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Author Topic: The discovery of the year.....  (Read 2275 times)

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Offline WindRider

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09 April 2005, 16:56:29
So, one evening I was browsing the www instead of doing any work and I'd been reading a little too much sci-fi (especially
Iain Banks) lately.

Soooo, I thought "wouldnt it be good if there were a free spaceflight simulator available for download somewhere?" so....


You can guess what came up....

Anyway, after 4 days of solid messing around in the DG and a little in the Shuttle I though, "wouldn't it be great if there
were loads of addons available for this, like there are for Flightsim? And wouldnt it be great if there was a whole community that had sprung up around this sim?"

Dear God, I never would have believed it!

Anyway, after finally managing what seems to be the 'basic proficiency' of getting into orbit, docking with the ISS and
getting back down again without getting frazzled/shot out into space/smashed to bits I decided I should start talking to
people instead of just lurking

So, here's to Orbiter!


and the end of any hopes of me getting a first for this damn degree.


Post Edited ( 04-09-05 16:57 )


Offline MadMike

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Reply #1 - 09 April 2005, 18:27:36
Welcome to the club Windrider
Its early days yet and it gets better as you go and go and go..........

Offline Atom

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Reply #2 - 09 April 2005, 18:29:43
Ah, have you tried the DGIII yet? That's when you'll really start to love it.

Intel Pentium 4 630 3Ghz|1024mb 400mhz DDR RAM|ASUS P5P800-VM|Nvidia GeForce 6200 256mb|Creative Sound Blaster Pro Value!|Windows XP SP2

Offline WindRider

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Reply #3 - 09 April 2005, 19:32:37
Atom wrote:
Ah, have you tried the DGIII yet? That's when you'll really start to love it.

Yeah, fired it up a couple of days ago. Then went back to the shuttle, which after the DGIII felt like I was running the sim
on o.1x every time I tried to carry out a manoeuvre! I think the DGIII may have spoilt me ;) Ah well, I prefer the power
anyway, shame current technology, er, sucks. I have been reading the OSN thread for about the last 2 hours, trying to keep
track of that - I'm supposed to be meeting someone down the pub in an hour and a half, but I'm not sure if I can be arsed now.

Hmm, actually.....


Offline She_Da_Lier

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Reply #4 - 09 April 2005, 19:45:40
Hi, and welcome to orbitanauts anonimous ;)


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Offline freespace2dotcom

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Reply #5 - 09 April 2005, 21:37:53
Well, orbiter was indeed the discovery of the year LAST year for me, but one can't have the same discovery twce, ;)

Offline StarLost

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Reply #6 - 10 April 2005, 03:14:02
She_Da_Lier wrote:
Hi, and welcome to orbitanauts anonimous ;)

Hi, my name is StarLost, and I have my four year chit.  This is an addiction that you will never recover from.

Welcome to the land of the lost.

(So much for the rest of the twelve step program.)

« Last Edit: 10 April 2005, 03:14:02 by StarLost »