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Author Topic: Orbiter Solar Nations II: Conquering Saturn - Please have a look!  (Read 4486 times)

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Offline Xianus

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06 November 2006, 11:57:06
I want to invite all of you to the second edition of OSN story. Some if you may ask: what is OSN? It's a sci fi story in
Orbiter universe, where every user/participant/player plays a different role. However in this thread we want to make
everything more realistic. That means no lasers, no Faster-Than-Light travel, no aliens. It is based on Orbiter annyway,
right? :) Here goes our concept for the storyline:

The third world war is still raging on earth. The Orient Coalition and The Occident Alliance(ok, the names sux, we
could change them) have been fighting for years to gain total control over planetary resources. Fearing the end of
the human race, third party groups have decided to leave with colony ships for the Saturn Sector. After months, they
finally arrive at destination and start terraforming every little moon they can find, knowing they won't come back...
It's chaos. Mexico is occupied by oriental forces, while Europe is in ruins. The United-States lost a quarter of their
population to nuclear detonations, and Asian countries are substaining constant orbital strike from the Allied Fleet.

In Saturn Sector, planetary terraforming is complete. Some small villages and cities are formed, but without any law
forces, piracy is but one of the dangerous threats...
On Earth, Allied Command give the order to use the 500megaton antimatter warhead. It's the biggest quantity of
antimatter ever created as a weapon. The detonation destroy most of Russia and China. The heat destroys the
ecosystem and dust clouds cover most of the globe. The human race is resigned to hide in bunkers in order to
survive. Every animal and vegetal life on the planet dies. Even after this castratophic event, Allied and Coalition
starships are still fighting in orbit.

The first peace treaty in 15 years in signed between fleet admirals in earth's orbit. Both fleet have no contact with
the ground. They're possibly all dead.Some ships from the newly formed Terran Alliance are dispatched to investigate
Saturn Sector.

What the fleet finds is terrible. War will never stop. Pirates are attacking small colonies, Alliances are formed all over
the sector simply to eliminate the other. The terran Fleet decide to bring order to chaos...
Any player would control a single character or a small group of characters. the possible choices for a "nation" would
Terran Alliance: Be it a capitol ship captain, a frigate captain, a fighter pilot, a marine, a spy, a trash technician :)
Pirate: There could be a lot of pirate factions, or you could even be alone, hunting for your own needs.
Freelance: Trader? Selfnominated Police officer?
Faction member: Member of any of the factions(maybe as many as there are colonized moons?) again, captain, pilot,
soldier, anything...

Here are the desriptions of some factions and moons.


After the Big Arrival in 2237 some of the colonists decided to settle on this little moon. Over time it has become the centre
of heavy industry and ship manufacturing in the Saturn sector. Because of the lack of atmosphere, people have to leave in the
underground shelters, or in surface domes. Current population is about 5 million. Solar collectors are placed all over the
surface to deliver huge amounts of electricity. Therefore power cells and ship components are main export goods. Large
distance from the rings forced all factories to import raw materials from inner colonies, so there is always a job for a
freighter pilot.

Also, many of our ideas are also posted on the OSN V thread.

I would really appreciate if admins would also join this story, because many of them were founders of the first OSN thread.
If you have any suggestions or you want to join, go on and share your thoughts.


Offline oli_chose123

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Reply #1 - 06 November 2006, 23:33:51
The goal of this is to mix what OSN was, and what it is now. Orbiter Solar Nations is a RP organization, where you get
to control a person or a group of person in an imagined universe, this time Saturn Sector and it's story.

Now here's the part where the old OSN playing system comes in. The second Goal is to develop your addon making
skills(if you don't have any, then it's the right place to start). IF you are, for exemple, a ship captain, then you can
model your ship, then add it to orbiter. You can also ask for help for anything, ranging from modelling to texturing,
putting your addon in orbiter, making ground bases, etc.

RPing is also called simming(to simulate, to sim). There are plenty of ways to write a story. We'll have a look at some
of them.

The first one is the basic one. You write a story. end.
The captain looked at his crew and nodded.
-Set course for Rhea.

This is mostly the type of writing we'll find in a book. It axes on details.

The second one is simpler, and is based on conversations.
-(captain)Set course for Rhea!
-(helm)yes sir. ETA is five minutes.
*The helm press the JUMP button*

Simple, efficient, but not so precise.

