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Author Topic: Air Orbiter skinjob :)  (Read 7294 times)

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Offline DocHoliday

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22 July 2004, 09:27:05
Hey guys,

I just finished the painjob for Gladiator for the Air Orbiter edition of DGIII to be used in their fleet. So I thought I'd
also make it available to you guys. Heheh, sweepstakes! Can anyone find my secret signature. Every artist signs his
work SOMEWHERE :) see if you can dig it out :) And looking at the .dds file directly is not allowed :)

I don't have a screenshot but Dan could you add that to the Skin sticky?



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline Krytom

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Reply #1 - 22 July 2004, 10:10:43
Found it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):):)

That wasn't too difficult, you'll need to be more subtle next time Doc. ;)

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #2 - 22 July 2004, 10:18:01
I agree.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #3 - 22 July 2004, 10:18:08
Heheh, good job. Well I didn't really expect it would stand out so obviously :) but I was too tired to run the whole
process of editing, converting and testing again :)

Anyway, I didn't really mean it to be too subtle :) but then again, few people ever look at the DG from bottom
upwards. We usually watch it from high down or from the front when it orbit. Right?

Good to see the skin works though ;) You always run a risk something will go wrong or you forgot something with
this things.

EDIT: Acutally I was gonna put something along the lines of JUST MARRIED there, since it looks like the perfect spot, but decided against it :)

Post Edited ( 07-22-04 10:19 )


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #4 - 22 July 2004, 10:31:49
hehe. now that makes me want to give out that skin that I've got again..... :)

But I'd need something to host it. I've got nothing...

Offline Krytom

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Reply #5 - 22 July 2004, 10:47:17
Some ISPs give you free webspace.
It's kind of ironic that one of the only people to not have free space is Freespace. :)

One of us could probably host it. Dan has a nice big server, I don't have too much room, but you could find someone.

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #6 - 22 July 2004, 10:48:46
LOL Krytom!

I have a few megs free :) Send it over. I can also make a statistics site for you, so you can spy on the people who download the
skin :)

Post Edited ( 07-22-04 10:49 )


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #7 - 22 July 2004, 10:56:24
Hey, I have lots of space on my hard drive, and I paid less than $1 for every gigabyte. That's practically free. ;)

I'll get it ready and send it to you in a few minutes doc, I'll let you know when I do. ;)

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #8 - 22 July 2004, 11:51:29
Okay, Freespaces highly acclaimed, anticipated and oh so very often advertised skin :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #9 - 22 July 2004, 12:11:47
DocHoliday wrote:
Okay, Freespaces highly acclaimed, anticipated and oh so very often advertised skin :)



And it was released on my birthday. so It's kinda like my present to you guys. :)

Post Edited ( 07-22-04 12:26 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #10 - 22 July 2004, 13:16:19
Hehe, happy birtday. And you be 20 then? Hail Orwell :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #11 - 22 July 2004, 13:20:28
Well, technically, I won't be 20 until 11:58 tonight Central time, which is still a few hours away.... but yes, I'll no
longer be a teenager. :(

And I have a sucky day at school today. 10 hours of work. :grrr:

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #12 - 22 July 2004, 14:26:37
Hehe, when DO you sleep anyways? Must be early morning at your place, and you've been posting ever since I got

Hehe, thanks Dan. The skin fits into the bunch nicely :) Isn't too much design-wise BUT I had a REALLY hard time,
getting the gray color on the curved edge along the length of the fuselage ... It is not a straight like in the .dds even
though it looks like on in 3D view :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 22 July 2004, 14:43:51
freespace2dotcom wrote:
And it was released on my birthday. so It's kinda like my present to you guys. :)

Happy birthday Freespace :gift:


Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #14 - 22 July 2004, 14:51:33
thanks, dan. :)

Actually, I sleep on a very sporadic schedule. I had woke up at about midnight, and now it's about 8:00AM. and it'll
probably be midnight again before I sleep again. :)

Well, it's time for me to leave on my 10 hour school trip. And after that my Birthday party, and after that, 12 hours of
sleep, so it might be a few days before I get around to posting again. but I'll find some time inbetween most likely..

until then.

Post Edited ( 07-22-04 14:52 )

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #15 - 22 July 2004, 15:03:38
Have fun :)


"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #16 - 22 July 2004, 15:39:40
I probably won't have fun, on account of the fact that I just realized that the signature I put on the ship is likely
backwards because I didn't check it before I gave it to you, doc. (d'oh!) :pfff:

I realized that as I was on the bus to school. *sigh*

I'll fix it sometime... I hate obvious errors like that..

"I'm stuuuupid" :)

Offline Shmi

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Reply #17 - 22 July 2004, 17:38:59
Happy Birthday Freespace! :gift: Have a good party! :beer:

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #18 - 22 July 2004, 17:45:41
Well, to be honest, I miss the days when I looked forward to my birthdays. Somewhere around 16 or so my family
decided that I was too old for presents, and wanted me to get a job. from that day on I never wanted another
birthday again...

yet they still come! it's not fair!!

