From my experience the mind is something really flexible
and LSD from this point of view is really dangerous....
(many civilisation that take peyotl psylocibine mescalin or other psy
drug have an heavy background to help them support it
without falling in craziness... this isn't our case)
I had tried it sometime when I was young (only 1/2 or 1/4)
and everytime had a conscient feeling that there was like a dark part
near you that you should not try to explore.... bad thinking that
can lead you to craziness. I applied then the "light & positive thinking"
method as a safeguard.
My worse experience was taking one alone and I think it
was the last time also.
The brain is a wonderful machine, you can do whatewer you want
with it (I mean physical experience)
This drug rendered me even more septical over all the "marvelous"
"x-file" experience that some people encounter... I know that if you WANT
to see small green people or whatewer.. the brain will create a movies
or "full real" sensation specially for you this isn't a problem.... the button
are here you just need to push the right one.
Even, best wish for your "patching"....