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Author Topic: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS !  (Read 1764 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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  • Hein, quoi !?
    • FsPassengers
14 February 2004, 17:23:20

crew unload/load aboard the ship, on ground or in space.
ships crew list is updated, all work as expected.

I will do (tonight) the lifesupport part of the Mmu
so he breath and die if something goes wrong.

I think about a litle release with all that tomorrow or after tomorrow.
(will miss the mmu's hud and some litle things but even it'll worth the

You'll be able to put your "boss/ex girlfriend/worse ennemy"
name as passenger and eject him in space with 1 hour O2 left only :)
(Or fun stuff while you can open the door while hovering you can eject
him from 5'000 meter and watch it fall)

"happy, but have litle headeach now"

« Last Edit: 14 February 2004, 18:05:39 by DanSteph »

Offline ChristopherT

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Reply #1 - 14 February 2004, 18:05:38
     Well Dan, in one stroke we've gone from the $100.00 Hamburger to the $1,000,000.00
Hamburger.  Who will be the first to model a "Joe's Diner: Home of the 10 Cent Coffee" in
LEO?  :applause:  :)


  (Who stole my cents symbol off this keyboard?  Some of us still use them! :)  )

« Last Edit: 14 February 2004, 18:05:39 by ChristopherT »