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Author Topic: [BETA GOLD] Universal MMu 1.0 + SDK Release  (Read 13474 times)

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Offline JoshB

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Reply #25 - 17 April 2007, 05:26:28
Dan, I played with the UMmu beta a little bit and found a few bugs or maybe just questionable behaviors ;) but I don't have
time to write it up right now.  I will write it up tomorrow though, but just wanted you to know I have a few things I'm
looking into.  

Offline Heywood

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Reply #26 - 17 April 2007, 22:36:53
Dan for ever!  :up:
Thanks, Dan.  :applause:


Offline streb2001

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Reply #27 - 18 April 2007, 01:00:19
May want to add this link to the UMMU docs:

Explains how to set up the compiler for general use, not just for Orbiter.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #28 - 18 April 2007, 01:09:29
great, will add it to doc...



Offline melinda

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Reply #29 - 18 April 2007, 02:52:55
the link didnt work it crashed the website to the desktop:badlink:

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Offline JoshB

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Reply #30 - 18 April 2007, 03:10:37
Ok, here's my results for just play testing it (not coding against it yet.)

Very cool, I like all the features and whatnot.

A few minor problems when walking around during ground operations:


Problem 1: Dead UMmu with no turbopack is still propelled and has engine sounds.

1) Start the UMmu and turbopack demo scenario.
2) Focused on the UMmu, press 'D' to engage hover, then press NUMPAD-2 several times quickly to achieve at least 10-20 m/s
set point.  Pitch up dangerously so you end up heading back towards the ground (with hover still running).
3) UMmu will hit the ground and die, the turbopack falls off, but the UMmu itself will still have a hover engine sound AND
will still fly across the ground as if powered until the turbopack (also flying around with hover engine) runs out of fuel.

This also occurs with regular hover (no autopilot) but it is harder to recreate as lower thrust levels will not overcome

Actually, alternate path:
2) Hold CTRL-NUMPAD-+ until full forward throttle.  You'll start accelerating across the ground at zero altitude.
3) For a brief moment, increase hover so you lift a few meters off the ground, then kill the hover so you fall to the ground
and die.
4) Somewhat humorously, you'll fall backwards, but the forward engine will lift you off the ground and you'll fly around a bit.

Expected behavior: When the turbopack engine is on and UMmu dies (and the turbopack falls off), the UMmu is not accelerated
as if the engine was still attached.  Same idea for not playing engine sounds from the dead UMmu.


Problem 2: Can't pick up dead UMmu or turbopack from ground with hands.

1) Start a scenario with two UMmus and one turbopack in it.  Use the turbopack and kill UMmu #1.  (See problem 1 for steps. ;))
2) Move UMmu #2 to the turbopack and attempt to grapple with hands.  Grapple fails, as you can't get close enough (0.85m > 0.5m)
3) Move UMmu #2 to UMmu #1 and attempt to grapple with hands.  Grapple fails, as you can't get close enough (0.73m > 0.5m)

Note: I can mount both objects onto my back with no problem.

Expected behavior: Be able to pick up things from the ground with hands, including dead bodies and turbopacks.


Problem 3: Hover autopilot keys are same as pitch keys.

1) Start the UMmu and turbopack demo scenario.
2) Press 'D' to engage hover autopilot.  Press NUMPAD-2 or NUMPAD-8 to change the vertical rate set point. Notice that those
keys also cause pitching (or vertical translation in RCS translate mode.)
3) Attempt to fly forward or backward controlled using the NUMPAD.  Note that each pitching command causes the hover setpoint
to change, making it extremely difficult to fly right.

Note: Not everyone flys with a joystick, so keyboard NUMPAD keys are critical for controlling the UMmu.  In addition, even if
using a joystick, pressing NUMPAD-2 or NUMPAD-8 will cause unintended pitching.

Expected behavior: Hover autopilot control keys would be different keys than keyboard RCS control keys.  


Problem 4: Demo scenario says "Stephan Plesk aged -1 has entered into our ship."

1) Start the UMmu and turbopack demo scenario.
2) Move to the Shuttle PB and press 'E' to enter the ship.
3) Take note of the message "Stephan Plesk aged -1 has entered into our ship."

Note this could be a bug in UMmu or in the UMmuShuttlePB, I have not examined the code.

Expected behavior: Age should represent actual age of 27 rather than impossible age of -1.

Post Edited ( 04-18-07 04:47 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #31 - 18 April 2007, 04:41:38
#1 #2 and #4 solved, number 3 will stay like that. Controlling a Ummu hovering by keyboard is almost impossible or
at least very unpleasant.

Much thanks for excellent testing, you are what I call an excellent tester !!!
Please can you check in next release that all problems are gone ?

had some hard time to figure the #4 ;)



Offline JoshB

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Reply #32 - 18 April 2007, 04:47:20

I edited the UMmu documentation for spelling, grammar, etc.  Can you PM me the best way to send the edited text to you?  I
can send you a word doc, or a pdf file.

Also can you please reconsider #3 (hover autopilot buttons)?  I understand that a joystick is probably easier than keyboard,
but I and probably many others almost always play on the keyboard.  Overlapping these buttons makes it completely impossible
to use the jetpack w/ autopilot, verses it just being harder than the joystick.  After playing with keyboard for a little
bit, it is very easy to control.  It's just a habit thing.

