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Author Topic: Strange Crash to Desktop when using DGIII EVA... sometimes?  (Read 2307 times)

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03 March 2004, 00:42:14
Here's what happened: I was doing the scenario where you have to rescue the people in a spinning DGIII
orbiting the moon. Everything went well, until I tried to do an EVA with the crippled ship. Orbiter crashed. I
was pretty pissed, since I was about to comlete the scenario. Anyway, the only time I've seen this happen is
when there's a texture that's incompatible with my video card (ARGB textures). But all the textures were fine
when I checked it with dxtex. It's really strange, because normally the MMU works fine... I was able to
replicate it by making the whole crew take a spacewalk and then spinning around, but only once. I don't
know what causes it, but it ALWAYS happens on the crippled ship in that scenario. Any ideas, Dan?

PS: I posted this in the orbiter forum, but you didn't respond, so I posted it here.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #1 - 03 March 2004, 01:49:02

Know problem after hours and hours of search and after I commented
all the code (don't execute) I did find the culprit: the panel.

Stock plane from Orbiter make error also but it seem that the exact combination of DGIII
panel + fullscreen mmu panel in the scenario "spinning" make Orbiter crash
instead of simply make a "release error" in the orbiter.log as stock ship.

So it seem there is an odd things happening with the panel and the problem is
in Orbiter code himself. (I ended with ALL the line commented appart the panel
declaration wich is the same that the stock deltaglider and shuttlea)
The difference is that the mmu have a full panel.

I emailed to martin about that and I'll look if this is corrected in a futur beta
of orbiter.

So at this time there is nothing I can do.


Offline BManx2000

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Reply #2 - 03 March 2004, 03:02:16
Bah that sucks :(
Oh well, thanks for the prompt reply. I hope it gets fixed soon, or those poor guys will run out of air ;)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #3 - 03 March 2004, 10:18:30
BManx2000 wrote:
Bah that sucks :(

This exactly what I said during two day while searching the problem ;)

anyway the problem will be fixed by the next orbiter version, the mmu
will have only a virtual cockpit (3d helmet).


Offline reekchaa

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Reply #4 - 04 March 2004, 22:57:09
DanSteph wrote:
> the problem will be fixed by the next orbiter version,
> the mmu will have only a virtual cockpit (3d helmet).
COol! ...any limitations with HUD/font display using virtual cockpits?  -Se réjouir !

~ the Reekchaa

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #5 - 05 March 2004, 07:47:25
Martin is able to display his hud without problem, it follow also the head orientation
so I think we would be able to do the same


« Last Edit: 05 March 2004, 07:47:25 by DanSteph »