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Author Topic: Why I have no stars ?  (Read 1846 times)

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  • Guest
31 July 2005, 17:04:10
Hey guys :)

I think I have a problem.

Why I have no stars ???

As I install the new nvidia driver, I can´t see more the stars.

The Orbiter is updated too.

Can you help me ?
Sorry for my bad englisch. ;)

Offline StarLost

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Reply #1 - 31 July 2005, 22:14:21
This has been reported before, almost always with the new nVidia drivers. Usually, you have to back the new driver out and go
back to the old driver.

Also, you might want to check and make sure DirectX is working properly. Run dxdiag.exe from Run command line. Take a look at
the resolution your monitor is running at. At high resolution, the stars are dim to begin with, and since each star is a
single pixel ...  you might want to lower your resolution, just to try.

Anyone have anything else to add?


  • Guest
Reply #2 - 07 August 2005, 04:27:26
I run a 1280x1024 and my stars are jsut fine! ^.^


  • Guest
Reply #3 - 14 August 2005, 14:45:25
hmmm....... i have the same problem.
but my resolution run at 1024 x 768 (32 bit )  and 75 Hz
If I take a lower resolution, the problem is still there.

Can anybody help ?

( I don´t  to want change to a older nvidia driver. ;)  )

Offline StarLost

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Reply #4 - 15 August 2005, 07:27:51
Ok, I did a search for you of the Orbiter Forums over on M6 and found two other possibilities. Make sure on your graphics
card that antialiasing is disabled. Each star is a single pixel and antialiasing will "blur out" the stars. Also, check you
DirectX 3d configuration. You may have to play with Texel settings.

Other than that the previous advice holds. This seems to be a known issue with the latest nVidis drivers. If the new ones
don't provide satisfaction, why stay with them?

« Last Edit: 15 August 2005, 07:27:51 by StarLost »