The third way is even less precise, but some people still use it.
-Set course for Rhea!
-Yes sir. ETA is five minutes
*The helm press the JUMP button*

To post out of subject conversations, write OOC at the start of your post. When you get back to your story in the
same post, you write IC:
for off topic(I don'T want to see that often) conversations, you use O/T

Since you control a character or a group of characters, and you are nto necessarely in the same faction of other
players, you will rarely interract with ther members, and the few times will only be by comm channels. We mostly do it
this way:
You have entered Terran Protected Space, please stand dowd and prepare for inspection

You usually wait for an anwser, or continue your post, having in mind that the other player will respond in his own

You should not take action for someone else, like act as if he anwsered your question, while he didn't even have time
to post. Take this into accoutn when writing your post.

You can interract with NPC(non-playable characters) like citizens or other crewmembers. Give them a name or name
them as "crew" or "civilian" or anything else.

The difference between this OSN and the old one is that you do not control an entire nation. You can be a pirate
captain, or any of the crewmembers. Terran Ship control is reserved to Admins. Anyway, they won't fight much,
because not much can damage them. You can still be a crewember of these big ships, or be a fighter pilot, anything
you want, except a bridge crew. You can also work at the HQ of any of saturn's moons. Working in a building or a
capitol ship will open the door for character evolution. OF course, if you want to keep it simple, then do so. Yo can
simply join or follow a plot started by admins, or go your own way, meet new people, etc. A lot of people have hidden
agendas, what's yours?

The best part :)
The first OSN went from DG tech to massive space stations, destructive laser, pulse and kinetic weapons, and
powerful shields to whistand the most dangerous nukes there is. It's time to limit that a bit. Of course, we're 250
years into the future, and since tech is evolving at an exponential rate, we still get powerful weapons and engines.

There can be different kind of propulsion systems. That means you can create your own, that is not too efficient.
There are may possibilities, but you have to take into account the fuel it uses. For exemple, Fusion is easy to do, but
antimatter need to be generated, and not evereybody has a collider in his back yard(that would be one hell of a back
yard). So, Fusion and Antimatter are standard. You can use others, or use these ones, but a small description of the
engine is needed. No jump drive, warp drive, hyperdrive, wormholes etc. IT takes months to reach Saturn from Earth,
but travel between moons are fast(hours).

Projectiles. End. Chemical weapons are cheap but do not use any energy, while railguns will pierce any armor it hits.
Some missiles and rockets are used. These can be kinetic weapons or explosives. Nukes are extremely rare and
expensive, but they create an EM field that disable any ship fas enough to evade the blast. Antimatter is too unstable
to be used as a weapon, but destroying a ship using this kind of propulsion will result in the biggest boom you've
ever seen. Lasers are experimental and are not that powerful, only Terran Capitol ships will get them, and they only
act as point defence or anti-fighter.

There won't be too much fighting in this OSN, unless you all want to. But sometimes, peace is good.

Armor, any kind of nown metal will suffice. You get plating, and not too mcuh, if you want to leave the surface of any
planet you landed on.

Here's the interesting part. You're free to do waht you want here. If you don't want to model a new ship, you can ask
another player to use the same type. Artificial gravity exists, but it's cost is high. Ships with rotation modules still
have a dampening field to prevent the crushing of the crew in high speed movements. Small fighters are gravity-less,
and more than 6 months without an actual weight is not recommended by the doctor.

There are a lot of modelling programs out there, and some are free. You do not have to model a ship, but it's
recommended. Try it.

I think that's about it for now. Join now and use your imagination, develop or find skills in making addons, and have

Post Edited ( 11-06-06 23:51 )

oli_chose123, President of the Mercurian Empire

Offline Xianus

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Reply #2 - 07 November 2006, 12:03:10
Even if you have no skills in addon making, don't worry. You can still "use" ships created by anyone - Clysedale ships are
good example, they've been used many times in previous OSN. Space 1999's Eagle, Orion, Firefly, DG-EX,Millenium Falcon (and of
course the mighty DGIII :wor: ) - there is a wide variety of already made ships. (Of course a little copyright is needed, but
i guess that every creator would like to popularize his ship that way)


Offline oli_chose123

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Reply #3 - 08 November 2006, 03:02:40
lol, I had fun writing that. There may be typos here and there, but I'd like your critics on that little story. This is what
Earth is after the Great Bomb(antimatter). We also have some flashes of what the war looked like before. Anyway, if
this little PR works, I plan on writing more about what happend to Earth, before and during the war, and what is
happening on earth during the actual RP.
The old Terran bunker covered the entire desert. The massive structure had been built to resist the most powerful
nuclear weapon, and was now used as the headquarter of the alliance´s remnants. More than a million refugees had
been moved to this area to protect them from the effect of the Great Bomb. Five hundred megatons of antimatter
explosive had been detonated over china, and the result was not only the complete destruction of the enemy
stronghold, but the end of vegetal live on Earth. The only sign of life was now the lights of bunkers, and the
explosions of artillery. Even after this disaster, the war was going on.

