Hello everyone. I am a newbee in the purrest sense, and just like a true newbee I have jumped in and gone straight
for a ship design :-). I have read through several tutorials and have been doing ok until it came to getting a semi
transparrent dome to work. I can either get a transpatent dome but no texture or a domw with the texture on it.
everything I have read says that the texture should have the transapentcy level of the surface. Any help would be
greatly apreciated.
BTW. the ship is of course the Valley Forge from the movie Silent Running. The dome loks great in the editor it even
looks pretty good with the non transparent dome (yellow with the triangular cross bracing for support) but I would
like to see it in Orbiter with gardens visible through the dome.
Can't wait to learn about setting up the engines and stuff.......