finished initialising panels
Finished setting up render state
>>> ERROR: Missing texture:
>>>        [C:\Source\Orbiter\Texture.cpp / 781]
>>> ERROR: Missing texture:
>>>        [C:\Source\Orbiter\Texture.cpp / 781]

Computer Specs:

512 MB RAM (I know I should upgrade this)
128 MB videoRAM


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #36 - 30 December 2006, 16:58:49
About "failure" GOOOD NEWS !!!

I have the problem ! now I'll be able to track it until death !!!
Many thanks all !

Ben sisko a écrit:
I get a CTD when grappling a turbopack with a DGIV
&gt&gt&gt ERROR: Missing texture:
&gt&gt&gt        [C:\Source\Orbiter\Texture.cpp / 781]
&gt&gt&gt ERROR: Missing texture:
&gt&gt&gt        [C:\Source\Orbiter\Texture.cpp / 781]

Check in Textures2/Ummu directory that you have and textures.
Look like a corrupted archive ?


Offline Ben sisko

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Reply #37 - 30 December 2006, 17:20:20 and are there but TurboPack (PSD file) is missing.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #38 - 30 December 2006, 17:23:17
OKAAAY "Gear & Hover Failure in Orbit" bug cleared... sorry have to leave in urgence, will post
new dll to confirm in two three hours.

Thanks to all !!!

Ben, will look yours after...


Post Edited ( 12-30-06 21:43 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #39 - 30 December 2006, 21:42:33
Ben sisko wrote:
I get a CTD when grappling a turbopack with a DGIV

Solved also, will post new DLL in a few minute...

Thanks much !


Post Edited ( 12-30-06 21:43 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #40 - 30 December 2006, 21:48:51

As there is not enough improvment yet for a beta 3 release I give here just the DLL.
Simply replace the one in "modules" folder with this one:


-Solved CTD if you try to grapple a turbopack
-Solved Bug that allowed you to grapple a turbopack that was attached to a Ummu.
-Solved "gear and hover failure" bug when starting a scenario in orbit.

Thanks for feedback about this DLL...



Post Edited ( 12-30-06 21:51 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #41 - 30 December 2006, 21:56:38
Artlav wrote:
If you set the EPU to ON in scn, it will remain ON wherever you are.

Sorry, I'll leave this at is it, I cannot fully check the consistency of saved data
it would take a huge amount of code and a call for induced bug, if you edit scn
you are supposed to know what you're doing.

I've downloaded this great addon this morning, and so far I've had no major problems. The only minor problem I've had is that the "2" and "8" keys used to change your speed during the "hold speed" autopilot (alt-2) are also the pitch up and down keys!

Wow, it's like that since DGII, no one complained until now... I think I'll leave this also
because you are supposed to get a joystick, no one can land with numpad key only.
(No one Should land with numpad key only) howewer I put on my todo list but 10%
chance I do it. To much code involved.


Post Edited ( 12-30-06 22:01 )

Offline Tachyon

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Reply #42 - 30 December 2006, 22:07:26
well that was fast ... discovered the DGIV grapple turbo pack - came up here to report - found reported already
*and* the new DLL. Now that's service! :beer: :wor:

Dan - a cosmetic request. A less graphically invasive method to hit eject. Maybe a eject button like the one you did on
the emergency canopy release button.

Here ya go, the "Safe / Arm" ejection area looks great. Make that a "safe / arm" cover like the emergency power and
canopy release functions with the actual eject button under the Safe / Arm cover.  
Yeah - that's ticket.    ....  if it were me.  8)

My god - it's full of stars !

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Reply #43 - 30 December 2006, 22:09:19
You mean than the handle on the bottom of panel ? but this is a very common
eject handle... I love it :sad:

You can hit three time ESC also ;)


Post Edited ( 12-30-06 22:12 )

Offline Tachyon

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Reply #44 - 30 December 2006, 22:12:07
bug report: DG3&4  ... main panel > select orbit with data only on right MFD > select orbit with orbit graphic only on
the left hand MFD > now, go to upper or lower panel then back to center panel. Both panels are now the same
setting. Seems to default to the right hand MFD

My god - it's full of stars !

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Reply #45 - 30 December 2006, 22:15:43
Thank you Dan for giving us this Beta test DG to play with!!!!!

I flew from MIR to ISS and tested the MMU.  "E" is supposed to let me back into my ship but it doesn't seem to be working.  I
then left that astronaut behind due to key failure and headed off for the ISS and tested your docking computer.  I'm
impressed. I activated the docking computer 60km away from the ISS and it did an approaching and a docking flawlessly.  I
tested the computers ability to dock at various ports and it performed very well.  I've never had docking problems but this
is an added bonus. Thanks.

What's up with the E key?

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Reply #46 - 30 December 2006, 22:19:49
DanSteph wrote:
You mean than the handle on the bottom of panel ? but this is a very common
eject handle... I love it :sad:

You can hit three time ESC also ;)


yeah - that was what I was talking about.   I thought you'd be attached to it....  :)       It's just that it takes up so
much space. I was even thinking a neat little 3 second digital count down timer next to it. [the single button idea]

My god - it's full of stars !

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Reply #47 - 30 December 2006, 22:24:41
Genesis wrote:
Thank you Dan for giving us this Beta test DG to play with!!!!!
I flew from MIR to ISS and tested the MMU.  "E" is supposed to let me back into my ship but it doesn't
seem to be working.  What's up with the E key?

either the ship is full either the airlock was not open, either you have an old Ummu.dll.

In the new version (BETA 3 not released yet) a girl voice will warn you when you press "E"
with three differents sound:
-if the ship is full
-if the airlock is closed
-if you are too far from airlock

It will be more clear like that...


Post Edited ( 12-30-06 22:34 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #48 - 30 December 2006, 22:27:51
Tachyon wrote:
yeah - that was what I was talking about.   I thought you'd be attached to it....  :)    

Also I love to think about those that wonder what is it... :badsmile:

"-Ok, finally made it to jupiter after 5 years trip... pweee... I'll save just after rounding my orbit..."
"-uh oohh ? what's this strange things on the bottom panel... can we click on it ?"



Post Edited ( 12-30-06 22:31 )

Offline Hubleman

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Reply #49 - 30 December 2006, 23:02:18
DanSteph wrote:
Tachyon wrote:
yeah - that was what I was talking about.   I thought you'd be attached to it....  :)    

Also I love to think about those that wonder what is it... :badsmile:

"-Ok, finally made it to jupiter after 5 years trip... pweee... I'll save just after rounding my orbit..."
"-uh oohh ? what's this strange things on the bottom panel... can we click on it ?"

