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Author Topic: G-SNDO NEWS: reentry on jupiter  (Read 7267 times)

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Offline DanSteph

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21 March 2003, 14:25:32

ouch ! 44.05km/s ? that make about 158'580 km/h. that will be an hot day.

Anyway aerobraking would be a difficult task here unless you divide
it in several orbit.

temperature profile are ready for earth venus and mars... now I'm working on

The atmosphere parameter are slighlty wrong in Orbiter while Venus and Mars
atmosphere limit jump suddenly form 0 to some higher value.... About jupiter
there is no atmosphere defined in the config file.
In the doc there will be the modification you should make to your config file
to match the DGII one so reentry will be right.

About Jupiter there is a problem.... there is no "surface"  and the "0" of the planet
is usually defined at 1 atm (1 bar)  but if I put this in the config file you will reenter
at the same height than on earth and will be able to land gently on a surface at the same
atmosphere pressure than earth.
So I modified it to 200 bar at alt 0 and the reentry will start at about 1200km for a speed
of 40 km/s.

After jupiter I will work on some other planet that have atmosphere as  titan

I plan an intermediate release soon with feature added for now:
-new calculator display inside

-flashing light , warning, strobe, don't flash anymore like hell when time warping.... thinking about
it now there was no reason to make them follow the time warp.... ??!!

-atmosphere profile temperature calculated for earth mars venus and jupiter other have generic temperature

-space temperature calculated.

-new ascent program for mars PRO904

-new scenario to start on mars

-reentry prediction now work for mars, venus and jupiter

-corrected a bug with warning O2

-landed at kcs scenario updated so ISS is in position for an immediate  launch at 43°

-reentry autopilot can go to +60° this can be usefful for reentry at high speed.

-added two and four years O2 reserve.

(read other topic for more news )



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Reply #1 - 21 March 2003, 15:50:49
Yikes! I hear the weather is nasty there. If I do make a landing I'm going to want to get off quick.
But how is the DGII able to escape this gaint? Fuel will be the limiting factor here. Although Jupiter
does have a rapid rotation, maybe it will fling the DGII off. hehe:turning:


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #2 - 21 March 2003, 17:10:31
Harmsway wrote:
> But how is the DGII able to escape this gaint? Fuel will be the
> limiting factor here.

I don't think there is a way to escape this one with technology
that seem to be used in the DGII howewer what could be fun is to try aerobraking
and later do a rendez-vous with Jupiter's sattelite.

But it will still be a challenge.


Offline MattNW

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Reply #3 - 21 March 2003, 21:39:06
Get off Jupiter quick? 8o

That is something I want to see. I've tried it with the Heavy Gravity Lander to no avail (It just sits
there and burns up all it's fuel. Doesn't work with unlimited fuel either). I don't think there is a ship
in Orbiter that can escape Jupiter although it may be possible to modify one.


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Reply #4 - 22 March 2003, 00:46:41
McGeorge Bundy? LOL :D How about Hunter S Thompson? Heart Rate 176 beats per min.

Good stuff Dan, thanks very much...


Offline galileo

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Reply #5 - 25 March 2003, 19:55:23
DanSteph wrote:
"I plan an intermediate release soon with feature added for now:
 -new ascent program for mars PRO904
 -new scenario to start on mars..."

Just one question concerning Mars (at least "my Mars" :wonder: ):
Atmosphere ends sharply at 20k altitude. Is this normal? And will the AP prog mentioned above
work with this mars model, or is there a better one available?

Looking forward to the next release

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #6 - 25 March 2003, 21:09:54
Atmosphere are obviously wrong for Mars and venus as they start sundenly
and also wrong for jupiter while there is no atmosphere here,
I'm currently in contact with seth and chris that make texture package
so we can release the same atmosphere number in config file.

What worry me the much is that you will need to edit manually the cfg
to correct the wrong parameter , this is not a big job but I don't like
this, for me a good package is one that you click "install" and it work.

If you have no add-on like planet texture you will be able to install
another zip located into the deltagliderII documentation that correct the
atmosphere parameter without headeach.

With any luck if we submit the same number to Martin he will correct
this for the next version.

I think the AP work for both corrected and base atmosphere even
I didn't test it already with the new atmosphere. But the reentry will
be false not to speak about a rentry that start suddenly at 20k.



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Reply #7 - 26 March 2003, 01:28:53
Dan...did you try my version of Jupiter out yet? It might need an atmosphere height adjustment
but I think you'll find the moving clouds a real visual treat. See:


« Last Edit: 26 March 2003, 01:28:54 by VF2_Rolf »