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Author Topic: Any way to set generator fail in scenario?  (Read 2918 times)

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05 October 2004, 17:17:15

I had a look at the "ascend trouble" scenario today and I was wondering... would it be possible to modify the scenario so
that also the generators fail and you have to switch to emergency power first?
Unfortunately, the scenario configuration for DGIII does not seem to be documented well...
I would appreciate any hints...


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #1 - 05 October 2004, 23:28:21
Hello Phil,

What you need to do is to edit the scenario and replace the lines:

Apu_start 2
Gen1 2
Gen2 2


Apu_start 1
Gen1 1
Gen2 1

This will make ALL the power fail instantly when the scenario start, user will need
to start the emergency cell, put the selector on emergency, aknowledge all the error
(all the red button) and put on the system again.

Hope this help ?



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Reply #2 - 06 October 2004, 02:41:30
think he means a way to schedule the failure, or make it random.
though, that is nifty :)

Offline Phil

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Reply #3 - 06 October 2004, 11:32:56

What you need to do is to edit the scenario and replace the lines:

Apu_start 2
Gen1 2
Gen2 2


Apu_start 1
Gen1 1
Gen2 1

That is exactly what I want. I have not had time to test it, but I was thinking... Would the user not be able to switch to
start battery and then just reactivate the apu and the gens?
Or am I mistaken?
Hmm... I could perhaps just set the batt to 0% as well... ;-) satistical me *g*
Anyway, thanks for your help.


Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #4 - 06 October 2004, 13:16:03
I think you can set the batter level to 0 yes. Lemme see..
LevelBatt 100.0002
Put it down to something ridiculous :)

Emergency_power 10000.0000
You can also restrict emergency power, so the user has to deactivate some systems to start the APUs. I am not sure
how the power consuption and distribution works, Dan will know exact figures. But it would be nifty if one would have
to deactivate life support in order to use emergency power. Even though this would not be for a long time, we ALL
have a problem with deactivating LSS :)

Heh, maybe if you set this to 1
FailComputerBlueScreen 0
you start with a screwed up computer and you need to restart it again. Adds to confusion and realism, but isn't
dangerous as such :)

Anyway, I'm just guessing, I can't test it now.



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

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Reply #5 - 06 October 2004, 16:17:07
I just tried it.

I changed the scenario like this:

Apu_start 1
Gen1 1
Gen2 1
LevelBatt 10.0

this was semi-successful.

On scenario startup the generators fail allright and with too low voltage from the battery, I can't restart the apu.
One problem remains: since the emergency fuel cell also powers the start bus, you can savely reactivate the apu and gens
after switching to emergency power.
It seems there is no way to make the generators or apu actually "broken" like you can with the computer or the engines.

Thanks for all the help :)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #6 - 07 October 2004, 08:18:46
No you can't really "brake" them :) You could possibly reduce the emergency power too. On the other hand leaving
no option to restart the APUs is a rather pessimistic way to start a mission.

Another idea comes to mind. I don't know if it would work though. The are solar panels on the DGIII. Now assuming
those things actually are implemented it is reasonable to assume that they would in time power up the battery, so
you'd have enough power to start the APUs and use the emergency power meanwhile to sustain the ship.. All you
need to do is then set the scenario so that the battery is JUST below the threshold of power needed to start the
APUs. IT still isn't broken, but requires a bit more knowledge of the player..

Would that work Dan? Do the solar panels actually charge the battery when deployed?



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Phil

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Reply #7 - 07 October 2004, 10:42:13
I think you are referring to the deployable radiator. That's no solar panel.
The radiator is used to vent extra heat from the craft into space. It works just like the space shuttle's.
Plus, I think, it is not implemented. When in orbit, I can sustain cabin temp indefinitely with the radiator stowed. Any
plans to implement that, Dan?

I think, I'll just start with low emergency power so that you have only a minute or so to restore energy and regain control
of the DG.


« Last Edit: 07 October 2004, 11:47:55 by Phil »

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #8 - 07 October 2004, 11:47:55
Hm, yeah, you're right. I didn refer to the radiator, BUT the top side of the radiator looks like a set of solar panels..
Again, I very much doubt it actually generates power.

As for the radiator itself, I think it has some minor influence to reduce the power consuption required to keep the
cabin at the neede temperature. It doesn't cool down the cabin directly, rather it reduces the power load on the
equipment that does.


« Last Edit: 07 October 2004, 11:47:55 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15