-come in, the commander said, annoyed by the little pitching sound of the bell.
A young lieutenant entered. It was the first time the junior officer ever had the chance to visit the commander´s work
room. His desk was covered by piles of files, most of them classed as confidential.
-Have a seat, lieutenant.

The young man followed the order and glanced at the files. Some of them were about enemy spies and infiltrated
agents, others about orbiting ship status. One even mentioned the successful test of faster-than-light technology.
But it wasn´t important.
-You know why you´re here? said the commander, sitting in his chair.
-I´m here to talk about the war, sir.
And he was right. Since the beginning of this disastrous conflict, every men and women had to join the military at the
age of fifteen, and quitting was out of the question. They had the possibility to learn any job they wanted, but the
only thing they would do in life would be related to a rifle, a computer or a bomb.

-We have a mission for you.

Simple, and lethal. The job was to engage a small Russian bunker in occupied European territory. It was full of
civilians, but, as every soldier had learned during training: "Shoot the enemy, whatever the rank is. Civilian is a rank!"
As terrible as it may sound, it worked. For the first time in history, nearly ninety percent of the losses on both sides
were civilians. It wasn´t a war for resources; it was a war for supremacy of the race. An extermination.

The young officer was quite happy with his orders. He would command a small group of elite troops, be parachuted in
Old Berlin, now a desert full of ruins, infiltrate an enemy bunker and sabotage the life support system. An easy job.
The lieutenant left the room and headed for the lockers. It was time for some action.

The Earth was destroyed, the empire the human had on the planet was crippled, there was more artillery craters on
battlefields than soldiers in whole armies, and there was less than one percent of oxygen in ambient air.

The old mark five VTOL(Vertical Take-Off and Landing) craft parachuted the ten men squad over the Old Berlin Desert.
They all hit the ground one after the other and jumped to ground a second later. The craft had missed the insertion
zone. They were way to close to the target building. The lieutenant looked at the plane only to see it explode. Anti-
air batteries were posted all over the sector, covering every square inches of the sky.

The lieutenant turned on his men.
-We move to position 32-A. The side door is easier to...
He never finished his sentence. Machine guns turned the environing terrain into a kill zone, incapacitating or killing
every soldiers in the way. After a minute, the lieutenant was looking at the corpses of all his men. The sand was
covered in blood, thanks to perforating bullets. There are many technologies to heal people, but it´s always easier to
kill him. If you can paint the ground in red while you´re doing it, it´s always better.

The clock was ticking, and the oxygen indicator going red. The lieutenant´s O2 tank had been hit. At least, carbon
dioxide poisoning was a swift death, as far as he knew.

Less than a minute.

Coalition soldiers had a look at their dead preys. It was a good day. Some easy killing for dinner. One of them
ordered the others to check the bodies for anything of value. It was common for alliance troops to find their soldiers
stripped of everything, sometimes even internal organs were missing.

One of them decided to investigate the lieutenant´s body. The young, dieing officer saw the enemy coming. He looked
at his air indicator, and at his belt. He remembered training:"After C-4, here´s C-5! Five times more powerful than its
predecessor, the little baby will blow any building or vehicle it´s glued on." The words came to his mind like those of a
commercial. He slowly pressed the button on his C-5 block, and reached for the detonator. The Russian soldier saw
the corpse move, but didn´t have time to shoot. The detonation vaporized everyone in a fifteen meter radius, leaving
glassed sand at the site.

This is what humans had become. What started as a war to save humanity turned into one to end it. Mankind had
developed thousands of way to exterminate itself, and was successful in this war. Soldiers were fighting, tanks were
shooting, walkers were crushing, space cruisers were bombing, and humanity was dieing.

The only hope for the survival of mankind was the colonists, who left Earth for the Saturn Sector at the start of the
conflict, fearing the end. But with every beginning comes an end. We learned from the past that every empire falls...
There are no exceptions...

Post Edited ( 11-08-06 03:23 )

oli_chose123, President of the Mercurian Empire

Offline voangers806

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Reply #4 - 08 November 2006, 04:12:06
oli_chose123 wrote:
There won't be too much fighting in this OSN, unless you all want to. But sometimes, peace is good.

I wouldn't say that, after reading your last post :)

voangers806, commander of KBF

Offline Xianus

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Reply #5 - 08 November 2006, 13:00:36
This was actually shown to persuade us NOT to fight like this... i guess...