Considering UMmu may be the core of many add-ons, I would consider these keyboard assignments as very critical.  Please
reconsider, don't lock out people who don't use or have access to joysticks.

P.S. Yes, I'll retest these problems in the next release.  If you have any other problems reported from others I can check those if you can send me the repro steps.  Thanks!

Post Edited ( 04-18-07 04:48 )

Offline DanSteph

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Reply #33 - 18 April 2007, 05:01:18
Arhhh .... :damn:

Okay you have them ;) ... insert and delete on the cursor keypad
(Now I wonder how many docs and scenario I'll need to change about those key...)

At one time during this night I had four MSVC++ open with four
project differents all linked with a specific build order.
A big headeach.

I hope I'm not introducing more bugs than solving... we'll see that
in next release..

Thanks anyway for your help, Great job !


Offline JoshB

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Reply #34 - 18 April 2007, 05:10:01
Hooray! Thanks!  :) :gift:

Great job to yourself, too!  

I was thinking that a good add-on for someone to attempt (if I don't do it first, but I have other projects on my plate) is a
UMmu MFD.  Yes, yes, I know it is cheating and not a realistic MFD, but an MFD using the UMmu SDK might open up all the older
vessels for UMmu as well.  That'd be cool.

Offline n122vu

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Reply #35 - 18 April 2007, 05:14:05
JoshB wrote:
A few minor problems when walking around during ground operations:

I was able to reproduce problems 1 and 2 as mentioned.  Did notice that in both instances, the UMmu's acceleration
could be halted by cutting the engines (* key).  

As far as the controls of the UMmu during ground operations, I do agree that the autopilot set controls need to be
different from the pitch controls if possible.  (Dan I know this came up before during one of the discussions about the
DGIV reentry autopilot, but in this case it does seem to cause a conflict, since pitch control is the primary means of
controlling speed and direction during "ground-based" operations)

Aside from problems 1 and 2 detailed by JoshB, I have yet to uncover any major bugs with the UMmu Gold Beta.  

Most recent mission:

1) Launched DGIV from Cape Canaveral with Fuel container as payload, engaged PRO903SPEC90 and inserted into
2) Plotted HTO to Moon
3) Engaged Main Engines for Dv burn to achieve orbital intersection with Moon (Hohmann transfer).  
4) Once optimal Dv was added, prepared for EVA
    a)emptied airlock
    b)opened nosecone and outer door
    c)selected mission specialist and began EVA
5) Opened cargo bay door and left turbopack door
6) Manuevered UMmu in front of turbopack door and rotated to align back with turbopack
7) Released turbopack from DGIV, grappled with UMmu (back)
8 )Positioned UMmu over container in cargo bay using turbopack
9) Released Fuel container from DGIV (0.00 m/s release speed)
10) Grappled container with UMmu hand (G)
11) Maneuvered Fuel container to align with DGIV nose/dock
12) Released Fuel container from UMmu, successfully docking it to DGIV nose.
13) Checked lower panel in DGIV and confirmed positive fuel pressure
14) Opened Fuel valve, selected Main
15) After Main fuel tank was filled, selected RCS
16) Main and RCS fuel tanks full, closed fuel valve
17) Selected Fuel container as input-controlled vessel and undocked using Ctrl-D
      a)This was done so that the "recoil" from undocking would be primarily experienced by the fuel container rather
than the DGIV to eliminate adding relative velocity betweeen the DGIV and the UMmu
18 )Grappled Fuel container with UMmu (G)
19) Maneuvered Fuel container back to cargo bay and released
20) Grappled container into cargo bay of DGIV
21) Maneuvered UMmu to left turbopack door and released turbopack
22) Grappled left turbopack into DGIV
23) Maneuvered UMmu to nose of DGIV and reentered ship
24) Once UMmu safely inside (Safety First!), closed cargo bay door and left turbopack door
25) Continued journey to Moon
26) Inserted into LLO, aligning plane with Brighton Beach base while at a far distance from Moon
27) Successfully landed on Brighton Beach pad 4 using VOR/VTOL HUD as reference

I found that the idea of using the docking autopilot to connect the DGIV to the containers sounded impractical, so I
did not even attempt it.  Instead I used the UMmu to maneuver the container into position, which I feel was more
realistic (and a heck of a lot more fun!)  Worked flawlessly!

Again, I have personally discovered no bugs thus far.  


Post Edited ( 04-18-07 05:19 )

Offline n122vu

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Reply #36 - 18 April 2007, 05:16:23
Looks like you have solved a few of the issues even as I was typing..... :)  Man, you work fast!

Keep it up Dan!  You're the best.


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #37 - 18 April 2007, 06:24:25
Many thanks Brian, brillant tests also !

I'll post soon a "diamond beta" :) with all Ummu corrections (see DGIV BETA 8 thread )
(will release the diamond after my sleep, 6am here, I'm fried)

Best regards


Offline DanSteph

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Reply #38 - 24 April 2007, 03:14:31
Corrected also a lot of stuff, and added some function like "setCrewPulse" to the SDK this allow you to kill your crew
in case of crash , heating, oxygen or whatewer (demo in example code)

All this will be released in the "UMmu diamond beta" Soon (after BETA 9 of DGIV wich I expect will be the one before
the gold)


« Last Edit: 24 April 2007, 03:14:31 by DanSteph »