Offline AphelionHellion

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Reply #19 - 22 July 2004, 20:37:15
Doc: Other good places to hide a sig include inside the radiator compartment and on the inside of the pilot's canopy. I
put stuff in both those places on the BMAI skin, including e-mail address, which might have been a really bad idea in hindsight :)

Freespace: Happy birthday!!! :drunk: :beer: :friend: :drink:
(Ok I know you're not 21 yet, but I won't tell if you don't)  :turning:

I'm downloading your repaint right now. You didn't hide anything obscene in the wheel wells, didja?
Because if not, you missed a great opportunity :)

Post Edited ( 07-22-04 20:49 )

< [yellow]C[/yellow]arpe [yellow]N[/yellow]octem! >

Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #20 - 23 July 2004, 05:29:40
yeah, I'm finally home from school. I've got some homework that needs to be done, but I don't have that class for
another week. I just had the weirdest homemade pizzas ever. They were GOOD! :)

tortilla shells for the crust, and sausage, pepperonni, onions, and green peppers along with loads of cheese and
sauce. It was almost like eating one big taco. :)

My uncle gave me an anime magazine. Straight from this month even. As of july '04, we americans are so far behind in
anime it's not even funny. I am so far ahead of what was in that magazine, it even had an article in it mentioning
asian kung-fu generation. super funny since we all know that I've known about them for a rather long time. but even
better than the magazine, my uncle gave me an anti-bush T-shirt. I'm gonna wear it next time I'm at school.. I'll be
sure to raise some heads.. :)

My mother tried to postpone the party until sunday, under the assumption that I'd be too tired and have school
tommorrrow. Neither is true, and I'm quite ready to stay up until dawn if I have to. Keep in mind that I've been up
since midnight. But I'm wired. I gotta try and drink a liter of soda an hour to keep from collapsing due to exhasution.
But it's perfectly doable. :) (and yes, soda is measured in liters here. :) It has been since forever it seems.)

I don't drink though, nor ever will. My parents kinda showed me what it's like to be an alcoholic through their actions
when I was growing up, and it still plagues my family to this day, although not as bad... In any case, it scarred me
and I have no temptations to drink whatsoever. I'm looking forward to the cake though.. Pure chocolate cake with
chocolate everything If they heeded my request, but only time will tell. I'll send you guys a pic if I can get my hands
on the digital camera for long enough..

I've checked the skin I made and yes it was turned backwards, but I don't think it's very readable because of the
position it's in so I'll leave it as is and hopefully nobody will care. :)

Well. thanks all. and to AH, no I didn't put anything in the tires, but I was very tempted to make a new tire design,
but it was too hard to get it the way I wanted it and be perfect like the default one is so I just said crew it. :)

Well, Enjoy.

Offline AphelionHellion

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Reply #21 - 23 July 2004, 06:44:49
Freespace: Yeah, I know what you mean - I know too many recovering alchoholics to allow myself to get in the habit of
drinking. I do on occasion when I really, really need...well... a drink :)
But occasions bad enough to qualify for that happen perhaps once every 2 years or so :drink:

Well, to be honest, I miss the days when I looked forward to my birthdays.
Agh, amen brother!!
I always knew that someday I'd stop looking forward to my birthdays (like my parents did :) ) but I had no idea it'd
happen before I even turned 21! :wall:

I had fun with the wheels on the BMAI skin - they're actually alloy wheels from some custom hot-rod website :)
I prefer messing with the outside, though. Bigger "canvas."

< [yellow]C[/yellow]arpe [yellow]N[/yellow]octem! >

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #22 - 23 July 2004, 08:52:41
HEhe, well, I consider birthdays as my personal holliday. Not to say that I am looking forward to it, but I do feel nice
when it comes around. I think of it as sort of "Independence" day. Well, I did start breathing independendly on that
day, my blood circulation became internal, umbillical cords were cut, APU started.. umm lungs.. All in all the Shuttle
was ready for liftoff :)

I have a few other personal holidays. I hate traditional holidays, because they are really watered down by
commercial interests and people start acting really wacko around major holidays like Xmas. Americans especially :) :)
Seen if first hand in Xmas 1999 :)

Anyway, I have my Independence Day (when I moved to live on my own), I have the First Command Day (the day I
was first in charge of the whole company, while the boss was away on holiday), I have your regular Anniversary with
my GF, I celebrate New Year (make plans for the following year) and I commemorate on the Day of the Dead (mostly
evaluating my life and establishing if my ancestors would deem me a failure or be proud of me)

So, enjoy your birthday. this is really one of the few days in the year that is actually dedicated to you and you
alone :) At least you should treat yourself. I make it a point to allow myself something for birthday I otherwise don't
dare do :)

About alcohol. I drink only at parties (which are not frequent) and with good friends, but never alone and never more
than one evening at a time. At least not now. When I was still in a Student Association that was different, but
fortunatelly I never came to... craving alcohol. Actually I was always glad just to get passed the hangover :) So what
you say is true, but to use alcohol to relax at a party occasionally isn't that bad. 2-3 beers or wine, whichever. Maybe
a good idea to stay away from the hard stuff tho :)



"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15

Offline UAF_Lt_Brenton

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Reply #23 - 23 July 2004, 11:41:21
Just one thing: :off:

« Last Edit: 23 July 2004, 12:07:41 by UAF_Lt_Brenton »

:hot: "Sir, we have a smiley blocking engine 3..."

Offline DocHoliday

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Reply #24 - 23 July 2004, 12:07:41
True, but the topic is basically finished. It was more of an announcement anyway...

« Last Edit: 23 July 2004, 12:07:41 by DocHoliday »

"Mood is a matter of choice. I choose to have fun!" -Vidmarism No 15