Offline oli_chose123

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Reply #6 - 08 November 2006, 13:49:59
The fighting's done... Well, depending on the other players...
But that still doen't tell me how you like it :)

Now, we should get more people to post here, I think they aren't even reading the post... MAybe change the title a bit?

Post Edited ( 11-08-06 13:55 )

oli_chose123, President of the Mercurian Empire

Offline voangers806

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Reply #7 - 08 November 2006, 14:04:28
we could put a link to here in our sigs and spam the foum :)
and if it doesn't work out here, we could try on the french forum, as i know that the 3 of us can use french aswell

the story's... nice,i... like it. :pfff:
lol jk ;)

voangers806, commander of KBF

Offline Xianus

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Reply #8 - 08 November 2006, 15:08:50
No, actually i don't know even a word in french. :)

But we can move the whole thread to the main orbiter forum. Im pretty sure someone will join there. Oli, maybe you could
prepare a nice "overview" of our idea? Your posts seem to look more interesting than mine (my opinion)


Offline voangers806

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Reply #9 - 08 November 2006, 23:06:50
oh well, sry about that
well, i remember him telling me someone playing osn who were speaking french, must have linked you to it, as you're one of the only one left playing osn

Post Edited ( 11-08-06 23:11 )

voangers806, commander of KBF

Offline oli_chose123

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Reply #10 - 08 November 2006, 23:32:35
I posted something at the M6 off topic forum. Waitign for some anwsers...

oli_chose123, President of the Mercurian Empire

Offline NBH

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Reply #11 - 09 November 2006, 21:06:53
Yeah I joined my person is called logan look at my post that has the whole story about him.

Offline NBH

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Reply #12 - 10 November 2006, 22:45:50
What happened I thought on the orbiter fourm it was going good me and ar81 were the only one's who did join I. I like the Idea of that and I would like to start playing. Why don't I make a fourm that is only for that so we can do it all on one fourm.

Post Edited ( 11-10-06 22:47 )

Offline Katahu

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Reply #13 - 29 December 2006, 04:50:15
Well, considering that the M6 forum is currently down and I'm unable to visit it, I figured that this would be an
approprate place to post my concept designs.

If you have been keeping track of the latest stories of OSN II, then you will understand what I'm saying. These shots
are a concept design for Bratica's Sentinal fighters [which have yet to be mentioned in the story].

These fighters are piloted only by computers, therefore they have no cockpit. The computers are also capable of
learning any manouvers used by their foes. This makes the sentinal fighters very adaptive when faced with seasoned
human fighter pilots. And just like the sentinal troops, the fighters can hack into other systems. But since the Bratica's
hacking abilities are based entirely off of Terracorp's, every sentinal's hack abilities are completely inhibited when
faced with a strong firewall established by their enemies.

« Last Edit: 29 December 2006, 05:45:29 by Katahu »
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Offline DJ Barney

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Reply #14 - 29 December 2006, 05:27:33
Yeah...keep on going!

It would be excellent to see what could develop using a story line and realistic simulation as to the
actual time limits / fuel supplies needed, and so on.

How realistic are all those sol system conquest pulp novels anyway ?

How many space cadets go running when they grasp the gritty facts of space travel!?

Just a suggestion...IMO...DON'T throw out the original reason for Orbiter which is realistic
simulation. This is a gripe I have with many of the sci-fi add ons...they just tend to dump a
fictional ship in the Orbiter universe and then forget to implement the physics of the Universe
that the ship is from! Take the Super Millenium EXCELLENT piece of modelling
and texturing work...but where is the dll/library to implement Staw Wars Physics...the exotic
drive system of the Falcon that allows you to do spinning turns and "impossible" moves ?

This is where it gets really fascinating for can have "weird" physics going on, but the
ships can STILL be subject to the normal newtonian physics of Orbiter.

This is the WHOLE POINT of a do things that don't exist in reality....but based on
known rules that DO keep real spaceships up.

Well...I know.... dll's , porgrammers...coding...headache! Find a coder ?

Nice models BTW....nice and simple...kinda metallic looking :-)


« Last Edit: 29 December 2006, 05:45:29 by DJ Barney »

Offline Katahu

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Reply #15 - 29 December 2006, 05:45:29
I try my best to keep my imagination from wondering too far. For example, when I presented the idea of time dilation
for the Bratica I knew I had to be careful on how it was initially presented and used in the story. Sometimes, it gets a
little hard for me to avoid letting my mind wonder too far. :pfff:

« Last Edit: 29 December 2006, 05:45:29 by Katahu »
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