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Author Topic: Configurable HUD  (Read 10489 times)

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Offline reekchaa

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15 March 2003, 23:00:27
Not to press at all, Dan, but I'm always anxious to hear about the progress of stuff.  :)

I remember seeing some Incredible views of a Customizable HUD and the configuration program
that went along with it... at the tail-end of an older thread in the 'Now-Down Orbiter' forum.

I was wondering how much the framerate was hit, if much of the code was finished and if there
were other obstacles involved in creating this selectable HUD display.

Did anyone Else drool over that as much as I did?    :friend:

~ the Reekchaa

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Reply #1 - 15 March 2003, 23:05:08
            reekchaa wrote:

> Not to press at all, Dan, but I'm always anxious to hear about
> the progress of stuff.  :)
> I remember seeing some Incredible views of a Customizable HUD
> and the configuration program
> that went along with it... at the tail-end of an older thread
> in the 'Now-Down Orbiter' forum.
> I was wondering how much the framerate was hit, if much of the
> code was finished and if there
> were other obstacles involved in creating this selectable HUD
> display.
> Did anyone Else drool over that as much as I did?    :friend:

I'm also wondering when we can get this addon.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 16 March 2003, 01:59:54

I was busy late with the doc and this forum to code and now
I'm back on duty on the dgII. I will first terminate the calculator
(should be complete in one hours)
Then I must fix various things and clean the code careffuly
to increase performance mainly on the lower panel.
After that I will add some more feature as the seat belt
(don't forget it anymore in the next release)
and have a look about G calculus... (adding the planet's G would
be great but is somewhat complicated)

and after I will continue the HUD stuff. The main boring things
is to convert the data in US measure while keeping the scale unit
I'm not familiar at all with imperial unit so if someone
have a page that explain those unit completely with
the scale from dozen to billion or more.

About next release I canno't give you a date its depend of too many things
but I would say not much than two week (but it may be one week)

About HUD performance the main panel will not have less framerate
than the lower panel displaying, the hud isn't much work than displaying
a normal display.

And after next release I will start to have a look about failure.
(starting failure before completion of almost all the system would
be a bad things)



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Reply #3 - 16 March 2003, 02:02:33
   Yea, I was wondering the exact same thing myself, but I see Dan putting out new stuff
every few days. So I figure we will be seeing this real soon.

In the meantime I couldn't be more pleased with all the goodies Dan is providing for us.


Offline reekchaa

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Reply #4 - 16 March 2003, 04:02:19
You got some busy schedule, Dan.

Now that MartinS' forum is down, It's hard to remember all the Imperial Conversions you had
planned.  Do you still have the screen-shots/working HUD images that you had posted on his
site ?  

I'm not sure if you want to post them again and get everyone demanding More of you, but i'm sure
we could help.  I'd say bypass the 'boring' stuff myself... Metric works fine for me.

~ the Reekchaa

Offline bgreman

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Reply #5 - 16 March 2003, 06:21:37
Metric works fine for me too, and I'm born and raised in the imperial system.  I just wanted surface-
reference data, and I already got those with the deorbiting display.


Houston...we've flushed our toilet.

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 16 March 2003, 12:40:41
Oh well, then I suppose I can make a metric display
if I have time I can add later the us system...


Offline sebfly

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Reply #7 - 16 March 2003, 23:06:01
Let's just stick to is metric... :)

By the way, the pressure unit in the Life support system is psia....shouldn' it be hPa like on the
surface MFD??? ;)

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #8 - 16 March 2003, 23:30:41
You'r absolutely right Seb,

The page where I found my life data was in psia
and I was to *just a bit as usuall* in a hurry.      

But I will hang personnaly the guy that invented all those
different mesure system... where is it ? what's his name ?


Offline sebfly

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Reply #9 - 17 March 2003, 14:15:49
Hello Dan,
What do you mean about a scale in the milion or bilion about the standard vs metric unit
conversion. Maybe I can help, I know both systems well.
Let me know.



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Reply #10 - 17 March 2003, 15:15:20
Has anyone thought of making a dll for the cockpits (programable) that would use
Flight Sim Toolkits cockpit Tool Editor this program was made by Domark.
FST's cockpit tool could be used for custom cockpits in orbiter if some one made a dll
that can read in the FMD file format that tells the instument type and positons x,y,z etc.
from this Flight Sim Toolkit Cockpit tool. (For programable Huds also)

Just a Thought.

Below is Robs post for the web link
Author: Rob
Date:   03-16-03 10:18

Great Idea! Unfortunatly I dont have the programming skills to create a dll myself but I am sure
someone coud. FST is a great porgram and is easy to use, many more addons could be created is
a dll was made. Go to for more information on FST.

I hope it is possible

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #11 - 17 March 2003, 15:47:39
Sebfly wrote:
>What do you mean about a scale in the milion or bilion about the standard vs metric unit
>conversion. Maybe I can help, I know both systems well.
>Let me know.

Things like what is 1000 miles ? Kmiles ?  :)

Anyway I will go for metric in a first step

There is no "instrument" in Orbiter all are custom made.


Offline sebfly

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Reply #12 - 18 March 2003, 14:04:57
Ok Dan, I see what u mean...I don't think there is anything like that for these units. They really are
not practical... In the states I was doing some mechanical work and all the tools are in fraction of
inches so if a 7/16th wrench is too small, what's the next size up??? It always was a hassle for
me...Needless to say I was promoting the metric system every occasion I had, even if it probably
didn't change things...
I believe NASA switched to metric for good a while ago now...So space is metric... :p

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #13 - 18 March 2003, 14:21:02
A mars sonde was lost because they mistaken in the program
beetween metric and imperial if I recall well. ?



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Reply #14 - 18 March 2003, 21:14:26
Exactly... someone screwed up their english-metric conversion.

Personally, I like metrics for orbital stuff, but for atmospheric flight (shuttle landings, etc.) I'd like to
be able to switch the surface MFD and HUD to english.

« Last Edit: 18 March 2003, 21:14:26 by icebrain »