Here's what happened: I was doing the scenario where you have to rescue the people in a spinning DGIII
orbiting the moon. Everything went well, until I tried to do an EVA with the crippled ship. Orbiter crashed. I
was pretty pissed, since I was about to comlete the scenario. Anyway, the only time I've seen this happen is
when there's a texture that's incompatible with my video card (ARGB textures). But all the textures were fine
when I checked it with dxtex. It's really strange, because normally the MMU works fine... I was able to
replicate it by making the whole crew take a spacewalk and then spinning around, but only once. I don't
know what causes it, but it ALWAYS happens on the crippled ship in that scenario. Any ideas, Dan?
PS: I posted this in the orbiter forum, but you didn't respond, so I posted it here.